



Money lent to individuals or businesses in return for interest in addition to repayment of principal. Common types of loans include commercial loans, interbank loans, mortgage loans, and consumer loans.

13,104 Questions

How can a 19 year old with a steady job buy a car for 3500 dollars if nobody will give him a loan?

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Buying a car for $3,500 without access to a loan can be challenging but not impossible. Here are several strategies a 19-year-old with a steady job can consider to achieve this goal:

  1. Saving Up:

Budgeting: Create a strict budget to save money. Cut unnecessary expenses and allocate a portion of your income towards your car fund.

Savings Account: Open a separate savings account specifically for the car. Automate transfers to this account each payday to build up the fund gradually.

  1. Side Gigs and Extra Work:

Part-Time Jobs: Consider taking on a part-time job or freelance work to increase your income.

Gig Economy: Use platforms like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or TaskRabbit to earn extra money on a flexible schedule.

  1. Sell Unwanted Items:

Decluttering: Sell items you no longer need on platforms like eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or at local consignment shops.

Garage Sale: Organize a garage sale to quickly generate some cash.

  1. Borrow from Family or Friends:

Personal Loan: Ask a trusted family member or friend for a small loan. Ensure you agree on repayment terms and stick to them to maintain trust.

Co-Signer: A family member or friend might be willing to co-sign a loan if you can demonstrate your ability to repay.

  1. Use a Credit Card:

Credit Card: If you have a credit card with a sufficient limit, you might consider using it to purchase the car. Be cautious with this option due to potentially high interest rates.

Introductory Offers: Look for credit cards with 0% APR introductory offers for purchases. This could allow you to pay off the balance over time without interest.

  1. Buy a Cheaper Car:

Lower-Priced Options: Consider looking for a less expensive car if $3,500 is too high to save up quickly. A reliable, older model can often be found for less.

Private Sellers: Cars sold by private sellers are often cheaper than those sold by dealerships.

  1. Negotiation:

Price Negotiation: Negotiate with the seller to try to lower the price. Research the car’s value and use this information to support your offer.

Payment Plans: Some sellers might be open to a payment plan arrangement.

  1. Local Resources and Programs:

Community Programs: Some communities have programs or charities that help young adults with transportation needs.

Employer Programs: Check if your employer offers any assistance programs or partnerships with local dealerships.

  1. Short-Term Loan Options:

Payday Loans: Generally not recommended due to high interest rates, but could be an option if absolutely necessary and repaid quickly.

Pawn Loans: If you have valuable items, consider a pawn loan, but be aware of the terms and risks involved.

  1. Tax Refunds and Bonuses:

Tax Refund: If you expect a tax refund, you can use this money towards the car purchase.

Bonuses: Any work bonuses or financial gifts can be allocated to your car fund.

Practical Example:

If you can save $300 per month, you would have $3,600 in 12 months. If you combine this with selling some personal items, picking up a side gig, or getting a small loan from a family member, you can reach your goal even faster.

By combining several of these strategies, you can build up the necessary funds to buy a car without relying on a traditional loan.

How many states does Jamaica have?

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Jamaica does not have States they have Parishes.There are 14 parishes in Jamaica.

Is lpu applicable for educational loan?

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Numerous banks and financial organizations provide educational loans to Lovely Professional University (LPU). The institution has partnerships with a number of private and nationalized banks to streamline the student loan application procedure. These banks provide flexible loan repayment plans that are ideal for students to pay for their tuition, housing costs, and other educational expenditures. LPU offers support during the loan application procedure by supplying the required paperwork and direction. Students can get in touch with banks that have collaborated with LPU, such as State Bank of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB), and others. Students can more easily obtain educational loans because to the university's solid reputation and accreditation, guaranteeing them financial support for their studies.

What happens to a seed when planted in loan soil?

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When planted in loose soil, a seed is more likely to germinate successfully because it has access to oxygen, moisture, and nutrients needed for growth. In compacted soil, the seed may struggle to germinate due to lack of aeration and water penetration, which can hinder root development and overall growth.

What is the term for a loan in which the interest rate does not change during the entire term of the loan?

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Get reliable term loan for business in the USA with Black Stone Funding. Secure financing solutions tailored to your needs. Apply now!

What are the four types of corporate education?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The four types of corporate education encompass technical, soft skills, compliance, and managerial education. Technical education concentrates on enhancing job-specific competencies and knowledge. Soft skills education emphasizes improving communication, teamwork, and interpersonal abilities. Compliance education ensures adherence to legal and regulatory requirements. Managerial education focuses on cultivating leadership, strategic thinking, and decision-making skills. Each type serves a unique purpose, catering to the diverse needs of employees and the organization for holistic professional development.

Is potassium the electron lender or borrower?

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Asked by Wiki User

Potassium is an electron donor. It donates one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Is it possible to get a personal loan if you are in bankructy?

