


Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the large body of water that separates North America and South America from Europe.

2,449 Questions

Can you In theory build an island on the great meteor seamount?

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Building an island on the Great Meteor Seamount may be theoretically possible by constructing artificial structures on its surface. However, environmental impact assessments, legal considerations, and engineering challenges would need to be carefully evaluated before any construction takes place. Additionally, any construction may need approval from relevant authorities like maritime or environmental agencies.

Where the Atlantic ocean is situated on equator?

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The Atlantic Ocean is located both north and south of the equator, but it is widest near the equator at around the middle part of the ocean. The equator runs through the ocean near countries like Brazil, Gabon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Do tsunamis in the Atlantic Ocean come to New Jersey?

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While tsunamis are possible in the Atlantic Ocean, they are not common in the region of New Jersey. The likelihood of a tsunami hitting a specific area is dependent on factors such as the location of fault lines and undersea geology, which are not as conducive to tsunami generation in the Atlantic along the New Jersey coast compared to regions like the Pacific Ocean.

What are the northernmost states in the us along the Atlantic ocean coastline and the pacific ocean coastline?

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The northernmost state along the Atlantic Ocean coastline is Maine. The northernmost state along the Pacific Ocean coastline is Washington.

Does a trench or a ridge curves down the middle of the Atlantic ocean basin?

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Yes, a large trench known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean basin. This underwater mountain range is where tectonic plates are moving apart, causing new oceanic crust to form in the process.

Is The Atlantic ocean between San Francisco and Sydney?

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The Atlantic ocean spans the areas between the eastern coastlines of North and South America and the western coasts of Europe and Africa. However, the Pacific ocean spans the areas between the western coastlines of North and South America and eastern Australia and Asia, which means the Pacific (not the Atlantic) Ocean is between San Francisco and Sydney.

Is most of the dissolved salts in the oceans come from human activities?

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Asked by Danii2

No, most of the dissolved salts in the oceans come from natural processes such as weathering of rocks and volcanic activity. Human activities do contribute some salts to the oceans, primarily through industrial and agricultural runoff, but they are not the primary source.

What did mid Atlantic colonies specialization in?

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The mid-Atlantic colonies specialized in diverse industries, including agriculture, trade, and manufacturing. They produced a variety of crops such as wheat, corn, and tobacco, and were known for their ports and trading networks that facilitated the exchange of goods. Additionally, the presence of skilled artisans and craftsmen contributed to a growing manufacturing sector in the region.

Why are there so many earthquakes on the west coast of California?

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The west coast of California is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, where several tectonic plates converge. This geological activity leads to a high level of seismic activity in the region, resulting in numerous earthquakes. Additionally, the presence of the San Andreas Fault, a major fault line running through California, further contributes to the frequency of earthquakes in the area.

How does the gulf stream keep regions warm?

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The Gulf Stream keeps regions warm by transferring heat from the tropics to higher latitudes. As the warm water travels north, it releases heat into the atmosphere, warming the air above it. This warm air then influences the climate of the surrounding regions, keeping them relatively mild in temperature.

Which US state has the longest coastline on the Atlantic oceanandWhat is the capital of this state?

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Of Florida's total 1350 miles of coastline, approximately 580 miles of it are on the Atlantic Ocean.

The capital of Florida is F.

No, not really. Actually, the capital of Florida is Tallahassee.

Which winds steer hurricanes that form in the Atlantic ocean toward Florida?

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Hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean are steered by a combination of the trade winds, westerly winds in the mid-latitudes, and the Bermuda High pressure system. These winds help direct the path of the hurricane towards the western Atlantic, increasing the likelihood of impacting Florida.

What is the name of the 1st tropical storm in the atlantic and caribbean in the year 2003?

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The first tropical storm in the Atlantic and Caribbean in 2003 was Ana. It formed on April 21 and dissipated on April 24.

What is the first retired hurricane of Atlantic Ocean?

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Hurricane names are retired by the World Meteorological Organization when a storm is particularly deadly or costly. The first retired Atlantic hurricane name was Carol, which occurred in 1954.

Could a hurricane form over the northern Atlantic off the eastern coast of Canada?

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Yes, hurricanes can form in the northern Atlantic off the eastern coast of Canada, particularly during late summer and early fall when sea surface temperatures are warm enough to support their development. However, they are less common in this region compared to the tropical Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

How many meters does the Happisburgh coast erode each year?

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The Happisburgh coast in the UK erodes at an average rate of about 1 to 2 meters per year. This erosion is primarily due to a combination of natural processes and climate change impacts.

How are tsunami waves in the Atlantic Ocean likely to be generated?

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Tsunamis in the Atlantic Ocean can be generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. The most common cause is underwater earthquakes along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or the Caribbean plate boundary. Ultimately, the displacement of a large volume of water triggers the formation of tsunami waves.

How many states border the Atlantic Ocean?

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Fourteen states in the United States border the Atlantic Ocean: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

How does the gulf in Florida connect with the Pacific ocean?

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The Gulf of Mexico is connected to the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal in Central America. Ships can travel from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean by passing through the canal, which provides a shortcut between the two bodies of water.

Is there herbivores in the Atlantic Ocean?

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Yes, there are herbivores in the Atlantic Ocean. Some examples include sea turtles, manatees, and parrotfish. These animals primarily eat plant material such as algae, seagrass, and plankton.

How much of the world is made up of ocean water?

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Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean water.

The Atlantic ocean is growing by a few cm each year. Explain this phenomenon using plate tectonic theory?

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The Atlantic Ocean is growing due to seafloor spreading, a process driven by plate tectonics. As tectonic plates move away from each other at mid-ocean ridges, magma rises to fill the gap, creating new oceanic crust. This continuous process leads to the widening of the ocean basin and results in the Atlantic Ocean expanding by a few centimeters each year.

Does the equator run through the Atlantic Ocean?

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Yes, the equator does run through the Atlantic Ocean. It is the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, passing through the Atlantic Ocean just north of the equatorial islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.

What are Atlantic coastal plain natural resources?

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The Atlantic coastal plain is rich in natural resources such as petroleum, natural gas, sand, clay, and timber. These resources support industries like oil drilling, agriculture, and forestry, contributing to the economy of the region.

What is a warm current from the Atlantic Ocean?

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The Gulf Stream is a warm current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico into the North Atlantic Ocean. It helps to moderate temperatures in the regions it flows through and has a significant impact on weather patterns.