

Tubal Ligation

Also known as tubectomy, tubal ligation is a major surgical operation wherein the fallopian tubes are pinched shut, sealed or severed to prevent fertilization. Some studies show that tubal ligation lowers the risk of ovarian cancer.

861 Questions

You are 2 months late and you have your tubes tide and you had them tied about 17 months ago what are the causes why im late and im 29 years old can you be going through menpoose at this age?

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At 29 years old, it's unlikely you are experiencing menopause. Late periods can be caused by stress, changes in weight, hormonal imbalances, or other factors. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider to investigate the underlying cause for your late period.

Is it possible to do a tubal reversal of a laparoscopic tubal ligation with single puncture technique and a Bipolar Kleppinger cautery was used to fulgurate 3 cm of the isthmic portion of each tube?

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Yes. It usually is. However, the success rate is only about 60% and the reversal usually requires major surgery. If the patient is over 36 years of age, she should probably consider in vitro fertilization instead. i have been cut can i get undone i like to have one more im looking for a doctor in bellive

How long does it take for fallopian tubes to grow back?

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If your tube was removed with the ectopic pregnancy it won't grow back. You should still be able to get pregnant via your other tube but if that wasn't an option, IVF would be available to you to get pregnant.

Can You Get Pregnant 26 years after you had your tubes tied and burnt and cut?

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It isossible to get pregnant after a period of time...

What is bilateral tubal ligation?

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it is the process of cutting the fallopian tubes of the woman.

Can you reinsert nova ring if it falls out?

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Asked by Wiki User{B6CAB757-8F98-40F7-99A7-6C23EB2D9A9B}&sid=55094583#1

To insert:

Just squeeze NuvaRing® between your thumb and index finger and gently insert it into your vagina. NuvaRing® will conform to fit your body. If you feel NuvaRing®, simply slide the contraceptive ring farther into your vagina. The exact position is not important for NuvaRing® to work and the muscles of your vagina should keep NuvaRing® in place. Put NuvaRing® where it is comfortable for you. To remove:

You can remove NuvaRing® by hooking the index finger under the forward rim or by holding the rim between the index and middle finger and pulling it out.

Is being tied up ok?

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If it excites you, and is done in a safe way, then yes, if you are in any way uncomfortable about it then no.

If you get your tubes burned do you still get a period?

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the answer is yes i had my tubes tied and burned two years ago and i still get a period every month

Can you still get pregnant with clamps on?

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Yes. You can take yourself to the doctor. Other than that, you will remain sterile.

Surgical clips used in tubal ligation surgery?

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I am sure there are plenty of different kinds. I am a medical transcriptionist and the most common clips used at my hospital are Filshie clips. Hope that helps you!

How long does the band last on a tubal?

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it can last up to 5years...thats being clamped

Can a woman get pregnant after having a tubal ligation and not know about it till last minute?

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I had a tubal done and the doctor said the tubes were fine only to find out the reason why there was bleeding going on for a week later. I was pregnant and lost the baby. It depends how far on she was in pregnancy. If she was over about six weeks the uterus would be starting to look pregnant. Most doctors do tubals in the first 2 weeks of the cycle to prevent this happening. As a midwife I once looked after a woman who had her tubal on Day 17 and she conceived in that cycle. I always thought of that embryo zipping through as the surgeon did the op going "missed me".

Can you reverse tubes that are cut tide and burnt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably. It depends upon how much of your tubes were burned and how much damage was done. I had my tubes cut and burned...and ultimately had a reversal. I ended up with 4 & 5 centimeters left after the Tubal Reversal, and am currently pregnant and due in 5 weeks!

Can you have baby after having clamps on you tubes for years?

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It is unlikely - but nature sometimes surprises us.

Can pomeroy bilateral tubal ligation be reversed?

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The answer to your question? Why yes it is. I had the Pomeroy and had it 17 years ago and just this March of 09 had them reversed. Dr. saved both my tubes, they weren't long, but saved both and now in November of 09 I am 6 weeks pregnant. So YES, it is reversable.

Can you ovulate after tubal ligation?

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i have my tubes clapped 7 years ago an during my cycle i get this pain my right ovary an it litterly feels like labor pains at times i cant move because it hurts so bad

What happens to ovaries after a tubal ligation?

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The ovaries continue to produce eggs. The difference is that the fallopian tubes have been cut and tied (to the uterus) so as to prevent the egg/s migration into the uterus to be fertilized.

Can you get pregnant after 3 years of getting your tubes cut?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you Can .,. I have had my cut 4 Yrs ago 06 and I am Pregnant .... Still Dont know if it in my Uterus or In my tubes .. It might be a Etopic Pregnancy .Doctors are Monetering My HCG levels. We will See But YEP I AM PREGNANT to HP test and Blood Work at the Doc. I will Keep you Updated

Is it possible to give birth while your tubes are tied?

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I'm not sure whether you mean "give birth" or "become pregnant"

Giving birth after Tubal Ligation should be normal and no different than if you hadn't had the procedure.

A small number of women (about 1 in 100) become pregnant after Tubal Ligation.

Why do you have to take birth control after a tubal pregnancy post tubal ligation?

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You have to take birth control because, if you got preg. once after tubal, then it means the tubal failed and you have a chance to become pregnant again. Of course, if you want to get preg. again, don't take the birth control!