


Retirement Planning

Strategies of saving money in order to meet one's financial goals upon retiring. This can be through the use of 401(k), IRA and/or pension plans to name a few.

4,040 Questions

Social Security numbers that start with 166?

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Pennslyvania - Pittsburgh area

Is vitamin d 25-hydroxy payable by medicare?

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Medicare typically covers vitamin D 25-hydroxy testing when ordered by a healthcare provider to diagnose or monitor a medical condition like osteoporosis or malabsorption syndromes. It is important to check with your healthcare provider and Medicare plan to confirm coverage and any specific guidelines that may apply.

Timely filing for New York Medicaid?

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In New York, the timely filing limit for Medicaid is generally within 90 days from the date of service. It is important to submit claims promptly to ensure reimbursement. Claims filed after the timely filing limit may be denied for payment.

What is Medicare's Explanation of benefits called?

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How to request a MRN from medicare on dates of 5/16/2023 and 06/01/2023

Where Neurologist that takes Medicaid in NJ?

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You can search for neurologists that accept Medicaid in New Jersey by contacting the New Jersey Medicaid office or using their online provider directory. You can also contact local medical centers or hospitals that accept Medicaid for a list of neurologists who are part of their network.

Does medicare pay for tetnus vaccine cpt code 90703?

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Yes, Medicare typically covers the tetanus vaccine when administered for preventive purposes. The CPT code 90703 is often used for the tetanus vaccine. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific details of the patient's Medicare plan and any associated copayments or deductibles. It is recommended to confirm coverage with the patient's Medicare provider.

How does someone from Kenya gets social security number?

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In Kenya, individuals do not acquire a social security number as they do in some other countries. Instead, individuals may have a National Identification Number (NID) issued by the National Registration Bureau. This NID is used for identification and documentation purposes.

Are social security numbers quantitative or qualitative?

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Social security numbers are considered qualitative data because they serve as unique identifiers for individuals rather than representing a specific numerical value or measurement.

Why are people mad at AIG?

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People are mad at AIG because during the 2008 financial crisis, AIG received a massive government bailout after it engaged in risky trading practices that contributed to the economic collapse. Many people viewed the bailout as a misuse of taxpayer money and criticized AIG for its role in the crisis.

What type of retirement is available for a psychologist?

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Psychologists typically have access to retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b), or pensions through their employer or professional organizations. They may also set up individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or work with a financial advisor to plan for retirement.

Will medicaid pay for tummy tucks if it lowers self esteem?

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Medicaid typically covers procedures that are medically necessary, not cosmetic surgeries. A tummy tuck done solely for improving self-esteem is unlikely to be covered unless there is a documented medical reason. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider and insurance representative for specific information regarding coverage.

When was the law that created the social security sysyem enacted?

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The law that created the Social Security system was enacted on August 14, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was part of the New Deal legislation aimed at providing economic security for Americans during the Great Depression.

How many Republicans voted Yes on the Medicare Act of 1965?

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Asked by CurrieHallford

Summary of Party Affiliation on Medicare Vote



Democrats 57 7 4

Republicans 13 17 2



Democrats 237 48 8

Republicans 70 68 2 Source:

What percentage of the federal budget was spent on Medicare in 2007?

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In 2007, approximately 13% of the federal budget was spent on Medicare.

What is the average retirement age of a lawyer?

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The average retirement age for a lawyer is around 65-70 years old, similar to many other professions. Some lawyers may choose to retire earlier or later depending on personal circumstances and financial readiness.

What does the letter C1 at the end of medicare suffix mean?

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The letter C1 in a Medicare suffix typically indicates that the individual is receiving benefits as a retired worker.

How will calculate annuity method in depreciation?

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To calculate depreciation using the annuity method, you divide the depreciable cost of the asset by the estimated useful life in periods. This will give you the annual depreciation expense for the asset. You can use formulas or online calculators to streamline the calculation process.

What can people find out about you from your Social Security number?

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the numbers represent different data, such as your dob; state it was issued inetc, etc.

AnswerDo you mean specific to just the info revealed from the number itself? Like the first three numbers designate the state you were born in, etc.

Or do you mean...if someone knows your social security number, what can they do with it and/or find out about you?

That answer is : They can become you if they want to. They can use it to do everything you can do regarding finances, and more. Access your accounts, personal data, health records, apply and receive credit cards. Basically, with proper knowledge, they could write a book on your whole life that would be accurate. Most just choose to steal your identity for awhile, until they have financially ruined you, then move on to the next victim.

How does one contact a retirement plan administration?

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You can usually contact a retirement plan administrator through the contact information provided on your retirement plan documents, the plan's website, or by calling the customer service number associated with the plan. If you are unsure, you can also reach out to your employer's human resources department for guidance on how to contact the plan administrator.

Where do i find my security id number?

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Your Security ID Number, also known as a Social Security Number, can typically be found on your Social Security card. If you cannot locate your card, you can contact the Social Security Administration for assistance in obtaining a replacement. It's important to keep this number secure to prevent identity theft.

I receive 100% disability from Social Security and lost my w-2 from Social Security Administration how to do get a copy?

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To get a copy of your lost W-2 from the Social Security Administration, you can call their toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213 and request a replacement. They will provide you with the necessary information. It's important to have your Social Security number ready when you make the call.

How long before I turn 62 should I file a Social Security Application?

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You can apply as early as four months before the month you want your retirement benefits to start. It's recommended to apply about three months before you turn 62 to ensure your benefits start on time.

My son receives Social Security disability and Medicare. I also carry him as a dependent on my group health insurance through work. Which insurance (group health from my employer or Medicare) is his primary insurance?

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In most cases, Medicare is the primary insurance for those who have it and are also covered by other types of insurance, like a group health plan. The group health plan would then typically serve as secondary insurance to cover costs not paid by Medicare. It's best to check with both insurance providers to understand how they coordinate benefits for your son's situation.

Which is not provided by the state to help citizens plan for the retirement process?

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Social Security benefits are provided by the federal government, not the state, to help citizens plan for retirement. States may offer additional retirement benefits and programs, such as state-sponsored retirement savings plans or pension systems, to supplement Social Security.