


401k and 403b Plans

Tax-deferred savings plans. In the case of Roth 401(k) plans, withdrawals are tax-free whereas contributions to standard 401(k) plans are pre-tax and profits are taxable at the time of withdrawal.

938 Questions

What does it mean by 401k GPS?

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401k GPS typically refers to a retirement planning tool or service that helps individuals navigate their 401(k) investment options in order to achieve their financial goals. It may offer personalized advice, asset allocation strategies, and guidance on retirement savings.

Can you withdraw from 401k at age 62?

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Yes, you can start withdrawing from your 401(k) penalty-free at age 59 1/2. However, if you withdraw from your 401(k) at age 62, you may still have to pay income tax on the withdrawal amount, depending on your tax bracket.

What does the average 55 year old have in 401k?

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As of 2019, the average 401(k) balance for those aged 55-64 was around $187,000. However, individual savings can vary widely based on factors such as income level, contribution rate, and investment performance. It's important for individuals to regularly assess their retirement savings to ensure they are on track to meet their financial goals.

Will you be taxed on withdrawl from your 401k at age 65?

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Yes, withdrawals from a 401k are taxed as ordinary income. The tax treatment will depend on your total income in retirement and current tax laws.

What is a good age to start saving for a 401 k retirement plan?

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It is recommended to start saving for a 401(k) retirement plan as early as possible, ideally in your 20s or early 30s. The power of compounding over time can significantly increase your retirement savings. Starting early also allows you to take advantage of employer matching contributions and maximize the growth potential of your investments.

An eligible employee over age 55 could expect to contribute what maximum amount for his or her 401K limit 2013?

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For the year 2013, the maximum contribution limit for a 401(k) account for employees over the age of 50 was $23,000. This consisted of the standard contribution limit for that year ($17,500) plus an additional catch-up contribution limit of $5,500 for individuals aged 50 and over.

What age must a person begin receiving their Roth 401 k payments?

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A person can begin receiving Roth 401(k) payments penalty-free at age 59½, but they are required to start taking distributions by age 72.

Are you penalized if you withdraw your 401K after age 64?

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You can start withdrawing from your 401(k) penalty-free at age 59 1/2. However, if you withdraw before age 59 1/2, you may be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty in addition to income tax. After age 64, you can generally withdraw from your 401(k) without penalty.

Will the contributions to a 401K count towards your earned income if you choose to retire at age 62?

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No, contributions to a 401k do not count as earned income when you retire at age 62, as they are considered pre-tax deductions from your paycheck. When you retire and start withdrawing from your 401k, those withdrawals may be taxed as income.

Do you have to have a hardship to withdraw 401k after 59 and one half years old?

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No, you do not need to demonstrate a hardship to withdraw from your 401k after reaching 59 and a half years old. At this age, you are generally eligible to make penalty-free withdrawals from your 401k account, subject to any specific rules or restrictions imposed by your plan.

Can you continue to contribute to your 401k while still working after full retirement age and draw social security?

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Yes, you can continue to contribute to your 401(k) after reaching full retirement age as long as you are still working. You can also delay taking Social Security benefits to potentially increase your benefit amount in the future. Just keep in mind that once you reach a certain age, typically around 70-72, you must start taking required minimum distributions from your retirement accounts, including your 401(k).

Can you contribute to an IRA or 401k after age 70.5?

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Asked by Denmau

You can contribute to a Roth IRA after age 70.5 as long as you have earned income, but you cannot contribute to a traditional IRA after that age. For a 401(k) plan, it depends on the rules of the specific plan, but typically you can continue to contribute to it past age 70.5 as long as you are still working and the plan allows for it.

Can you start drawing your 401k at age 55?

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In general, you can start withdrawing from your 401(k) penalty-free at age 55 if you have retired or left your job. However, it's important to check with your plan administrator as specific rules may vary. Keep in mind that withdrawals will be subject to income tax.

Is it better to put money into a Roth IRA or a 401K if over 50 years old?

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It depends on your individual financial situation and goals. Generally, contributing to a Roth IRA can provide tax-free withdrawals in retirement, while a 401(k) offers immediate tax benefits but withdrawals are taxed later. Consider factors like current tax bracket, future tax expectations, and investment options available in both accounts. It may be beneficial to contribute to both accounts if possible.

Who does former trw employee call About their pension?

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Former TRW employees can contact Northrop Grumman, the current owner of TRW, regarding their pension-related inquiries. They may also need to reach out to the relevant pension administrators or HR department within the company for further assistance.

How much do most retirement age people have in 401k?

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The average amount saved in a 401(k) by those in their 60s is around $195,500. However, this amount can vary widely depending on factors such as income level, years of contributions, and investment choices. It's recommended to consult a financial advisor to determine an appropriate savings goal for retirement.

What year did catchup over 50 start in 401K plans?

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Catch-up contributions for 401(k) plans for individuals age 50 and over were introduced in 2002 as part of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA). This allowed older individuals to contribute additional funds to their retirement savings accounts to help boost their nest egg before retirement.

At what age do you have to collect from a 401k?

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70.5 in most cases. If your plan adopted Pension Simplification and the employee is 70.5 and still working then the mandatory distribution is pushed back to when they retire. If the person is not active with the company, then the person has to start their Minimum Required Distributions

What is the 2011 maximum 403b contribution for age 50 and over?

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For individuals aged 50 and over, the maximum 403(b) contribution limit for 2011 is $22,500.

Can you withdraw my total amount of 401K after age 68?

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Yes, you can begin withdrawing from your 401(k) penalty-free after age 59 1/2. However, if you wait until age 68 to withdraw, you may be subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) which are mandatory withdrawals starting at age 72. It's important to consult with a financial advisor to understand the tax implications and rules related to 401(k) withdrawals in retirement.

With draw money from 401k after age 60?

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You can start withdrawing money from your 401k penalty-free at age 59 1/2, although you may still need to pay income tax on the withdrawals. The full retirement age for penalty-free withdrawals is typically 59 1/2, but this may vary depending on your specific plan.

What age can you collect from your 401k plan?

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You can collect from a 401K at any age; however, there are withdrawal penalties as well as tax penalties until age 59-1/2. After 59-1/2 you will still have the penalty of it being taxable income, but the early withdrawal penalty goes away. the goal is to delay withdrawals until retirement when your taxable income normally drops somewhat, and even then withdrawal should be viewed closely to not exceed withdrawals that will negatively impact one from a taxable income standpoint.

How do draws from 401k affect Social Security benefits?

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Withdrawals from a 401(k) do not directly impact Social Security benefits. However, if you withdraw a significant amount from your 401(k) and it increases your overall income, it might subject a portion of your Social Security benefits to taxation.

Do you get taxed on 401k at 60 years old?

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Yes, withdrawals from a 401(k) are generally subject to income tax when taken at 60 years old. However, if the 401(k) funds were contributed on a pre-tax basis, the withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. If the funds were contributed on a post-tax basis (Roth 401(k)), they may be tax-free in retirement.

What is the average age to start a 401k?

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The average age to start a 401k is between 25 and 34. Starting early allows for more time to accumulate savings and take advantage of compound interest over the long term.