

Italy in WW2

Here you'll find questions and answers pertaining to the people, battles, and historical events related to Italy and the Italian Army during World War 2, including the Italian military campaigns in Africa beginning in 1935.

1,268 Questions

What part of the natural world is explained by when grizzlies walked upright?

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The theory that grizzlies once walked upright is not rooted in scientific evidence. This concept is likely a myth or folklore rather than a factual explanation of any part of the natural world.

How do the shadows on the Moon's surface change as the moon moves from a crescent moon to a full moon?

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As the Moon moves from a crescent phase to a full moon, the shadows on its surface will decrease in length. This is because the angle of the Sun's light hitting the Moon changes, with the light becoming more direct as the Moon approaches the full moon phase. Thus, there will be less shadow cast on the lunar surface during a full moon compared to a crescent moon.

What three main culture groups settled in Italy?

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The three main culture groups that settled in Italy were the Latins, the Greeks, and the Etruscans. These groups played a significant role in shaping the early civilization and culture of Italy.

What is the Hottest place in Italy?

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The hottest place in Italy is typically Sicily, particularly in cities such as Catania and Palermo. These areas experience high temperatures during the summer months, with temperatures often exceeding 40°C (104°F) due to their southern location and proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.

Italian unification was advanced in 1866 by the annexation of?

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Veneto, through the Treaty of Prague after the Austro-Prussian War, and of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1860-1861 by Giuseppe Garibaldi's Expedition of the Thousand.

Who is Frank annunziata?

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There is limited information available about Frank Annunziata. If you have a specific context or additional details, I may be able to provide more relevant information.

Why are books so important to the Songhai Empire?

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Books were important to the Songhai Empire because they played a crucial role in the cultural and intellectual development of the empire. They helped preserve and disseminate knowledge, including religious texts, legal codes, and historical accounts. Books were also used for educational purposes and to train scholars and bureaucrats who played key roles in the empire's administration.

Which country is well known for pizza and pasta?

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Italy is well known for its pizza and pasta. It is the birthplace of these popular dishes and Italian cuisine is celebrated globally for its delicious and varied flavors.

Explain Mussolini's political and social views?

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Mussolini, the leader of fascist Italy, believed in a totalitarian state where the government had complete control over all aspects of society. He advocated for a strong central authority, suppression of political opposition, and the glorification of violence and aggression. Mussolini also focused on nationalist and imperialistic policies, seeking to restore Italy to its former glory and expand its territories.

What is Italy's country of origin?

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What do you mean? Italy is a country!

After the unification of Italy what happened to the southern part of the country?

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After the unification of Italy, the southern part of the country it remained rural and poor.

What are Italy all about?

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Italy is a country located on the Italian Peninsula on in Southern Europe. Italy shares its northern, Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. To the east and the west, it is bordered by the Adriatic Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea respectively.

What part of the boot of Italy was the last to get railroads?

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The heal

(I think he means the "heel" or the southern end of the Italian penisular.)

How long did Italy's invasion of Ethiopia last?

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Italy's invasion of Ethiopia (then called Abyssinia) began in October 1935 and lasted until May 1936 when the country was fully conquered by Italian forces. This took place before World War 2, though it is WW2 which eventually wrested control of East Africa from the Italians. Look up the Second Italo-Abyssinian War for more information.

In Italy what is the most popular game?

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The most popular hobbie is soccer which is called football in Italy.

What happend in Italy when Italy surrendered?

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When Italy surrendered the Germans took over,the allied forces continued fighting in Italy and bombing campaigns also continued.There is a lot of folk history regarding the Italian resistance,much of it enhanced ,the one thing true about the results of the war in Italy is that it involved the ousting of the monarchy,of Mussolini and the strong alliance between Italy as a communist state and the USSR.

Still today you find most towns in Italy twinned with ex communist areas of Europe and is one of the main reasons why Italy is not able to move forwards in the modern world as its unions are immersed in the old workers versus the employees mind-frame. restrictive work practice,low wages and overpaid,over powerful union representation have left Italy as a place to do business almost outside consideration. Add the position of its corruption,third in the world, and taxation highest in the world life in Italy does not look to bright today.

Is Italy a first 2nd or third world country?

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The northern part of Italy is considered 1st world, and the southern part 3rd world.

Who was the king of Italy in 1940?

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Victor Emmanuel III was born in Naples, Italy, in 1869, the son of King Umberto I, Italy's second reigning monarch. Victor Emmanuel III came to the throne when his father was assassinated at Monza in 1900. He was so small that he was nicknamed the 'dwarf' by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Following the overthrow of Benito Mussolini in July 1943, King Victor Emmanuel handed over his constitutional functions to his son. Victor Emmanuel III withdrew from private life and died in exile in Egypt in 1947. The King's son was made Lieutenant General of the Realm but he left Italy for safety in Egypt. After the war, he returned and was crowned King Umberto II in 1946. A few weeks later a referendum was held to decide the fate of the monarchy. The ballot was in favor of a Republic. The monarchy formally ended on June 12, 1946--- King Umberto II was king for only 33 days.