

Tubal Reversal

Questions pertaining to the reversal of a tubal ligation, which is a medical procedure used to prevent pregnancy in a female permanently by tying the fallopian tubes.

388 Questions

Is it possible to do a tubal reversal of a laparoscopic tubal ligation with single puncture technique and a Bipolar Kleppinger cautery was used to fulgurate 3 cm of the isthmic portion of each tube?

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Yes. It usually is. However, the success rate is only about 60% and the reversal usually requires major surgery. If the patient is over 36 years of age, she should probably consider in vitro fertilization instead. i have been cut can i get undone i like to have one more im looking for a doctor in bellive

What is bilateral tubal ligation?

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it is the process of cutting the fallopian tubes of the woman.

Will Illinois medicaid pay for tubal reversals?

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I haven't been able to find any doctors that will take a payment plan for tubal reversal. Dr. Pabon in Sarasota, FL seems to be the cheapest. It depends on your BMI, but cost range is $4500 - $6500. I'm having mine reversed middle of March 2010.

Can you reverse tubes that are cut tide and burnt?

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Probably. It depends upon how much of your tubes were burned and how much damage was done. I had my tubes cut and burned...and ultimately had a reversal. I ended up with 4 & 5 centimeters left after the Tubal Reversal, and am currently pregnant and due in 5 weeks!

Does blue cross cover tubal reversal?

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Does bcbs cover tubal reversal

Where can you get tubal reversal in Philadelphia?

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Actually nowhere because alot of people want their money now they will take you up on a payment plan and even then to ensure that they get they money they probably won't start until they get at least 95% of the payment received.

Can pomeroy bilateral tubal ligation be reversed?

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The answer to your question? Why yes it is. I had the Pomeroy and had it 17 years ago and just this March of 09 had them reversed. Dr. saved both my tubes, they weren't long, but saved both and now in November of 09 I am 6 weeks pregnant. So YES, it is reversable.

Why do you have to take birth control after a tubal pregnancy post tubal ligation?

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You have to take birth control because, if you got preg. once after tubal, then it means the tubal failed and you have a chance to become pregnant again. Of course, if you want to get preg. again, don't take the birth control!

Can clips placed during a tubal fall off?

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Chances are less than 1%. Of course there is always a chance of that "miracle" slipping through, but very very rare. Let's just say that if it happens, God must have really wanted you to have that baby.

I had my Filshie Clips done exactly 4 yrs ago this month. Just within the last 3 weeks I found out that my right clip has come off. Not only has it displaced off my tube but it is near my liver and has actually developed some scar tissue around it. It appears at this point that the clip is not open but still closed. We are going through testing to see if it needs to be removed at this point. Pregnancy is a real concern.

What can a woman with a tubal ligation do to conceive and deliver a healthy baby?

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She needs to talk to a doctor about having it reversed. It will cost about 8000 dollars and there probably isn't an insurance that will cover any of it. And it's not always 100% reversable. There is a chance that it won't be reversed successfully.

Have you considered IVF? its cheaper than having the tubal reversed.

Can you have a baby after a kidney transplant if you are the recipient?

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I would definitely call and ask your doctor this question. Sometimes even any doctor will answer a general question like this. I asked my doctor about this at my appoinment today and she said that she would not advise eating kidney only because you don't know what was injected into the cow before it died and it could contain harmful toxins.

What is pole reversal?

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what is a pole reversal

Can tubal reversal be done on the NHS?

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Yes, a tubal reversal can be done on the NHS. The NHS will cover almost anything health-related.

What is the reversal of versed?

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