

Henry the Navigator

Better known as Prince Henry the Navigator, this Portuguese prince was responsible for funding the explorations of the African coast in the 1400s. He was also the founder of the University of Lisbon. Many famous explorers sailed under his flag including Vasco Da Gama. His endeavors are in this category.

279 Questions

Did prince Henry the navigator travel?

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Prince Henry himself did not travel far from Portugal but he was an instrumental figure in early European exploration of the seas. He organized/funded many naval expeditions along the African coast. His explorers "rediscovered" much of the Atlantic coast of Africa and Islands that were earlier visited by the Carthaginian explorer Hanno the Navigator nearly 2000 years earlier (circa 500 BC). His explorers travelled as far as what is now Sierra Leone and landed on many islands including the Azores and the Cape Verde Achapegalo. This layed the frame work for the Portuguese Maritime Empire, circumnavigation of Africa and expansion into India in the last decade 15th century.

What are quotes by prince Henry the navigator?

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Asked by Wiki User

hahahhahahhah you wont find the answer here . this is a waste of time.hahahh you thought the answer will be here.hahahhah

Why was prince henery called henery the navigator?

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He is famous for sponsoring voyages of exploration to Asia & Portuguese explorers were the first to sail to Africa's Gambia river because of prince Henry.

It seems he never navigated

What are some of the bad things Prince Henry the navigator did?

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if their main religon wasn't christianity he would treat them violently because he belived everyone should be Christian

How did Prince Henry's view on slavery change?

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Not that I have ever read. He had the school for navigation and was more interested in maps than slaves.

Did prince Henry the navigator live in different cities?

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The previous answer was innapropriate but since i dont know the actual answer im hoping somone can help out. Sorry:(

The significance of Prince Henry the Navigator is that he?

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sent men across the west coast of Africa to find faster trade routes.

Was Prince Henry called the navigator?

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No. Henry the Navigator was a Portuguese Prince.

How was Prince Henry the navigator early life?

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well he was a prince so i would think any thing that a a good prince would have in comman

Did Henry the navigator have any quotes?

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Asked by Kkk47

Not to anyone's particular knowledge. His existence was so long ago and his role in history was so insignificant no one quoted him.

What does the navigator do on ships?

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A navigator is the person who is responsible for position tracking and navigation of a map in a traveling party.

What regions were explored under Prince Henry the Navigator?

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With Henry's support, Portuguese explorers travelled down the west coast of Africa. But they did not reach the Cape of Good Hope until 1498, 38 years after Henry's death.

How did Prince Henry change the course of Portugal s history?

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He contributed to the society because he showed that traveling by ship would be possible because Portugal wanted to find an all water route to Asia without using the silk road.

How many ships did Prince Henry the navigator have?

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did janszoon have any children and a wife

How did Henry the navigator influence exploration?

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Asked by Wiki User

He launched the first great Europeans voyages of exploration.