


Medicare and Medicaid

A US federal subsidy that covers medical expenses for eligible patients, notably those disabled or over age 65.

2,308 Questions

Is vitamin d 25-hydroxy payable by medicare?

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Medicare typically covers vitamin D 25-hydroxy testing when ordered by a healthcare provider to diagnose or monitor a medical condition like osteoporosis or malabsorption syndromes. It is important to check with your healthcare provider and Medicare plan to confirm coverage and any specific guidelines that may apply.

Timely filing for New York Medicaid?

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In New York, the timely filing limit for Medicaid is generally within 90 days from the date of service. It is important to submit claims promptly to ensure reimbursement. Claims filed after the timely filing limit may be denied for payment.

What is Medicare's Explanation of benefits called?

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How to request a MRN from medicare on dates of 5/16/2023 and 06/01/2023

Where Neurologist that takes Medicaid in NJ?

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You can search for neurologists that accept Medicaid in New Jersey by contacting the New Jersey Medicaid office or using their online provider directory. You can also contact local medical centers or hospitals that accept Medicaid for a list of neurologists who are part of their network.

Does medicare pay for tetnus vaccine cpt code 90703?

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Yes, Medicare typically covers the tetanus vaccine when administered for preventive purposes. The CPT code 90703 is often used for the tetanus vaccine. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific details of the patient's Medicare plan and any associated copayments or deductibles. It is recommended to confirm coverage with the patient's Medicare provider.

Who can I go to for help with multiple chemical sensitivity?

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You can seek help from healthcare professionals such as allergists, immunologists, or environmental medicine specialists who have experience in managing multiple chemical sensitivity. They can assist in diagnosing your condition, providing treatment options, and offering guidance on managing exposures to triggers. Additionally, support groups or forums for individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity can provide valuable resources and insights.

Will medicaid pay for tummy tucks if it lowers self esteem?

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Medicaid typically covers procedures that are medically necessary, not cosmetic surgeries. A tummy tuck done solely for improving self-esteem is unlikely to be covered unless there is a documented medical reason. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider and insurance representative for specific information regarding coverage.

How many Republicans voted Yes on the Medicare Act of 1965?

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Asked by CurrieHallford

Summary of Party Affiliation on Medicare Vote



Democrats 57 7 4

Republicans 13 17 2



Democrats 237 48 8

Republicans 70 68 2 Source:

What percentage of the federal budget was spent on Medicare in 2007?

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In 2007, approximately 13% of the federal budget was spent on Medicare.

What does the letter C1 at the end of medicare suffix mean?

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The letter C1 in a Medicare suffix typically indicates that the individual is receiving benefits as a retired worker.

What can you do with an elderly parent who you can't take care of anymore?

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Consider researching and arranging alternative care options such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or hiring in-home caregivers who can provide the necessary support and assistance for your elderly parent. It's important to prioritize your parent's well-being and safety while also taking care of your own needs and limitations. Seek advice from healthcare professionals or social workers to explore the best solution for your specific situation.

What does the letter w at the end of medicare suffix mean?

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The letter 'W' at the end of a Medicare suffix typically indicates that the individual is a widow/widower of the deceased primary account holder who earned Social Security benefits.

What durable medical equipment is generally covered by Medicaid?

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Some of the durable medical equipment that is generally covered by Medicad include: Blood-sugar monitors, canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and traction equipment.

If one has a Medicare Advantage plan with New York Medicaid just added, how can the provider collect on the Medicaid portion when it is tied to an inactive Medicare Adv plan, not the current one?

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Asked by ejherm

When dealing with a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Adv) plan that has New York Medicaid recently added, and the Medicaid portion is linked to an inactive Medicare Adv plan, there are several steps to consider:

Dual-eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): These are Medicare Advantage Plans specifically designed for individuals enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. D-SNPs typically require using in-network providers for Medicare services, and these providers should also accept Medicaid. Cost-sharing varies among plans, and some may offer zero cost-sharing for enrollees. D-SNP enrolment is voluntary, and it’s essential to verify that Medicaid covers Medicare cost-sharing, such as deductibles and copayments.

Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) Plans: For individuals with long-term care needs, MAP plans provide a “wrap-around” partial Medicaid benefit to enhance coordination between Medicare and Medicaid services. If you’re eligible, you can enroll by following these steps:

Call 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227) and enroll in the MAP plan’s Medicare product. You may be instructed to call the MAP insurer directly for further enrollment.

Contact New York Medicaid Choice (the state’s managed care enrollment program) at 888-401-6582 to complete the Medicaid portion of enrollment into the MAP plan.

Original Medicare + Medicaid: Some individuals may prefer Original Medicare coverage because it provides greater flexibility in choosing providers. In this case, you can combine Original Medicare with a Medicare Part D plan and fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid. Additionally, consider a Medicaid managed long-term care (MLTC) plan if you have long-term care needs.

Remember that each situation is unique, so it’s advisable to consult with a knowledgeable professional or contact your local Medicaid office for personalized guidance.

Where is a dermatologist that accepts Mississippi Medicaid?

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Dermatologist in southaven ms that accept mussissippi medicade

Where do you mail CMS 849 to Medicare?

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where to mail form cms-1490s

What types of plans are available for Humana Medicare Advantage?

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"There are three forms of the Humana Medicare Advantage Plan. Gold Plus, Gold Choice, and Humana Choice. These plans are designed to help you get more out of your dollars put in."

You are turning 65 and have health insurance with your employer Are you eligible for US Medicare benefits?

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Yes, you are eligible for Medicare when you turn 65. Take a look at this book to get a better understanding of your eligibility for Medicare:

(See related link below for a pdf booklet.)

Do you have to register for medicare when you turn 65 even if you are still working?

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Medicare does not require anyone to register at age 65 or any other time. However, your health insurance company might require you to register in order for Medicare to be your primary insurance.

What happens if someone i am buying property from goes on medicade?

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If someone you are buying property from goes on Medicaid, it should not directly affect your purchase of the property. Medicaid is a government program that provides healthcare coverage for eligible individuals with low income, and it typically does not have an impact on property ownership or transactions. However, it's always recommended to consult with a lawyer or real estate professional for specific advice related to your situation.

Does medicare cover or pay for marcaine?

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Yes, Medicare does cover and pay for Marcaine (bupivacaine) injections when they are deemed medically necessary and ordered by a healthcare professional. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific Medicare plan and any applicable deductibles or copayments. It is best to check with your healthcare provider and Medicare directly to confirm coverage details.