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Yes, but the rate would be very high (you are basically dealing with a legal/professional loan shark), and you would have to let the court know you have the money and, well, let's put it this way, getting a loan in bankruptcy is like pissing in the wind unless you get the loan to pay off the debts covered by the bankruptcy.

Why do atoms loan electrons to other atoms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atoms share electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration, typically following the octet rule. By sharing electrons, atoms can attain a full outer shell of electrons and become more stable, similar to the noble gases. This allows the atoms to form more stable chemical bonds with other atoms.

What describes discount loans?

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They usually require the interest to be down payment

Can you get a Payday loan with the emerald card?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can potentially get a payday loan with an Emerald Card, as it functions like a regular debit card. However, payday loans often come with high interest rates and fees, so it's important to carefully consider if it's the best option for your situation.

When is the MERS deactivated on a loan?

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Asked by Wiki User

MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration System) can be deactivated on a loan when the loan is paid off in full and the lender updates the MERS system to reflect the discharge of the mortgage. This typically occurs when the borrower completes all payments under the loan terms or refinances the loan with a new lender.

Can you payoff a mortgage with a primossory note Back by a bond and a set off bond?

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It is uncommon to settle a mortgage with a promissory note backed by a bond and a setoff bond. Usually, mortgages are paid off with funds from a sale or refinancing of the property. Using a promissory note and bonds to pay off a mortgage would require the lender's agreement and may have legal implications that should be carefully evaluated.

What happens to one who leaves the priesthood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leaving the priesthood involves a formal process of laicization, which releases the individual from their vows and obligations as a priest. They can then choose to live a secular life. The individual may face mixed emotions, societal challenges, and potential estrangement from the Church community.

What is the purpose of interferometry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Interferometry is used to combine signals from multiple telescopes to create a single image with higher resolution. This technique enables astronomers to study fine details of astronomical objects that would not be possible with a single telescope of the same size. It is commonly used in radio astronomy and optical astronomy.

Did sun star acceptance corporation go out of business?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not have real-time information on the current status of Sun Star Acceptance Corporation. For the most up-to-date information, I recommend checking with the Better Business Bureau, financial databases, or contacting the company directly.

The difference in energy per unit charge as a charge moves between two points in the path of a circuit?

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The potential difference between two points in a circuit is the energy required per unit charge to move a charge between those points. It represents the work done by an electric field on a charge as it moves through the circuit.

How does electricity cycle through a home?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electricity enters a home from the power grid through a meter. It then flows through the main panel, where it is distributed to the various circuits in the house. From there, it travels through wires to power outlets, lights, appliances, and other electrical devices before returning to the grid.

What is meant by negative amortization?

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Negative amortization occurs when the payments made on a loan are insufficient to cover the interest due, causing the outstanding balance to increase over time. This leads to the loan amount growing rather than decreasing with each payment. It is common in certain types of adjustable-rate mortgages where the payment amount is capped, resulting in unpaid interest being added to the principal balance.

Do you know if a certain form exists or an example of a Motion to Reopen a chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a Motion to Reopen a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case can be filed to address certain issues after the case has been closed. The motion typically outlines the reasons for reopening the case, such as addressing new debts or assets that were not disclosed during the initial proceedings. You can find examples of such motions online or through a bankruptcy attorney.

Should the person who has defaulted on a mortgage due to Hurricane Katrina file bankruptcy or allow the home to be foreclosed on by the lender?

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It is advisable for the person to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand their options and potential consequences. Filing for bankruptcy may help protect assets and provide a fresh financial start, whereas allowing the home to be foreclosed on can impact credit history and future financial opportunities. Each option has its own implications, so it's important to weigh them carefully.

Why would you keep getting a heavy discharge?

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Asked by Wiki User

A heavy discharge may be due to various reasons such as hormonal changes, infections, or irritation. It's important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause and appropriate treatment, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms like itching, odor, or pain.

What is the meaning of 'Have you ever been bonded'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bonded means insured. At some time in the past have you ever been insured against the loss of a large amount of money or valuable .

Where can one get an instant loan approval from?

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Asked by Wiki User

One can get instant loan approvals from many different companies. Some companies that offer instant loan approvals include Lend Up Loans and 36 Month Loans.

What is used to pledge real property for a loan?

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Asked by Wiki User

When securing a loan with real estate, two main options emerge: mortgages and deeds of trust. Imagine a mortgage as a lender placing a temporary claim on your property, like a security deposit on a house. If you default, they can seize the property. A deed of trust functions differently. In this scenario, a neutral third party holds the property title until the loan is satisfied, acting as an impartial umpire in the transaction. Both methods provide lenders with a safety net in case of delinquency, and the specific choice often hinges on the state's legal framework and prevailing practices.