


Medical Insurance

Medical insurance is an insurance against loss by bodily injury or illness. It covers doctor’s fee, hospital fee, medicine and other medical expenses. It may be purchased individually or on a group basis. It may also be provided universally by the government.

6,908 Questions

How did the rise of private health insurance impact health care?

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The rise of private health insurance in illinois has had a significant impact on health care in several ways:

  1. Access to Health Care:

Increased Access: Private health insurance has allowed more individuals to access health care services by reducing the out-of-pocket costs for medical care. This has particularly benefited those who might not qualify for public health programs.

Disparities in Access: However, access to private health insurance often depends on employment status and income, leading to disparities where some individuals have comprehensive coverage while others remain uninsured or underinsured.

  1. Health Care Costs:

Cost Shifting: The rise of private health insurance has contributed to the practice of cost-shifting, where health care providers charge private insurers higher rates to compensate for lower payments from public programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Administrative Costs: Private insurance involves significant administrative costs related to billing, claims processing, and marketing, which can drive up overall health care spending.

  1. Quality of Care:

Innovation and Competition: Private health insurers often compete on the quality of their plans, which can lead to innovations in care delivery and improvements in patient services.

Incentives and Quality Metrics: Many private insurers use quality metrics and financial incentives to encourage health care providers to improve the quality of care, such as through value-based payment models.

  1. Health Care Utilization:

Increased Utilization: Individuals with private health insurance are more likely to use health care services, including preventive care, screenings, and elective procedures, compared to those without insurance.

Overutilization: There can also be overutilization of health care services, driven by the availability of insurance coverage and fee-for-service payment models that incentivize more procedures and tests.

  1. Health Outcomes:

Improved Outcomes: Access to private health insurance is generally associated with better health outcomes due to timely access to care, preventive services, and treatment for chronic conditions.

Equity Concerns: Despite overall improvements, disparities in health outcomes persist, particularly for low-income populations and those without access to private insurance.

  1. Market Dynamics:

Provider Networks: Private insurers often create networks of preferred providers, which can limit patient choice but also negotiate lower prices with providers.

Market Consolidation: The growth of private health insurance has sometimes led to consolidation in both the insurance and provider markets, impacting competition and pricing dynamics.

  1. Policy and Regulation:

Regulatory Environment: The private health insurance market is heavily regulated to ensure consumer protection, manage premium rates, and ensure coverage of essential health benefits.

Public-Private Interaction: Private health insurance often interacts with public health programs, such as through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which expanded access to private insurance through marketplaces and subsidies.

Overall, while private health insurance has improved access to health care for many and driven certain quality improvements, it has also contributed to complex challenges related to cost, equity, and market dynamics in the health care system

How does science relates to medical billing and coding?

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Science relates to medical billing and coding through the understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology. Coders and billers use scientific knowledge to accurately code diagnoses and procedures, ensuring proper reimbursement for healthcare services. Science also plays a role in understanding disease processes and treatment options, which can impact coding practices.

Why mosquito feeds from a capillary and not from an artery?

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Mosquitoes feed from capillaries because the blood flows more slowly in capillaries, making it easier for the mosquito to extract blood. If they were to feed from an artery, the high pressure of the blood flow would make it difficult for the mosquito to access the blood.

What is Medicare's Explanation of benefits called?

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How to request a MRN from medicare on dates of 5/16/2023 and 06/01/2023

Where Neurologist that takes Medicaid in NJ?

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You can search for neurologists that accept Medicaid in New Jersey by contacting the New Jersey Medicaid office or using their online provider directory. You can also contact local medical centers or hospitals that accept Medicaid for a list of neurologists who are part of their network.

What is the largest section of the six CPT manual sections?

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The largest section of the six CPT manual sections is the Surgery section, which contains codes for surgical procedures across various specialties such as general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and cardiovascular surgery.

What tests require plasma for testing?

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Tests that require plasma for testing include coagulation studies, fibrinogen level measurement, certain drug levels, and some speciality tests for infectious diseases. Plasma is the clear, yellowish fluid component of blood that remains after removing cells and clotting factors.

