

Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini was the prime minister in Italy and leader of the National Fascist Party, and is considered as one of the most important creators of Fascism. He also led Italy into World War 2 on Germany and the Nazi's side, and has had a huge impact on Italy and its history.

727 Questions

What was Mussolini's early ideology that was later opposed?

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Mussolini originally adhered to socialism and was a prominent member of the Italian Socialist Party. However, he later broke away from socialist ideals and formed his own political ideology known as fascism. This ideology emphasized authoritarian rule, nationalism, and the complete subordination of individual interests to the state.

Why is Benito Mussolini?

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Benito Mussolini is famous for being a fascist dictator in Italy during World War II. Beniito Mussolini is known for making deals with Adolf Hitler during his reign.

Why did Mussolini invade abyssinia?

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1. Italy lacked a large colonial empire.

2. Under the Treaty of Versailles, Italy was granted little land.

3. Italian economy was not in a good shape, A Colonial War would distract attention from this.

4. Abyssinia could be a useful market for Italian goods and was a good place to settle Italy's surplus population.

5. Above all, Mussolini glorified War, some suggest he wanted revenge for the defeat of 1896.

6. Basically Italy wanted to be a strong empire, like the roman empire

What part did Mussolini and Italy play in world war 2?

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Italy was part of the axis forces in World War 2. In World War 1 Italy and it's colonies were part of the Allies forces.

Why did Mussolini lose power in Italy in 1943?

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The reason he lost power was because the country was tired of fighting wars and loosing their men. The Allies were advancing closer to Italy and the people did not want their land and historical culture destroyed by war. The mechanism by which he lost power was that his government voted him out of office. Mussolini was sick and depressed from the war and he did not have the power to fight them. The Pope called him in for a personal visit and urged Mussolini to accept the vote and resign. He was placed under house arrest until Hitler sent some an elite team of commandos to rescue him. He then became a puppet head of a powerless Fascist government that was subserviant to the German commanders. Breed "New Tech"

What did Benito Mussolini do to become dictator of Italy?

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He was elected, but immediately began to take away people’s rights and enforce a dictatorship. He copied and followed Hitler.

How did Benito Mussolini come to power in Italy?

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One thing Benito Mussolini did was outlaw political parties.

Why was fascist totalitarian rule in Italy under Mussolini popular?

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possibly because Europe has long history, and thus has been able to explore many political paths, some more successful than others. same goes for aisa and Africa. the only continent really excluded is north America and that's because it was only relatively recently that it has been densly colonised with humans.

if however you are more concered with relatively more recent phenomenia, you may want to look at each individuals reasoning (and you have plenty of indivuals, as its plainly so alluring) for their political, and ask yourself, is it really so hard to find politicians who agree with that viewpoint in non-European contries.

Is Il Duces prayer from the Bible?

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I don't think any of it is from the bible, although there is some vengefull language in the old testament, most of it is spoken by God himself. So where there is any resembleance between the prayer and a bible verse it is most always going to be because of the words spoken by God. Also, in the movie the brothers say to Rocco, "That's a family prayer...that's our $hit."

Why did Benito Mussolini invade Africa?

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glory and power.

true but it was mostly because his country was a new one and he wanted his people to faith in the government and be very encouraged to join the army, and fight well, when the inevitable WWII started.

What are the similarities and differences between Jospeh Stalin Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussilini?

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They were all great, but terrible men. They killed millions of people, but were brilliant. Adolf Hitler was one of the greatest military minds of all time and an amazingly charismatic speaker. He was able to gain support from millions of people just by taking advantage of the fact that people were desperate. But, he brought the German people out of the great depression much faster than roosevelt could in America because he was smart and used the strengthening of the military to create jobs for people. Stalin, instead used rapid industrializatrion and communism to ensure people had jobs and made his country stronger. Both Mussolini and Hitler felt a need for expansion and their people experienced the loss of personal freedoms. They would make that sure anyone who spoke out against them ended up dead and Hitler even had thousands of books burned because he didnt want his people reading them.

What does Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini have in common?

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what they have in common is is that they were all dictators in one place or another Hitler was responsible of the deaths of 6 million Jews Stalin in my case was the good guy and Mussolini he was just a dictator !

Who did Mussolini trust?

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it was Hitler, Francisco Franco,Otto Skorzeny,Ida Dalser. wife is Donna Rachele Mussolini

How did Mussolini ensure that people obeyed his government?

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Through fear. Much like Hitler and Stalin did. (Joseph Stalin). Once his (Mussolini) 'allies' helped him seize power, he converted the italian government to a state of Facism like Hitler. Ran through fear and racism. Unlike the German people, Mussolini's people knew a lot more in detail about what he was doing to their country.

When did Mussolini stop ruling Italy?

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That is a good question. Why would this powerful dictator agree to surrender his position upon request of a small group of his Cabinet and the King??

Reading a biography on Mussolini, you learn he had problems with (a) his health and (b) he also had bouts of depression. I think these two problems made him see the futility of trying to lead a country in war.

However, once he was rescued by the Germans, they seemed to have talked him into returning to a position of leader for the Fascist groups.