


Apartments and Home Rentals

Renting is a more flexible living situation than buying a house, allowing tenants to pay a monthly fee (rent) in exchange for a place to live. People can rent houses, apartments, even rooms. Ask questions about renting here.

2,995 Questions

Can a disabled person be evicted?

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Morally and legally it is wrong to evict a disabled tenant. If they do attempt to it is considered an illegal eviction. Unless rent has not been paid then that is another story. If your building manager has a gripe about disabled people then that is time you file a discrimination suit against them! Do not let the bigots win! Each state has different laws and do not let anyone take advantage! I am not a lawyer but I know my rights as a human being!

How long ago did the continents break apart?

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The continents started breaking apart around 200 million years ago during the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. This process continued over millions of years, leading to the formation of the continents as we know them today.

What is the average cost of electric bill for a four bedroom apartment?

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The average cost of an electric bill for a four bedroom apartment can vary greatly depending on location, season, and energy usage habits. However, a rough estimate would be between $100 to $200 per month.

Atoms breaking down or breaking apart?

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Atoms breaking down typically refers to radioactive decay, where an atomic nucleus spontaneously transforms into a different nucleus along with the emission of particles or energy. Atoms breaking apart may refer to nuclear fission, where a heavy nucleus splits into smaller nuclei when bombarded with particles, releasing energy and more particles. Both processes involve changes in the structure and composition of the atom.

What is the typical electric bill for a 1 bedroom apartment in Cleveland?

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The average electric bill for a 1-bedroom apartment in Cleveland is around $60 to $80 per month. However, this can vary depending on your electricity usage, the efficiency of your appliances, and the season.

In Chemistry what does ns Stand for?

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In chemistry, "ns" typically stands for the principal quantum number for electrons in the outermost electron shell of an atom. It helps to define the energy levels and spatial distribution of electrons within an atom.

Do moulds and toadstools break down their food?

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Yes, molds and toadstools break down their food by secreting enzymes that break down organic matter into simpler compounds that they can absorb as nutrients. This process is known as extracellular digestion and allows them to obtain energy for growth and reproduction.

What kingdom is a pin mold?

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A pin mold belongs to the kingdom Fungi. This kingdom includes organisms such as molds, yeasts, and mushrooms that obtain nutrients by decomposing organic matter.

Can you legally withhold the rent in Texas due to landlord not maintaining property such as 2 broken windows since hurricane Ike almost 3 months ago?

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In Texas, tenants are not allowed to withhold rent for repairs without following specific legal procedures, even if the landlord has not maintained the property. Tenants should first request repairs in writing, give the landlord a reasonable amount of time to address the issues, and if necessary, take legal action through the court system to resolve disputes. Failure to pay rent can result in eviction.

What is a mo fossil?

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There is no specific fossil known as a "mo fossil." Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms. If you are referring to specific type of fossil or a fossil with the prefix "mo," please provide more context for a detailed answer.

What are the categories of risks in leasing?

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The categories of risks in leasing typically include credit risk (default by lessee), residual value risk (value of asset at end of lease term), operational risk (maintenance and usage), legal and regulatory risk, and market risk (fluctuations in asset value). Each of these risks can impact the financial health and success of the lessor.

What is the average cost of electricity bill for a one bedroom apartment in Houston?

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The average cost of electricity for a one-bedroom apartment in Houston can range from $75 to $150 per month, depending on the size of the apartment, energy usage, and provider rates. It is recommended to contact local utility companies for more specific pricing information.

What is the typical monthly electricity bill for a UK 2 bed flat without gas?

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The average monthly electricity bill for a 2-bedroom flat in the UK without gas heating can range from £30 to £60, depending on factors like usage, efficiency of appliances, and insulation. It can be higher during colder months due to increased heating and lighting needs.

When you move from a place are you refuned last months rent?

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Whether you are refunded your last month's rent will depend on the terms of your rental agreement and the laws in your jurisdiction. In some cases, the last month's rent can be applied towards your final month of occupancy. If there are no damages or outstanding payments, you may be entitled to a refund of the remaining amount. It is important to review your lease agreement and discuss the matter with your landlord or property manager.

What are the safest places to live in the bay area?

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Some of the safest places to live in the Bay Area include towns like Hillsborough, Los Altos Hills, and Orinda. These areas typically have low crime rates, good schools, and a strong sense of community. It's always a good idea to research specific neighborhoods within these towns to find the best fit for your needs.

What is the average rent in Texas?

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The average rent in Texas varies by location, with major cities like Austin and Dallas typically having higher rental prices compared to smaller towns. Generally, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Texas can range from $800 to $1,500 per month, while a two-bedroom apartment can range from $1,000 to $2,000 per month.

How long does it normally take for you to be notified if you got an apartment?

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The notification time can vary depending on the landlord or property management company. Generally, you can expect to be notified within a few days to a week after submitting your rental application. If it takes longer than that, it's a good idea to follow up with the landlord or property manager for an update.

How do you spot a slumlord?

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You can spot a slumlord by looking for signs of neglect in their properties, such as poor maintenance, safety hazards, and unsanitary conditions. Slumlords often prioritize profits over the well-being of their tenants and fail to address issues promptly or adequately. Additionally, frequent turnover of tenants and a history of complaints or violations can indicate a slumlord.

How to check the status of rent rebate?

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sea otters hold hands so they don't float apart

Craigslist apartments or realestate for rent?

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looking for apartments to rent and houses in toledop Oregon

What low income nations are found in which world region?

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Low income nations can be found across various world regions, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and parts of Latin America. Some examples of low income nations include countries like Ethiopia and Burundi in Africa, Nepal and Bangladesh in South Asia, and Haiti in Latin America.

What do you call someone who rents an apartment?

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A person who rents an apartment is commonly referred to as a tenant or a renter.

Where in Lawrence ks can you rent if your a felon?

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It may be challenging to rent in Lawrence, KS as a felon since many landlords conduct background checks. However, you may have better luck with individual landlords or smaller property management companies who may be more willing to work with your situation. It's important to be transparent about your background and provide character references to demonstrate your reliability.

Can you sue someone if co signed for them an apartment?

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Yes, you may have the option to sue the person you co-signed for if they fail to pay rent or damages owed on the apartment. However, read the co-signing agreement carefully to understand your legal rights and obligations before taking any legal actions. Consulting with a lawyer would be advisable in this situation.

What was the average rent in 1981?

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The average rent in 1981 varied depending on location, size, and type of property. However, on average, a one-bedroom apartment in the United States in 1981 could range from $200 to $400 per month.