

Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical questions are persuasive questions that are posed for effect, and do not require a formal reply, but in this category, they are answered anyway. Aren't you glad you asked?

1,354 Questions

Is there any facts about lambs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lambs are young sheep, typically under a year old. They are known for their playfulness and curiosity. Lambs are a valuable source of wool, meat, and milk in many cultures.

Why don't aliens eat clowns?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific reason why aliens wouldn't eat clowns as this is purely speculative and not based on any known facts about extraterrestrial beings. It's likely just a humorous concept that has no basis in reality.

Are there any facts about muskrats?

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Asked by Wiki User

Muskrats are semiaquatic mammals known for their ability to inhabit both land and water habitats. They are skilled swimmers and use their webbed hind feet to navigate through water. Muskrats are herbivores and primarily feed on aquatic plants, roots, and cattails. They are known for their distinctive musky odor, a secretion from scent glands used for marking their territory.

What is a rhetorical question for sunbeam?

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Asked by Wiki User

How can one deny the warmth and brightness of a sunbeam on a cold day?

Do teeth have skin?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, teeth do not have skin. Teeth are composed of enamel, dentin, and pulp, which are specialized tissues that make up the structure of a tooth. Skin is a different type of tissue that covers and protects the outer surface of the body.

If the sky is the limit why do you reach for the stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reaching for the stars symbolizes aiming high and pushing oneself beyond one's limits to achieve great things. It's about aspiring for exceptional success and never settling for mediocrity. The phrase emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious goals and striving for excellence.

What does a space ranger actually do?

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Asked by Wiki User

A space ranger is a fictional character who typically serves to protect the galaxy from various threats, uphold justice, and enforce peace among civilizations. They often engage in adventurous missions, combat battles, and explore new worlds as part of their duties. Think of them as cosmic law enforcers with a sense of adventure.

What does it mean if the first tear drop falls on your left eye not literally and scientifically asked..?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physilogical Fact: When a person cries, and the first tear comes from the

right eye, it's happiness. But when the first tear comes from the left, it's pain.

What are facts about dolfins?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals known for their playful behavior and social nature. They have excellent communication skills using a combination of clicks, whistles, and body language. Dolphins have a streamlined body and can swim at speeds of up to 37 mph.

Why is earth warm and space cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earth receives heat from the sun, which warms the surface through a process known as radiation. In contrast, space is a vacuum and does not have an atmosphere to retain heat, resulting in extremely low temperatures. Without any significant source of heat, objects in space cool down rapidly.

Why do bears poop in the woods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bears typically defecate in wooded areas as a way to mark their territory and communicate with other bears. In the forest, their scat also acts as a natural fertilizer, helping to disperse seeds and nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Why do bears crap in the woods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bears defecate in the woods because it is their natural habitat and they use it as a means of communication and marking their territory with their scent. Bears usually choose secluded areas to do their business to minimize the chance of encountering predators or other bears.

Why is outer space cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

Outer space is cold because it is a vacuum, meaning there is no matter to transfer heat through conduction or convection. The only way heat can be transferred in space is through radiation, which is less efficient. As a result, objects in space lose heat slowly and can become very cold.

What was the biggest primate in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

The biggest primate in the world is the Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei). It can weigh over 400 pounds and stand up to around 6 feet tall.

Does an alien have a nose to breath with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aliens, as depicted in popular culture, can vary greatly in physical characteristics, including whether they have a nose or not. In reality, since we have not discovered any aliens, it is impossible to say for sure if they would have a nose or how they would breathe.

What is bijina?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Bijina" is a Japanese term that translates to "beautiful woman." It is often used to describe someone who is attractive or has a pleasing appearance.

What is the color of chocolate hills when it will rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

When it rains, the Chocolate Hills in the Philippines tend to turn a deeper shade of brown, as the rain brings out the color of the vegetation covering these geological formations. This can make the hills appear even more vibrant and picturesque after a rainfall.

If the sky rained lava what would happen?

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Asked by TheDude333

If the sky rained lava, it would cause widespread destruction and fires upon contact with the ground. The extreme heat would incinerate anything in its path, leading to significant property damage and potential loss of life. The air quality would also severely deteriorate due to the volcanic gases released, posing health risks to those in the vicinity.

What is the hardest eye question?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many challenging eye questions, but one that is often difficult is understanding the intricate process of vision and how the eye communicates with the brain to interpret images. This involves complex interactions between light rays, the eye's anatomy, and neurological pathways.

What does it the mean by 'life the universe and everything'?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Life, the Universe, and Everything" is a phrase popularized by Douglas Adams in his book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." In the book, a supercomputer called Deep Thought calculates the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, and the answer is revealed to be the number 42, much to everyone's confusion and amusement. It has since become a popular cultural reference point for questions about the mysteries of existence.

If you wish on a shooting star does the wish come true?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that wishing on a shooting star will make your wish come true. Shooting stars are simply pieces of debris entering Earth's atmosphere and burning up. It is a fun and whimsical tradition, but the outcome of your wish is not tied to the shooting star in a tangible way.

What is going to happen in Doctor Who 2008?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the 2008 season of Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor continues to have adventures in time and space with his companion Donna Noble. They encounter various alien threats and mysteries, including the return of the Sontarans and the debut of the Ood. The season culminates in a two-part finale where the Doctor faces off against the Daleks and the Medusa Cascade crisis.

What color is Pounamu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pounamu, also known as greenstone or New Zealand jade, is usually a dark green color, ranging from light to dark shades depending on its mineral composition.

What is tommorow's weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not have access to real-time weather data. I recommend checking a reliable weather website or app for the most up-to-date weather forecast for your area.

What type of watch is a Breitling Chronomat?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Breitling Chronomat is a luxury Swiss watch known for its aviation-inspired design and high-quality craftsmanship. It is a popular choice among pilots and aviation enthusiasts due to its precision and functionality.