How do you improve bone marrow function?

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To improve bone marrow function, ensure a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, such as iron, vitamin B12, and folate. Regular exercise can also help stimulate bone marrow activity. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these can negatively impact bone marrow function.

Is glucose is reducing sugar?

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Yes, glucose is a reducing sugar because it has a free aldehyde or ketone group that can reduce other substances by donating electrons. This property makes glucose capable of participating in various chemical reactions, including Maillard browning and caramelization.

2 functions of DNA?

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DNA serves two important cellular functions: It is the genetic material passed from parent to offspring and it serves as the information to direct and regulate the construction of the proteins necessary for the cell to perform all of its functions.

Why don't insects have a respiratory system?

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Insects do have a respiratory system, but it is different from mammals. They have a network of tubes called tracheae that deliver oxygen directly to their cells. This system is efficient for their small size and helps them survive in various environments.

What is primary and secondary victim?

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A primary victim is the person directly harmed by a traumatic event, such as a crime or accident. A secondary victim is someone who witnesses or learns about the event and experiences emotional distress as a result.

Could you give an example of a bioethics situation?

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One example of a bioethics situation could be determining whether to prioritize scarce medical resources, like ventilators, based on factors like age, health status, or likelihood of survival. This decision raises ethical questions about fairness, maximizing benefit, and respecting individual rights.

123 cm equals how many inches?

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123 cm is equivalent to approximately 48.4 inches.

What is primary and secondary constriction in chromosomes?

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The primary constriction refers to the narrow waist region in a chromosome known as the centromere, which plays a role in chromosome segregation during cell division. The secondary constriction is a region on a chromosome where the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) is located, responsible for producing ribosomal RNA.

What are limitations in science?

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Limitations in science can include: the inability to prove a theory absolutely true (only support it with evidence), the potential for bias or errors in data collection and analysis, and the challenges of extrapolating findings from controlled experiments to real-world situations. Additionally, ethical considerations can restrict certain types of research, and technological constraints may limit the scope of scientific investigation.

Why you prefer serum for serological test than plasma?

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Serum is preferred over plasma for serological tests because it does not contain anticoagulants. This prevents interference with certain antibodies and ensures accurate test results. Serum is also easier to handle and process compared to plasma.

An antacid tablet fizzes and releases carbon dioxide gas when it comes into contact with hydrochloric acid in the stomach is a chemical or physical change?

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This is a chemical change because the antacid tablet reacting with the hydrochloric acid results in the formation of a new substance (carbon dioxide gas) that was not present before.

How does chemistry aid in our everyday life?

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Chemistry is involved in various aspects of our everyday lives, from the food we eat to the medications we take. It helps in creating new materials for technology, developing household products, understanding environmental issues, and even in cooking and baking. Chemistry plays a crucial role in industries such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and more, making it an integral part of our daily routines.

What is the fastest way to whiten your teeth?

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The fastest way to whiten your teeth is through professional teeth whitening done by a dentist. This typically involves using a higher concentration of whitening agents that yield quick results. At-home whitening kits may also be effective, but results may take longer to see.

Are the teeth an important part of the respiratory system?

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Teeth are not directly involved in the respiratory system. They are part of the digestive system, as they aid in chewing food to make it easier to swallow and digest. However, a healthy mouth with intact teeth is important for overall health and well-being, which includes the respiratory system.

What does the brain look like?

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The brain is a soft, spongy mass of tissue that is pinkish-gray in color. It has a wrinkled appearance due to the folds and grooves on its surface. The brain is divided into two hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum.

What is the most convenient form of energy?

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Electricity is often considered the most convenient form of energy because it is easily transported through power lines, can be easily generated from a variety of sources, and is versatile for use in many applications such as lighting, heating, and powering electronics.

Why would a elderly person not be able to go to er by ambulance?

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Some elderly persons may not be able to go to the ER by ambulance due to financial constraints or limited insurance coverage. Additionally, some elderly individuals may have underlying health conditions or disabilities that require specialized transportation services or make ambulance travel challenging or stressful for them.