

United Nations

Founded in 1945 after the second world war, the United Nations is the police of the world. Their goals include international security, social progress, equality in human rights, and world peace.

1,740 Questions

Did the UN vote for Israel as a nation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The question as posed is rather convoluted. I want to say "YES" to the "essence" of the question, i.e. the UN did take a vote integral to Israel becoming a country, but I have to say "NO" since the UN did not actually vote Israel into existence.

The UN voted (affirmatively) on the legitimacy of the Jews of Palestine declaring independence as a state distinct from the more numerous Arabs of Palestine. This vote legitimized the Israeli Declaration of Independence, but did not cause it.

Most people incorrectly believe when the UN passed UNGA Resolution 181 (II) on November 29, 1947, that the UN "created" a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Palestine) on the map. This is not the case. What the UN Resolution does provide for is the permission for the different ethno-religious groups in Mandatory Palestine to declare a state. In the case of most mandates, the understanding was that the mandate would eventually become independent as one new state, like Iraq or Syria had. The case of Palestine was therefore unique and needed the permission to deviate from the traditional path of independence. Because of there being two states, provisional borders had to be provided, which is why a map was used, but those borders would only come into play if both sides decided to remain at peace.

The Jews acted on the permission granted to them by UN Resolution 181 by declaring independence on May 14, 1948 (nearly six months after the Resolution was passed) and therefore creating the State of Israel.

Where is telephone country code 888?

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Asked by Wiki User

Country code +888 (dialed as 00 888 from many places) is used for major international disaster relief operations, coordinated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA). These numbers are temporary, and may be reused in a future relief effort.

(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

Why was the framework convention on climate change created by the united nations-?

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Asked by DT7026932

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was created to bring countries together to address the growing concern of global climate change. It aims to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous human interference with the climate system. The UNFCCC provides a framework for international cooperation and negotiations on climate action.

Has the IPCC been wrong before?

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Asked by Climategate

The IPCC has made some errors in the past, such as overestimating the rate of glacier melt in the Himalayas in a 2007 report. However, these mistakes do not undermine the overall credibility of the organization, as the IPCC's reports are based on rigorous scientific research and are subject to thorough review processes to ensure accuracy.

What scandals has the IPCC been part of?

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Asked by Wiki User

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has faced controversies related to errors in its assessment reports, including a high-profile mistake in the 2007 report relating to the melting of Himalayan glaciers. Additionally, leaked emails in 2009 led to accusations of bias and misconduct among some IPCC scientists, although subsequent investigations did not find evidence of scientific misconduct.

How do imperial nations rule other countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Imperial nations rule other countries through a variety of methods, including colonization, military occupation, indirect control through puppet governments or client states, economic dominance, and cultural assimilation. These strategies ensure the imperial nation's political, economic, and cultural influence is maintained, often for the purpose of extracting resources, expanding territory, asserting dominance, or pursuing geopolitical objectives. These methods can be enforced through military intervention, political alliances, economic coercion, and the imposition of their legal systems and cultural norms upon the subjugated nation.

What is the difference between the United Kingdom and the United Nations?

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Asked by Wiki User

The United Kingdom is a country made up of four nations (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) located in Europe. The United Nations is an international organization composed of 193 member states with the goal of promoting peace, security, and cooperation among countries worldwide.

In the context of the United Nations what is an observer state?

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Asked by Peak7000

An observer state is a non-member state or entity that has been granted observer status at the United Nations. Observer states can participate in General Assembly sessions and activities, but they do not have voting rights. This status allows these entities to engage in UN discussions and processes without being full UN members.

How close have been the predictions of the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC?

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Asked by Wiki User

The IPCC's predictions have been broadly accurate, showing a pattern of increasing global temperatures and impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events. However, recent studies suggest that some projections may have underestimated the pace of climate change, particularly regarding ice melt and sea level rise.

How does the world bank help developing countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

The World Bank helps developing countries by providing financial assistance in the form of loans and grants to support projects aimed at reducing poverty, promoting economic development, and improving infrastructure. Additionally, the World Bank offers technical expertise, policy advice, and capacity-building support to help countries implement sustainable development policies and programs.

Are there any regulations that are recognized globally?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are certain regulations that are globally recognized, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations for shipping.

The united nations has been most successful in what?

