


Explorers and Expeditions

From the beginning of time man has never been satisfied to stay in one place. Forever curious, individuals and groups have set out on new and wondrous voyages throughout history. Their stories and information can be found here.

22,510 Questions

Using your eyes as you explore?

When exploring, keep your eyes open and scan your surroundings for any potential dangers or interesting sights. Use your peripheral vision to remain aware of your surroundings while focusing on what's directly in front of you. Remember to take breaks and rest your eyes to prevent eye strain and fatigue.

What explorer discover that the world is round?

Christopher Columbus is often credited with proving that the world is round during his famous voyage in 1492, although the concept of a round Earth was already known in ancient times by scholars like Pythagoras and Aristotle. Columbus's journey, which he thought would lead him to Asia but instead led him to the Americas, helped to further confirm the spherical shape of the Earth.

Did Lewis and clark have babies?

Meriwether would be a lifelong bachelor and therefore did not marry nor have any children. William Clark however would marry twice and have several children. With his first wife, Julia Hancock, Clark had five children. They were Meriwether Lewis Clark, Sr., William Preston Clark, Mary Margaret Clark, George Rogers Hancock Clark and John Julius Clark. After his first wife's death he remarried her first cousin, Harriet Kennerly Radford. With her Clark had 3 kids: Jefferson Kearny Clark, Edmund Clark, and Harriet Clark. That is all the children he had ever had.

How does a ships gyroscope work?

A ship's gyroscope works by utilizing the principle of angular momentum to maintain stability and orientation. It consists of a spinning wheel that resists changes in its orientation, helping the ship stay level and on course despite external forces like wind and waves. As the ship moves, the gyroscope's spinning wheel remains fixed in space, providing a stable reference point for navigation.

This house believes that you should continue exploring Mars?

Continuing to explore Mars is essential for scientific advancement, as it could provide insight into the planet's past habitability and potential for life. Furthermore, learning more about Mars could help us gain a better understanding of our own planet and pave the way for future human exploration. Investing in Mars exploration also promotes innovation and technological development that can benefit society as a whole.

What goods did john Hawkins discovered?

John Hawkins was an English naval commander and slave trader. He is known for discovering new trade routes and engaging in the slave trade in the 16th century. Hawkins is credited with introducing various goods to England from Africa and the Americas, such as sugar, tobacco, and spices.

Who created the first compass?

The first compass was created in ancient China during the Han Dynasty, around the 2nd century BC. It was invented by the Chinese Han dynasty government official and inventor, Ma Jun. The compass was initially used for divination before it was later adapted for navigational purposes.

Do mainstream astronomers recognize the existence of Nibiru?

No, mainstream astronomers do not recognize the existence of Nibiru. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of such a planet, and claims about Nibiru are considered to be pseudoscience.

The astrolabe is a pre-curser to what modern device?

The astrolabe is a precursor to the modern sextant, which is used for celestial navigation at sea. Both instruments are designed to determine the altitude of celestial bodies above the horizon.

How tall was William clark?

William Clark was about 6 feet tall, which was considered quite tall for his time period.

Did Amerigo Vespucci travel by ship?

Amerigo Vespucci traveled by ship. Although he had claimed to be the captain of many ships, records show he only performed as a navigator. Following his death, many historians questioned the validity of his claims of discovering America.

Was there any increase in Marco polo's scientific knowledge?

Yes, Marco Polo was exposed to various scientific advancements and knowledge during his travels along the Silk Road, including advancements in astronomy, mathematics, geography, and medicine. Polo's accounts of his travels included descriptions of innovative technologies and scientific discoveries in the regions he visited.

How long was Yuri gagarins space flight?

Yuri Gagarin's space flight on April 12, 1961, lasted approximately 108 minutes. He completed one orbit around the Earth onboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft before safely returning.

What are the Voyagers?

The Voyager spacecrafts are two space probes launched by NASA in 1977 to explore the outer planets of our solar system. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have provided valuable data and images of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and continue to travel beyond our solar system into interstellar space.

Why would Sir Edmund Hillary want to climb Everest?

Sir Edmund Hillary wanted to climb Everest primarily for the challenge and adventure of conquering the world's tallest mountain. Additionally, he was motivated by his passion for mountaineering and exploration. Hillary also saw the expedition as an opportunity to push the limits of human achievement and bring honor to his country, New Zealand.

Who is the first person to discover crystals?

There is no specific individual credited with the "discovery" of crystals as they have been known to humans since ancient times. Different civilizations around the world have used and revered crystals for their beauty and believed properties for thousands of years.

What constellations did the European explorers use to navigate?

European explorers used various constellations to navigate, depending on their location. Some of the common constellations they used included the North Star (Polaris) in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Cross in the Southern Hemisphere. These constellations helped them determine their direction and position while at sea.

Did Amerigo Vespucci travel with Christopher Clumbus?

No, Amerigo Vespucci did not travel with Christopher Columbus. Vespucci made voyages to the Americas after Columbus's initial voyages. He is known for recognizing that the lands Columbus explored were part of a new continent, which was later named after him - America.

What is the purpose of voyager 1 and 2?

Voyager 1 and 2 were launched by NASA to study the outer planets of our solar system. Their primary mission was to gather data and images of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Both spacecraft have continued traveling beyond the solar system to study interstellar space.

Who reached the top of Mount Everest first Edmund Hillary or Norgay Tenzing?

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest together on May 29, 1953. Both are credited with being the first to successfully ascend to the highest point on Earth.

What was the name of Meriwether Lewis' dog?

Meriwether Lewis' dog was named Seaman. Seaman accompanied Lewis on the Lewis and Clark Expedition from 1804 to 1806.

What was Amerigo Vespucci legacy?

Amerigo Vespucci's legacy includes having the continents of North and South America named after him due to his popularization of the idea that the lands Columbus explored were part of a new continent. He also contributed to early exploration and mapping of the American continents.

Why did Amerigo Vespucci judge Christopher Columbus?

Amerigo Vespucci did not judge Christopher Columbus. While both were explorers during the Age of Discovery, Vespucci is known for being the first to suggest that the newly discovered lands were part of a separate continent, which later led to the continent being named after him (America). Columbus and Vespucci did not serve on the same exploratory missions.