


WW2 Allied Powers

The allied forces throughout the world that banded together to fight the axis powers in World War 2.

1,956 Questions

What takes place during post-training?

During post-training, several important processes occur such as muscle repair and growth, replenishment of energy stores, consolidation of newly acquired skills and knowledge, and adaptation of the body to the stress of the training session. This phase is crucial for optimizing performance and maximizing the benefits of the training session.

Who are Panama's allies?

Panama has strong alliances with countries in the Americas, such as the United States, Canada, and countries in the Caribbean. It is also a member of international organizations like the United Nations, Organization of American States, and World Trade Organization, which serve as platforms for diplomatic cooperation with various countries worldwide.

How many islands are there in Alaska?

There is said to be around three million, however, there are only 3,137 officially named natural lakes in Alaska.

What was added to the purpl heart because of many injuries?

The Purple Heart was amended in 1942 to allow for those wounded or killed as a result of enemy action to receive the medal. This change expanded the eligibility criteria beyond those wounded in combat to include those injured or killed through hostile acts by an enemy.

When did the world begin?

There is no certain date to say that the world had begun on such a time. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out the age of the sun correctly let alone the world. There are speculations though, regarding the age of various heavenly bodies. The Big Bang is believed to be the beginning of the universe. The Big Bang Theory states that in the beginning there was nothing and from this nothingness a reaction ocurred that gave way to a tremendous explosion. The age of the universe is calculated to be between 13-16 billions of years. This age has been arrived to by estimating the time elapsed after the Big Bang. also, many people believe that the World was created by an ulitimate creator (God). This is usually known as creation, or itellegent design

What world leaders made up the Big Three during World War 2?

The Big Three during World War II were Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, and Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom. They led the Allied powers in strategic decision-making during the war.

How did propaganda help keep German people under control?

Propaganda in Nazi Germany was used to manipulate public opinion, promote Nazi ideology, and demonize targeted groups such as Jews. By controlling the information and shaping public perception, the Nazi regime was able to maintain control over the German population through fear, indoctrination, and censorship. Propaganda also fostered a sense of unity and loyalty among the German people to the regime and its leadership.

Where is most tungsten mined in the U.S.?

Most tungsten in the U.S. is mined in California. The majority of the tungsten production in the U.S. comes from the Panamint Mountains in California.

What was a weakness of the agreements made at the conclusion of world war 1?

One weakness of the agreements made at the conclusion of World War I, such as the Treaty of Versailles, was the imposition of heavy reparations on Germany. These reparations placed a significant economic burden on Germany and contributed to the country's economic instability, which in turn helped create the conditions for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II.

What does Tec 5 3175th Signal Svc Co mean?

Tec 5 refers to a Technician 5th Grade, which was a rank in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War. 3175th Signal Service Company indicates the specific unit to which the individual belonged.

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How do you know if you have special powers?

If you have special powers, you may notice unusual abilities or experiences that set you apart from others, such as heightened intuition, psychic abilities, or control over elements. These powers often manifest during times of strong emotion or intuition. Seek guidance from mentors, explore your abilities through practice, and trust your instincts to better understand your unique gifts.

Who are Argentinas allies?

from what i have researched so far Argentina doesn't have any allies

What were the Allied plans for the postwar world?

The Allied plans for the postwar world included the creation of international organizations like the United Nations to promote peace and cooperation among nations. They also sought to establish democratic governments and protect human rights. Additionally, they aimed to rebuild war-torn countries and prevent future conflict through economic stability and cooperation.

What island did the Allies conquer that led the Italian government to negotiate peace?


Sicily and Sardinia are both part of Italy. The Allies invaded Sicily in Julyu 1943 first and began having a difficult time holding them back even with support of German units. The citizens had had enough of war and losses of their fathers and sons. Italy did not want War to come to their soil and to their precious cultural cities. War on their on soil convinced them to ask for terms of surrender.

