



Seizure of property bought on credit for which loan payments are not being received. Please note that when asking a car repossession question, it is often useful to include the state that you live in. This will enable people to give you better answers.

11,693 Questions

What is the organ responsible for your sense of hearing?

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The organ responsible for your sense of hearing is the ear. Sound waves are collected by the outer ear, funneled through the ear canal, and then reach the eardrum, where vibrations are converted into electrical signals that are interpreted by the brain as sound.

Is it legal for a car lot to put a GPS tracker on your vehicle?

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In general, it is legal for a car lot to put a GPS tracker on a vehicle that they own, lease, or finance. It is important to review any contracts or agreements signed with the car lot to understand the terms regarding tracking devices. If you own the vehicle outright, they typically cannot track it without your permission.

Would police place a gps tracking device on a car If your car was siezed after driving while disqualified would the police put a GPS tracking device on it Should I sell my car?

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It is possible for police to place a GPS tracking device on a car if it is seized as part of an investigation. The decision to sell your car ultimately depends on your personal circumstances and legal advice. If you have concerns about potential tracking, you may consider discussing this with a legal professional.

Which aldehyde do not give fhelings test?

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Aromatic aldehydes, such as benzaldehyde, typically do not give a positive Fehling's test due to the lack of alpha-hydrogens required for oxidation. Aromatic aldehydes are not easily oxidized in the Fehling's test compared to aliphatic aldehydes.

How can a person make sure that plants can get all the nutrients that they need?

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A person can ensure that plants receive all necessary nutrients by providing balanced fertilization, using quality soil with good drainage, and practicing proper watering techniques. Regular monitoring for nutrient deficiencies and adjusting the care regimen accordingly can also help maintain plant health.

Where is the best location to hide a tracking device on a car?

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The best location to hide a tracking device on a car is in an area that is difficult to access and unlikely to be noticed during routine checks. Some common locations include the dashboard, under the seats, inside the glove compartment, or in the trunk. It is important to consider the device's signal strength and battery life when choosing a hiding spot.

How long does it take to get to Jupiter by car?

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It is not possible to drive a car to Jupiter as it is a gas giant planet located over 365 million miles away from Earth. Traveling to Jupiter would require a spacecraft and take several years, depending on the speed and trajectory of the spacecraft.

Do you have to disclose a gps tracker to a customer that is buying a car from you in NJ?

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Yes, as of 2022, New Jersey law requires sellers to disclose the presence of tracking devices in vehicles sold to customers. It is important to inform the buyer about the GPS tracker as part of the sale agreement to ensure transparency and compliance with the law.

How do you find a stolen ipod?

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You can try locating a stolen iPod by using the "Find My" app on an Apple device or reporting it to the authorities with the serial number. You can also check with local pawn shops or online marketplaces for any listings matching your iPod's description.

What substance makes the most money when recycled?

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Aluminum is one of the most lucrative materials to recycle due to its high market value. It can be recycled indefinitely without losing quality, making it a highly sought-after material in the recycling industry.

Where is a gps tracking device in your car?

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It is almost hopeless trying to find one, but you can get a good deal on a GPS tracker jammer at .

A GPS jammer may be in the grill of your car, or on the underside.

Why may an infraction of the inner ear cause you to loose your balance?

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An infraction of the inner ear can affect the balance system, called the vestibular system. The inner ear helps monitor head movements and spatial orientation. Any disruption to this system can lead to vertigo, dizziness, and a feeling of imbalance.

What is an object that is the type of matter that makes up the object and the way that the matter is arranged?

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An object's structure refers to both the material it is made of and how the components are arranged. For example, a diamond is made of carbon atoms bonded in a particular arrangement, giving it its unique structure and properties.

How does repo campany track your vehicle by gps?

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A repo company can track a vehicle using GPS by installing a GPS tracking device on the vehicle. This device allows them to monitor the location of the vehicle in real-time, making it easier for them to locate and repossess the vehicle if necessary. Additionally, some repo companies may also use data analytics and algorithms to predict the possible locations where the vehicle may be located.

To repair a thymine dimmer by nucleotide excision repair in which order do the necessary enzymes act?

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In nucleotide excision repair of a thymine dimer, the process involves multiple enzymes acting sequentially. First, the recognition of the damaged DNA by the XPC-RAD23B complex occurs. Then, the damaged DNA segment is excised by the endonucleases XPG and ERCC1-XPF. Finally, the gap is filled in by DNA polymerase and ligase enzymes.

What elements from the periodic table is Aspirin made up of?

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Aspirin is a white crystalline powder with a melting point of 135°C.

The common chemical name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. Its systematic name is 2-(acetyloxy)benzoic acid. The chemical formula of aspirin is C9H8O4.

Which plates are adjacent to the united state plate?

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The North American Plate, Pacific Plate, and Caribbean Plate are adjacent to the United States Plate.

What of an object is the type of matter that makes up the object and the way that the matter is arranged is called?

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The type of matter that makes up an object is called its composition, while the way that the matter is arranged is called its structure. Both composition and structure play a crucial role in determining the properties and behavior of the object.

What type of mwtter makes up an object and the way matter is arranged?

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The type of matter that makes up an object depends on its chemical composition, such as atoms and molecules. The arrangement of matter refers to how these particles are organized and interact with each other to give the object its unique properties and characteristics.

What object is the type of matter that makes up the object and the way that the matter is arranged?

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The object you are referring to is a crystal. Crystals are made up of specific types of matter arranged in a repeating pattern that gives them their characteristic structure and properties.

How many meters is a plate?

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A standard dinner plate typically has a diameter of about 0.3 meters.

If car 1 has a greater inertia than car 2 then car 1 has?

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Car 1 will be more resistant to changes in its state of motion compared to car 2. This means that it will require more force to accelerate, decelerate, or change its direction.

Do American cars have number plates on the Front and Back?

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It depends on the state. Some states in the US require cars to have license plates on both the front and back, while others only require a rear plate.

What is a microtitration plate?

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A microtitration plate is a flat plate with multiple wells used for conducting chemical or biological reactions in very small volumes (usually microliters). It is commonly used in laboratory settings for high-throughput screening, enzyme assays, and other experiments that require testing multiple samples simultaneously. The most common format is a 96-well plate, but plates with 384 or 1536 wells are also available for higher throughput applications.

What is the system in the inner ear that controls balance?

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The system in the inner ear that controls balance is called the vestibular system. It includes the vestibular organs (semicircular canals and otolith organs) which detect head movements and help maintain equilibrium. Signals from the vestibular system are sent to the brain to coordinate balance and spatial orientation.