



Annuities are financial products designed to grow an individual’s funds and later, upon annuitization, to distribute payments back to the individual over a specified period of time. It is mainly used to secure a steady flow of cash during retirement.

849 Questions

How will calculate annuity method in depreciation?

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To calculate depreciation using the annuity method, you divide the depreciable cost of the asset by the estimated useful life in periods. This will give you the annual depreciation expense for the asset. You can use formulas or online calculators to streamline the calculation process.

What is a life annuity with period certain?

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A life annuity with period certain is a type of annuity that provides regular payments for life, with a minimum guaranteed period during which payments will continue, even if the annuitant dies. If the annuitant dies before the end of the guaranteed period, the payments will continue to a beneficiary until the end of that period.

What factors affect one's choice between an annuity or a lump sum pension distribution?

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Factors that affect the choice between an annuity and a lump sum pension distribution include personal financial goals, risk tolerance, life expectancy, and overall financial situation. Annuities provide guaranteed income for life but lack flexibility and may not keep pace with inflation, while a lump sum offers more control over investments but requires disciplined management to ensure long-term financial security. Consulting with a financial advisor can help individuals make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances.

What is a retirement annuity?

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A retirement annuity is a financial product designed to provide a steady income during retirement. It is typically purchased with a lump sum or through regular contributions during a person's working years. The annuity pays out regular payments to the investor once they reach retirement age.

How often after age 70 do you have to take a Required Minimum Distribution from an IRA?

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You are required to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from an IRA annually starting at age 70 1/2. This rule changed in 2020, now the age has been bumped up to 72 for those who turn 70 1/2 after June 30, 2019.

Should an 85 year old woman buy an annuity?

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It depends on the individual's financial situation and goals. An annuity can provide a guaranteed income stream, which can be helpful for those looking for stability in retirement. However, it's important to consider factors such as health, life expectancy, and overall financial needs before deciding if an annuity is the right choice at 85. Consulting with a financial advisor can help determine if an annuity aligns with her financial plan.

Who do you report it to if a legal guardian and conservator of an incapacitated person changes their annuity beneficiary?

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If a legal guardian and conservator changes the beneficiary of an annuity belonging to an incapacitated person, you should report this action to the probate court that appointed the guardian and conservator. Changes to an annuity beneficiary should be made in the best interest of the incapacitated person, and the court may need to review and approve such changes.

What is a period certain annuity and a life annuity?

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A period certain annuity guarantees payments for a specific period, such as 10 or 20 years, regardless of the annuitant's lifespan. A life annuity provides payments for the lifetime of the annuitant, ensuring income for as long as they live but ceasing upon their death.

What is a lifetime annuity?

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A lifetime annuity is a financial product that provides a stream of income payments to an individual for the rest of their life. It is typically purchased with a lump sum amount, and the amount of the payments is determined by factors such as the individual's age, gender, and life expectancy. Lifetime annuities offer a way to secure a guaranteed income for retirement or to provide financial security in old age.

Do distributions from an inherited IRA qualify for the NYS pension and annuity exclusion?

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No, distributions from an inherited IRA do not qualify for the New York State pension and annuity exclusion. This exclusion is generally meant for certain types of retirement income received as a pension or annuity from an employer's retirement plan, not for inherited IRAs.

Can your 90 year old father cash in his annuity and make gifts of the funds to his grandchildren if he is currently being considered for Title 19 and is living in a nursing home?

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Consult with a financial advisor or elder law attorney who can provide guidance on how best to proceed given your father's circumstances. Medicaid rules can be complex, and transferring assets could affect his eligibility. It's important to make informed decisions to ensure his long-term care needs are met.

Does Life with Certain Annuity expire?

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Life with a certain annuity typically does not expire for the duration specified in the contract, which could be for a set number of years or for the life of the annuitant. Once the specified period ends, the annuity payments cease.

What happens after 15 years with a 15-yeAr certain and life annuity?

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After 15 years with a 15-year certain and life annuity, the annuity payments will continue for the rest of the annuitant's life even if they live beyond the initial 15-year period. If the annuitant passes away before the end of the 15 years, the payments will continue to a designated beneficiary for the remainder of the 15 years.

Should a 90 year old purchase an annuity?

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It depends on the individual’s financial goals and circumstances. An annuity can provide guaranteed income for life, which may be beneficial for someone who wants financial security in their later years. However, the decision should be made considering factors such as health, current financial situation, and personal preferences. Consulting with a financial advisor is recommended to determine if an annuity is the right choice.

Are survivor annuity taxable?

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Yes, you need to speak with your agent or broker and or your tax accountant tregarding this issue.

Can you get a license to sell annuities in Ohio if you have a felony?

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It is possible to get a license to sell annuities in Ohio with a felony, but it will depend on the nature of the felony, how recent it was, and other factors. You would need to disclose your felony on your license application and undergo a review by the state insurance department. Each case is considered on an individual basis.

What is a FERS annuity?

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A FERS annuity is a pension plan for federal employees, which stands for Federal Employees Retirement System. It provides retirement benefits based on years of service, average salary, and age at retirement. These benefits include a defined benefit, Thrift Savings Plan contributions, and Social Security benefits.

Are annuity survivor benefits taxable to annuitant's spouse?

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Yes, annuity survivor benefits are generally taxable to the annuitant's spouse as income when received. The taxable amount will depend on factors such as the type of annuity, how the annuity was funded, and any contributions made with pre-tax dollars. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional for specific guidance.

Do you have to take a RMD from your IRA if you are still working past 70?

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If you are still working past age 70½ and participating in a qualified employer retirement plan, you may not have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA until you retire. However, this exception does not apply to 5% owners or those who have already retired. Be sure to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional for guidance specific to your situation.

What is life annuity with period certain?

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A life annuity with period certain is a type of annuity that provides regular payments for the rest of the annuitant's life, with a guaranteed minimum payment period specified in the contract. If the annuitant dies before the guaranteed period ends, payments will continue to a beneficiary until the end of that period.

Does a survivor retirement pension beneficiary lose benefit if he or she remarry?

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In some cases, a survivor retirement pension beneficiary may lose their benefits if they remarry, particularly if the pension is based on the deceased spouse's earnings. It's important to check the specific pension plan's rules regarding remarrying to understand how it may affect the benefits.

Do you capitalize grantor retained annuity trust?

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Yes, Grantor Retained Annuity Trust should be capitalized as it is a specific type of trust.

What is life contingency?

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Life contingency refers to the probability of certain events occurring during a person's lifetime, such as death or survival to a specific age. It is often used in actuarial science and insurance to calculate the likelihood and impact of such events on financial planning and risk management.

What is the accumation period for immediate annuities generally?

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The accumulation period for immediate annuities is typically very short or even nonexistent. Immediate annuities start making payments to the annuitant shortly after the initial lump-sum premium is paid, usually within a month.

Which annuities avoid probate?

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Annuities with designated beneficiaries typically avoid probate because they pass directly to the named beneficiaries upon the annuitant's death. This can help to expedite the transfer of assets and avoid lengthy legal processes. It's important to keep beneficiary designations up to date to ensure assets pass to the intended recipients.