


Cable Internet

Cable internet is a common high-speed broadband internet connection for home use. Questions about this type of connection and the technologies involved belong here.

1,579 Questions

Why do plants grow into rocks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can grow into rocks due to a process called mechanical weathering, where roots expand as they grow, causing rocks to crack and break apart over time. This process allows plants to find nutrients and water in the cracks of rocks to sustain their growth.

What are the categories of wholesalers?

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Asked by Wiki User

The categories of wholesalers include merchant wholesalers, agents and brokers, manufacturers' sales branches and offices, and import/export merchants. Merchant wholesalers buy and sell goods on their own account, while agents and brokers facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers. Manufacturers' sales branches and offices are owned by the manufacturer and handle sales in a specific region, while import/export merchants specialize in international trade.

What type of electromagnetic signals are currently used to communicate through space?

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Radio waves are the most commonly used electromagnetic signals for communication through space. These waves have long wavelengths that can travel long distances without getting absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, microwaves and infrared signals are also used for specific space communication purposes.

Can dimmer switches be used with 3 way switches?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, dimmer switches can be used with 3-way switches to control the brightness of the lights in a multiple switch setup. However, it is important to make sure that the dimmer switch is compatible with the 3-way wiring configuration and that both switches are designed to work together.

How do you identify pin connections on AND gate IC chips?

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Asked by Wiki User

To identify pin connections on an AND gate IC chip, refer to the datasheet provided by the manufacturer. The datasheet will have a pinout diagram showing the location and function of each pin on the chip. Additionally, you can use a multimeter to test for continuity between pins to confirm their connections.

Can plants grow in rocks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can grow in rocks under certain conditions. Some plants have adapted to grow in rocky environments, such as cliffs, rocky slopes, or crevices. These plants are often referred to as "rock plants" or "rock garden plants." They have specialized adaptations that allow them to thrive in the challenging conditions of rocky environments.

These adaptations include:

Small size: Many rock plants are low-growing and have a compact growth habit, allowing them to fit into crevices and gaps in the rocks.

Drought tolerance:

Rocks can absorb and retain heat, causing the surrounding soil to become dry quickly.

Rock plants often have adaptations to conserve water, such as succulent leaves or deep root systems that can access water trapped within the rocks.

Anchoring mechanisms:

Some plants have specialized root systems that can penetrate and anchor themselves to the rocks, enabling them to withstand strong winds and erosion.

Nutrient acquisition: Rocks generally do not provide much organic matter or nutrients for plants. However, some rock plants have adaptations to obtain nutrients from other sources, such as through symbiotic relationships with fungi or by trapping and decomposing organic matter that accumulates in rock crevices.

What are the uses of a NOT logic gate?

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A NOT gate is used to invert the input signal, meaning it produces the opposite output to the input. It is commonly used in digital circuits for tasks such as signal inversion, logic gating, and arithmetic operations.

Whats some info on Lightning whelks?

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Lightning whelks are large predatory sea snails found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast of the United States. They have distinctive spiral shells with spiky knobs and can reach lengths of up to 16 inches. Lightning whelks feed on mollusks and are known for their scavenging behavior.

Is it safe to use galvanized steel in a barbecue pit?

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It is generally safe to use galvanized steel in a barbecue pit as long as the galvanized coating is intact and not damaged. However, when heated to high temperatures, galvanized steel can release fumes that are toxic if inhaled, so it's best to avoid direct contact with flames or high heat sources. If you're unsure, consider using stainless steel which is a safer alternative for cooking applications.

Are 277V lights wired the same as 120V?

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Yes, lights operating at 277V are typically wired in a similar manner to 120V lights, with the main difference being the voltage of the power supply. It is important to use the appropriate electrical wiring and components rated for 277V to ensure safe operation.

What would prevent a light source from passing through fiber optic cable The light source is lit and light can be seen up to the fiber optic cable splice can water in the splice stop the lite?

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Yes, water in the splice can impede the transmission of light through the fiber optic cable. Water can absorb and scatter the light, reducing its intensity and affecting the clarity and efficiency of the transmission. It's important to ensure that fiber optic connections are properly sealed to prevent water ingress and maintain optimal performance.

What are the merits and demerits of democracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Merits of democracy include promoting citizen participation, protecting individual rights, and fostering political stability. However, some demerits include potential for populism, slow decision-making processes, and susceptibility to corruption.

What is a Digital Subscriber Line?

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Asked by FishDoom

Digital Subscriber Line, commonly known as DSL, marked a significant leap in the realm of digital communication when it was introduced. It revolutionized internet connectivity by providing high-speed internet access over conventional telephone lines. Unlike the dial-up connections prevalent before its advent, DSL allowed for simultaneous voice and data transmission over the same telephone line, which was a groundbreaking feature at the time.

