


International Government

International government includes the way that governments organize themselves, internally and externally. Ask questions here about the government, history, organization, office holders and traditions of nations not covered elsewhere in the site, relations between states and systems of international governance like the United Nations.

3,765 Questions

Is the composition of glucose fixed or variable?

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The composition of glucose is fixed, with a chemical formula of C6H12O6. This means that glucose will always contain 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms in a specific arrangement.

What are those islands that the Philippines claiming for?

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Asked by Crazy4dada

The Philippines has ongoing territorial disputes over Scarborough Shoal, Spratly Islands, and Sabah. These territories are claimed by other countries, including China and Malaysia.

What are the functions of the Chief Justice in Kenya?

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The Chief Justice in Kenya is responsible for the overall administration of the judiciary, including assigning judges to specific roles, presiding over important court cases, and representing the judiciary in interactions with other branches of government. They also play a key role in safeguarding the independence of the judiciary and upholding the rule of law in the country.

List of monarchial countries in the world?

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Some monarchial countries in the world include the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Spain, Sweden, and Thailand. Each of these countries has a monarch as its head of state, with varying degrees of political power and influence.

How can a country become more economically developed?

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A country can become more economically developed by implementing policies that promote industrialization, investing in infrastructure, improving education and healthcare systems, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and promoting trade and foreign investments. It is important to create a stable economic environment that encourages growth and development while also addressing income inequality and poverty.

Where is the Rann of Klutch?

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One of the popular events that are organized in Gujarat and are a major crowd-puller from across the country and the world is the Rann Utsav. This is regarded as a celebration of life, culture, and the festivities of Kutch. The entire event is spread across 4 months which sees a riot of colors spread over the barren lands. The entire event offers an experience of diverse traditions as well as the taste of the generous hospitality of the people from Kutch. The beautiful White Desert welcomes one and all and the sight of a full moon night during the entire period can be breathtaking.

Cell theory states what?

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Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of structure and function in organisms. Additionally, cells come from pre-existing cells through the process of cell division.

How do you use inqualities?

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Inequalities are used to compare two expressions that are not equal. To solve inequalities, follow the same rules as equations (e.g. add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides by the same number), but remember to reverse the inequality sign if you multiply or divide by a negative number. Graph the solution on a number line to represent the possible values that satisfy the inequality.

Why is Kenya's parliament referred to as August House?

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Kenya's parliament is referred to as the August House because it is a symbol of authority, power, and prestige. The term "August" is typically used to convey a sense of reverence and importance, highlighting the significance of the institution and those who serve within it.

Is Iran a monarchy country?

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No: It is an Islamic Republic. Absolutely not! It was for a while until the last Shah was deposed by the Ayatollah Khomeni, but now it would claim to be a democracy, with an elected President, but the real power lies with the unelected clerics behind the scenes.

What is the importance of evolutionary theory?

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Evolutionary theory explains how organisms have adapted to their environments over time through the process of natural selection. It helps us understand the diversity of life on Earth and how species have evolved and changed over millions of years. This theory is crucial for fields such as biology, ecology, and medicine.

What is enlargement?

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Enlargement refers to the process of making something larger in size, scale, or extent. It can refer to physical objects, such as photographs or printed documents, as well as abstract concepts like markets or geographic boundaries.

What does 'cap and trade' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cap and trade is touted as a method of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on:

* capping the amount of GHGs that a plant can emit (in total tonnes/yr) with a declining permitted amount over the following years. * emissions in excess of the permitted amount cost the firm a fee (say $10/tonne) Assume the company can either pay the fine or put in pollution control equipment which would remove GHGs at a cost of more than $10/tonne.

What is supposed to happen next is that another firm which will be below its permitted emission rate will step up and sell the "hole" for $8/tonne, making money for themselves and saving the first company $2/tonne. Alternately if the first company can put in a GHG control system at the second company for less than one at their own plant site they will do that and claim the reduction for themselves.

What I have seen happen is that, since this activity looks more like commodity trading than pollution control, the company's trading staff get involved instead of the environmentalists and engineers. You soon have a futures' market in GHGs - big bucks to be made by all.

Except the purpose of the program is to reduce GHGs not play with them. Furthermore all nations need to "play" to make the system work. China and India for their own economic interests, especially in the current worldwide collapse, have indicated they will not participate. This directly increases their economic competitiveness relative to any nation that participates in this system and will cause migration of jobs and production to non cap-and-trade nations. In addition the costs of administrating and monitoring this international bureaucracy would have to be substantial and would be unwieldy.

How many counties are in Maryland?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 24 counties in Maryland.

Which is the best Journalism school in Kenya?

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The best journalism school in Kenya is subjective and can vary based on individual priorities and goals. Some of the top schools that offer journalism programs in Kenya include the University of Nairobi, Daystar University, and the United States International University (USIU). It's important to research each school's curriculum, faculty, facilities, and industry connections to determine the best fit for your interests and career aspirations.

What careers make 100000?

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Some careers that have the potential to earn $100,000 or more include software developers, physicians, engineers, data scientists, and sales managers. Salaries can vary based on experience, location, and industry.

How long has Agenda 21 been going on?

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Agenda 21 was adopted by 178 governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a non-binding action plan for sustainable development that encourages international cooperation to address environmental and social challenges.

What happens if the governor does not sign a bill during his time period?

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If the governor does not sign a bill within the allotted time period, it can become law without their signature, depending on the specific rules of the state. This is known as a "pocket veto" or "passive approval."

What is the type of government in Cairo Egypt?

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Cairo, Egypt is governed by a unitary republic with a president as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government. The political system is based on a multi-party system with a unicameral legislature known as the House of Representatives.

What color are diplomatic passports?

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Diplomatic passports are typically red in color, although the shade may vary depending on the country issuing the passport. The red color is internationally recognized as the standard color for diplomatic passports.

What do you call dominance or leadership by one state or social group?

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Hegemony is the term used to describe dominance or leadership by one state or social group over others. It involves maintaining power and influence through various means, including diplomacy, coercion, and cultural influence.

The major goal of radical religious and cultural terrorist groups is the destruction of?

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The major goal of radical religious and cultural terrorist groups is the destruction of perceived enemies or opposition that stands in the way of their ideological beliefs. This can include individuals, institutions, governments, or societal norms that do not align with their extremist views. The ultimate aim is to create fear, chaos, and instability in society to further their agenda.

What is the seating chart for EU parliament?

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The seating chart for the EU Parliament is arranged by political groups, not by country. Members of the Parliament sit with their political group, which may include representatives from different EU countries who share similar political ideologies.

Demographics what does it mean?

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Demographics refer to statistical data that describes a population, such as age, gender, income, education level, and geographic location. This information is used by businesses, governments, and organizations to understand and target specific groups of people for various purposes.

Who are the Dominican Republic's Allies?

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The Dominican Republic maintains close relations with the United States, which is a key ally. It is also a member of several regional organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Central American Integration System (SICA), which help foster cooperation with neighboring countries.