


Promising to pay someone else's debt if that person does not make good on their obligations. Auto loans and mortgages often require a co-signer.

2,166 Questions

Where is the Shipley Baking Co.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shipley Baking Co. is a company that specializes in baked goods, particularly donuts, and has multiple locations across the United States. The exact location of Shipley Baking Co. would depend on which specific branch or store you are referring to.

What was the Metz Baking Co?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Metz Baking Co. was a bakery that operated in the United States in the early 20th century. They were known for producing a variety of baked goods, including breads, cakes, and pastries. The company was eventually acquired by another bakery and its products are no longer available under the Metz brand.

How do you calculate immigration rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

To calculate the immigration rate, divide the number of immigrants arriving in a country by the total population of that country, then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage. This will give you the rate at which immigrants are entering the country relative to the total population.

What does primary mean in geography?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primary means first. Primary industry, which I assume you're talking about, is Forestry, Farming, Fishing, and Mining. It's the industry that makes raw materials, which then goes on to Secondary Industry, where they make the raw materials into goods.

Tertiary industry is the service industry, such as teachers and shop clerks.

What is the primary means of locomotion of Spirostomum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spirostomum primarily moves by ciliary action. It has numerous cilia that beat in coordinated waves, allowing it to swim and glide through water in a spiral motion.

What is the name of CO in chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cobalt is an incorrect answer. This is a good example why using Capitals and Lowercases are CRUCIAL in chemistry (Nomenclature).

Huge Difference between Co and CO!

Co is Cobalt.

CO is Carbon Monoxide ( Remember Carbon and Oxygen are both non metals, Thus they are covalent bonds, )

Careless mistakes cost!

What is the correct name for CO?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct name for CO is carbon monoxide.

Do a cosigner have to be physically present in order to cosign for someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the lender's policies. Some lenders may require the cosigner to be physically present to sign the documents, while others may allow electronic signatures or remote verification procedures. It's best to check with the specific lender to determine their requirements.

Can you take chlorpheniramine with co codomol?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should avoid taking chlorpheniramine with co-codamol unless advised by a healthcare professional. Both medications can cause drowsiness and depress the central nervous system, increasing the risk of side effects such as sedation and respiratory depression. It is important to consult a doctor or pharmacist before combining these medications.

Full form of student?

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Asked by Wiki User

The full form of student is "Scholarly Training Under Networking and Teaching Individual Duties."

What is the difference between the substances Co and CO?

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Asked by Wiki User

Co is the chemical symbol for cobalt, a transition metal element on the periodic table. CO is the chemical formula for carbon monoxide, a toxic and colorless gas that forms when carbon-containing materials are burned in the absence of enough oxygen.

What are the four cardinal signs of the inflammatory response?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four cardinal signs of the inflammatory response are redness (rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), and pain (dolor). These signs are part of the body's natural defense mechanism to protect against infection and promote healing.

What is warning signs of low iron?

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Asked by Wiki User

Warning signs of low iron levels may include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, and difficulty concentrating. Other symptoms can include dizziness, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and cravings for non-nutritive substances like ice or dirt. If you suspect you have low iron, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is Co the chemical symbol for?

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Asked by 2041rec

Co is the chemical symbol for cobalt, which is a hard, lustrous, silver-grey metal. Cobalt is commonly used in various industrial applications, including alloys, batteries, and pigments.

What is the bond order of CO?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bond order of carbon monoxide (CO) is 3.

What does primary mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Primary" typically refers to being of chief importance or significance, or being the main or most important element in a group. It can also refer to being original or direct in nature.

Explain in what ways the kayapos life is sustanible?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Kayapó people practice sustainable living by relying on traditional farming methods, hunting practices, and fishing techniques that do not deplete natural resources. They also have a deep cultural connection to the land, which influences their decisions to protect and conserve the environment. Additionally, they have a communal lifestyle that promotes sharing resources and minimizing waste.

Can a cosigner be arrested?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cosigner cannot be arrested solely for being a cosigner on a loan. However, if the primary borrower defaults on the loan, the cosigner may be held responsible for the debt and face legal action if they do not fulfill their obligations.

Can a co-signer take the property without permission?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a co-signer does not have ownership rights to the property unless stated in the agreement. Taking the property without permission would generally be considered a violation of the co-signing arrangement and potentially illegal.

Can a cosigner sue the signer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a cosigner can sue the primary signer if the primary signer fails to fulfill their financial obligations, resulting in the cosigner having to cover the debts. The cosigner may seek legal recourse to recover the money they had to pay on the primary signer's behalf.

How can a cosigner sue estate of deceased borrower?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sue the estate of a deceased borrower as a cosigner, you would need to file a claim in probate court against the estate. The court will then determine if the debt owed is legitimate and if the estate is liable to pay it off. It is advisable to consult with a probate attorney for guidance through this process.

What territories claimed by the Philippines by historic rights and legal title?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Philippines claims the Spratly Islands, Scarborough Shoal, and some maritime zones in the South China Sea based on historic rights and legal title. These claims are supported by historical evidence, international law, and UNCLOS. However, these claims are contested by neighboring countries like China, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

How can you sue a primary account holder if you are the co-signer and the primary account holder has moved out of state Colorado vs Arkansas California and North Carolina?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sue a primary account holder who has moved out of state, you typically file the lawsuit in the state where the contract was signed or where the debt was incurred, depending on the laws of that state. If the primary account holder has moved to a different state, you may need to follow that state's procedures for serving them with legal notice. It may be helpful to consult with an attorney who is familiar with interstate debt collection laws to determine the best course of action in your situation.

How do you the cosigner sue primary borrower?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cosigner can sue the primary borrower by taking legal action in a court of law. This typically involves filing a lawsuit against the primary borrower for failing to make payments as agreed upon in the contract or agreement. It is advisable for the cosigner to consult with a lawyer to understand their legal options and the process for suing the borrower.