

Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial is a monument to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. The memorial was completed in 1917 and is located in Washington, D.C.

328 Questions

How do you take a picture of the Lincoln memorial in fallout 3?

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To the best of my knowledge you can't use the cameras in the game, but are mainly used to create custom weapons.

What two memorials are found to the Lincoln Memorial?

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Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

What river is the Lincoln Memorial located along?

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The Lincoln Memorial is located in Washington DC, the US Capital. It is in West Potomac Park. The Potomac River is behind the Memorial.

Does the Lincoln Memorial appear on the back of a US 5 dollar bill?

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Yes, in fact, the bill has a caption under the picture that identifies it.

Is the Lincoln memorial a national landmark?

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The Lincoln Memorial was made a national memorial in 1911.

Why do you have a Lincoln Memorial?

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We have a Lincoln memorial to honor our 16 th president who led us through the civil war and the war for the freedom of the slaves

What is the distance from Arlington Cemetery to Lincoln Memorial?

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The distance from Arlington National Cemetery to Lincoln Memorial is approximately 3 minutes. Getting there requires driving over the Arlington Memorial Bridge.

Who carved the statue of Lincoln?

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The Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial shows the President in a meditation pose sitting on a large armchair. The statue was made by Daniel Chester French . It was sculpted by members of the Piccirilli family.

What do the columns represent on the Lincoln memorial?

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The number of states that were in the union at the time of Lincoln's death. (In total there are 36)

Why is Abraham Lincoln sitting at the Lincoln Memorial?

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I don't know if this is the real reason or not, but Abraham Lincoln was very tall. Maybe they didn't want to make a statue that would be in the scale they chose, but would show how tall he was. ---- The main influence on the style of the Lincoln Memorial was the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece. The focus of the memorial is Daniel Chester Frence's sculpture of Lincoln, seated on a throne. French studied many of Mathew Brady's photographs of Lincoln and depicted the President as worn and pensive, gazing eastwards down the Reflecting Pool toward the capital's starkest emblem of the Union, the Washington Monument. Beneath his hands, the Roman fasces, symbols of the authority of the Republic, are sculpted in relief on the seat. The statue stands 19 feet 9 inches (6 m) tall and 19 feet (6 m) wide, and was carved from 28 blocks of white Georgia marble. source:

Who is the sculptor of the Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial?

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Daniel Chester French designed the statue and the Piccirilli Brothers sculpted the final product with refinements added by French.

Which speech in the Lincoln Memorial has a misspelled word?

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In Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, an engraver inadvertently carved the letter “E” where he meant to carve an “F" in the word "future." This was corrected by filling in a portion of the carving to revert it to an "F."

Where is The Lincoln Memorial located?

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The Lincoln Memorial is located in Washington D.C. On the western end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., The Lincoln Memorial is across from The Washington Monument. The Lincoln Memorial features a giant replica of Lincoln, seated.

What do the 36 columns in the Lincoln memorial mean?

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each column represents one state of the union at the time of lincoln's death

Why are Alaska and Hawaii not on the Lincoln Memorial?

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They are....the US flag has 50 stars representing the 50 states of the union.

Do you capitalize Lincoln memorial?

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The word "Lincoln" is a proper name and is thus always capitalized. If a word is part of the name of a structure, then it is also capitalized. Thus, Empire State Building, Chicago Art Museum, Washington Monument, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

However, if a word is NOT part of the name of a structure, it is NOT capitalized. Thus, "a building within the Empire State," "a museum of art in Chicago," "a monument to George Washington," and "a memorial to Vietnam veterans."

Where is the location of Lincoln memorial?

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The Lincoln memorial is located in Washington D.C. It is in the west end of the National Mall.

Where in the bushes under the Lincoln Memorial on a five dollar bill is the number 172?

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The 172, 173 or 175 as some people claim it to be can be found on the bottom left. At the bottom it say FIVE DOLLARS, look just above the F. the 2 in 172 is just above the green triangle in the F that separates the two horizontal lines in an F. The 7 is just left of that and in my opinion is the easiest to see. It is a mere optical illusion where your mind is associating the shape of the leaves with familiar shapes. The 172 does not mean anything, It is not a conspiracy, and in fact it does not exist, except in your mind trying to find order in chaos.

Can you take pictures at the Lincoln Memorial?

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Yes, you can take pictures. I have a photo of my uncle's headstone there. He fought in the Spanish American war.

Why is the Lincoln Memorial important to our country?

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Because he was honest.