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Asked by Wiki User

The United Nations has been most successful in promoting international cooperation and peacekeeping efforts among member states. It has also played a significant role in providing humanitarian aid and support to countries in need. Additionally, the UN has been instrumental in setting global standards and goals for sustainable development.

Why is the United Nations successful?

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Asked by Wiki User

The United Nations is successful because it provides a platform for countries to address global issues through diplomacy, cooperation, and dialogue. Its structure allows for member states to work together on complex challenges such as peacekeeping, human rights, and sustainable development. Additionally, the UN has a broad mandate and a strong commitment to promoting international peace and security.

What do people talk about at the United Nations?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the United Nations, people talk about a wide range of global issues, including peace and security, human rights, sustainable development, climate change, and international cooperation. They discuss ways to address conflicts, promote peacekeeping efforts, advocate for human rights, implement sustainable development goals, and negotiate multilateral agreements on various issues that affect countries around the world. The discussions can involve diplomatic negotiations, policy debates, and sharing experiences and best practices.

Why are all terrorists Muslims?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a stereotype and not accurate. Terrorism is not exclusive to any one religion. There have been terrorists from various religious backgrounds, ideologies, and movements. It is important to avoid perpetuating harmful and misleading generalizations.

Where is the UN located?

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Asked by Wiki User

The headquarters of the United Nations (UN) is located in New York City, United States.

Do rich nations have an obligation to help poor nations economically?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many people argue that rich nations have a moral responsibility to help poor nations economically due to global interdependence and historical factors. However, this is a complex issue with considerations related to efficiency, sustainability, and potential unintended consequences. Ultimately, the decision to provide economic assistance to poor nations is influenced by a combination of ethical, political, and practical considerations.

How is CEDAW different from International Human Rights?

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Asked by Wiki User

CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) is a specific international treaty aimed at eliminating discrimination against women. International human rights encompass a broader set of rights that apply to all individuals regardless of gender or any other characteristic, such as the right to life, freedom from torture, and freedom of speech. CEDAW is part of international human rights law but focuses specifically on women's rights.

What is the meaning of professional societies and activities in civic public or international affairs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Professional societies in civic, public, or international affairs are organizations that bring together individuals working in a specific field to share knowledge, best practices, and network. Engaging in activities within these societies can provide opportunities for professional development, collaboration on projects, and advocacy for relevant issues within the respective sector. Members often benefit from staying informed about current trends, research, and policies that impact their field.

Professional societies and activities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Professional societies are organizations that bring together individuals in a specific field or industry to network, share knowledge, and collaborate on research or projects. Activities within professional societies can include conferences, workshops, webinars, publications, and networking events. Joining a professional society can provide valuable opportunities for professional development and advancing one's career.

What professional societies and activities in civil or international affairs would be included on a list?

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Asked by Wiki User

Professional societies and activities in civil or international affairs that could be included on a list are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the United Nations Association (UNA), the World Affairs Council (WAC), and participation in Model United Nations (MUN) conferences. These organizations provide networking opportunities, educational programs, and forums for discussing global issues and promoting international cooperation.

What is the importance of Peacekeeping operations is to poor nations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peacekeeping operations in poor nations help to maintain stability and security, which are crucial for economic development and poverty reduction. They can also help to prevent conflicts and violence, thereby protecting vulnerable populations and promoting social cohesion. Additionally, peacekeeping operations can create a conducive environment for humanitarian assistance and development projects to be implemented effectively.

What is the difference between accession and ratification of a treaty?

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Asked by Wiki User

Accession is when a country agrees to be bound by a treaty that it did not initially take part in negotiating, while ratification is the formal approval by a country's legislative body of a treaty that it has already signed. In essence, accession is the process of joining a treaty after it has been negotiated, while ratification is the formal approval process after a country has signed the treaty.

List professional traded business or civic activities and office held?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Trade Association Membership: Member of the Chamber of Commerce for five years.
  2. Civic Participation: Volunteering at local charity events in the community for three years.
  3. Business Networking Events: Attended multiple industry conferences and networking events to build professional relationships.
  4. Office Held: Served as the Treasurer for a local nonprofit organization for two years.

What was the term coined by anthropologist Gregory Bateson which describes a communications paradox?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term is "double bind." It refers to a situation where a person receives conflicting messages, making it impossible to respond in a way that is deemed as appropriate. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and feeling trapped.