The Allies would not allow the Italians to become allies with them. They demanded surrender. While this was discussed and some ideas of landing American paratroopers in Rome to protect their government, the fighting in Sicily continued until the end of August.

After the fall of Sicily, the British 8th Army landed troops on the 'toe' of Italy and the US 5th Army embarked for a landing site further north. Italy finally announced their surrender on 8 September, the day before the invasion force landed at Salerno.

How were prisoners tortured during The Bataan Death March?

During the Bataan Death March, prisoners of war were subjected to various forms of torture. This included brutal physical abuse such as beatings, bayonet attacks, and even shootings. They were also deprived of food, water, and rest, leading to immense suffering and death. Additionally, the prisoners were forced to march long distances under extreme conditions, further exacerbating their physical and mental torment.

Why didnt russia become Americas allies in 1949?

Well...Its a hard to explain answer. But mainly the Soviets and Americans both had nuclear weapons. And neither side trusted each other mainly off the sight of each others government. The Americans being a Democracy and the Soviets being Communist. This led to the Cold War. It really was a war of trust and politics since a shot was never fired by either side.

'By failing to resist aggression in the 1930s the League of Nations made Hitler's work easy' How fair is this judgment on the actions of the League in the 1930s?

first answer: It is very true. If the League of Nations had taken action like it was supposed to, threatening violent countries like Germany by stopping trade or attacking them back, then Germany would've been unable to expand and ceize land that was not theirs. But it is also true that we shouldn't blame the League of Nations for everything. Many people had already believed that Germany had been treated too poorly in the Treaty of Versailles, and thought that it was fair for Germany to get a bit more land back. Hitler also used a great deal of trickery. He told world leaders that he merely wanted to get a bit more land to help Germany a little, and didn't intend to go to a world war. He also had many promises he broke, such as promising to not attack Austria. When Hitler had wanted to capture Czechoslovakia, he didn't just rush in and attack, as Czechoslovakia was supposedly protected by France and Russia. Hitler invited the leader of France over, and told him that he wished to capture a small portion of Czechoslovakia, and that he would stop capturing land entirely. France promptly agreed, and a part of Czechoslavakia, Sudetenland, was given to Germany. Hitler promptly broke his promise of stopping his conquest for land, and captured the rest of Czechoslavakia. At this point the countries realized that Hitler was not to be trusted, but Hitler had already gained popularity with his citizens, and was gaining momentum. So though it was true that the League of Nations should have stepped in and stopped Hitler from capturing land, it is also true that Hitler had decieved a great deal of them, and managed to capture land with little force.

second more correct answer: Although much of the first answer is correct, the League of Nations had no enforcement powers, no army, no navy, etc. The League could establish moral, ethical or international legal thresh holds for actions. However it required individual nations to take action against the aggression. Britain & France were unwilling in 1936-1938 to risk war with Germany to try to prevent Hitler's aggression.

Bloody battle in Belgium?

The Battle of Waterloo, just south of Brussels, took place on June 18th, 1815.

Napoleon of France, with an army of 69,000 faced the English Duke of Wellington with one of 67,000.

The battle took place all day and was decided in favour of the Allies (British, Prussians, Dutch) when the Prussian army of 48,000 men arrived.

Napoleon lost 25,000 men killed or wounded and had 6,000 taken prisoner.

Wellington lost 15,000 men killed or wounded. The Prussians lost 7,000 men killed or wounded.

Napoleon surrended after the battle and the French monarchy was restored.

I really don't think that is right. it doesn't fit into my crossword puzzle

What weapons did the Allies use in World War 2?




Submachine Guns

Machine Guns

Anti-Tank Weapons


Was Spain part of the axis?

Officially No. Spain was neutral in World War 2.

Unofficially however, Spain kept friendly relations with both Germany and Italy as ideological allies.

It was rumored that both nations attempted to get Spain to join them but were turned down.

Who are Tanzania's allies?

Russia,cuba,south africa,china,iran,brazil,sadac