The technology behind DSL utilizes the higher frequency bands of the telephone line to transmit digital data, leaving the lower frequency bands for voice communication. This separation of frequency bands is what enables the simultaneous use of internet and telephone services. The inception of DSL was a monumental stride towards making high-speed internet accessible to a broader demographic, leveraging existing telephone infrastructure without the need for additional or specialized wiring.

Various standards within DSL technology cater to different use cases and requirements. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is the most common form, offering higher download speeds compared to upload speeds, which is suitable for typical household usage where downloading data is more prevalent than uploading. In contrast, Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) provides equal upload and download speeds, meeting the demands of businesses and other scenarios where significant amounts of data are transmitted in both directions. Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) is another standard offering even higher data rates over shorter distances, ideal for applications necessitating high bandwidth.

Key components in a DSL network include DSL modems and DSL Access Multiplexers (DSLAMs). The DSL modem, situated at the user's premises, modulates digital data into a format suitable for transmission over the telephone line and demodulates incoming data back into digital format. On the other side, the DSLAM, located at the service provider's central office, aggregates data traffic from multiple DSL connections, routing it to the internet.

Over time, DSL technology has seen significant advancements. Newer standards like ADSL2, ADSL2+, and VDSL2 have emerged, offering enhanced data rates, improved noise tolerance, and better diagnostics. Despite the advent of other broadband technologies like fiber-optic and cable internet, DSL remains a relevant and viable option, especially in regions where these newer technologies aren't available or are too costly to implement.

DSL's legacy is not merely technological; it has a broader societal impact. By enabling high-speed internet access over existing telephone lines, DSL played a crucial role in bridging the digital divide, especially in rural and underdeveloped areas. The ripple effects of DSL's widespread adoption extend to various facets of modern life, including education, healthcare, and economic development, underscoring its pivotal role in fostering global digital connectivity.

Can you give me instructions for connecting a PSP to a wireless router?

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Asked by Wiki User

go to network settings and then infrastructure settings. then click new connection and scan for your connection. select your connection and then enter your password(if you have one). after doing so address setting came up asking easy or custom what do i do next

What are the bad effects of using computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are a lot of disadvantages, if you see the computer for long hours, it damages your sight, also if you get addicted to a particular feature of computer you will get stucked to it forever and will do no other work, also typing for a long time without taking interval breaks can risk to you wrist functions damage.

How can I connect to the Interent?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ISP and HTTP with a browser software

Well first you need a ISP (Internet Service Provider) For example BT, O2, Or Be. And Either a phone line or Cable line. You would then need a Modem or Router connected to a telephone point in your house, and then a ethernet cable to your pc/laptop etc. (Whatever you want to connect to the internet). It is also worth mentioning that if you are getting broadband your speed may be affected by factors such as distance from the nearest exchange, line quality, and isp package etc.. It is worth researching these things first.

How do you set up wireless broadband Internet access in the home?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you get broadband cable or dsl you should be set up with a modem connected to your computer with an ethernet cable (similar to a phone cable). To make this wireless you need a wireless router (this connects the modem to the computers) and wireless cards (there are different kinds for desktops or laptops) for each wireless desktop or laptop.

This link will provide you with greater detail

Computer you can talk to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, but the computer can't have it's own personality, only what the developers program.

What happens when you unplug the network cable?

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Asked by Wiki User

You (obviously) lose the network connection, and the IP address you were assigned goes back into the pool of available addresses.

Any network process would then be interrupted as well. If you weren't doing anything on the network then you wouldn't see much of a difference. If you were doing something on the network it would have to abort/stop what it was doing.

Do you need wireless Internet for Internet on your psp?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can get on the internet using your PSP but you will need a wireless router to do so. I am including a link that gives instructions on how to do this:

Why cant i connect my ps3 to the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

All the ads showing features for the PS3 state Online connectivity requires broadband internet service and network devices such as a DSL or cable modem. Most people who have this also require a router and an ethernet cable or a wireless router to allow connection of more than one device to there internet service. If you do not have internet already you need to get the internet before you can connect the PS3.

Where do you get a WiFi usb stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are interested in purchasing a WiFi USB Adapter, then you will find several online retailers available. Dell, eBay, Walmart, and Amazon are just a few of the retailers that offer WiFi USB Adapters.

Is a modem a cable?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ethernet cable is the cable with end plugs similar to a phone cable but a little larger in appearance. The cable modem may have one leaving it to go to your PC or your router for a home network

What are the difference between NOR gate and XOR gate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Truth table of 'NOR' is 0 0 - 1 0 1 - 0 1 0 - 0 1 1 - 0 NOR is just opposite of OR as the name itself suggest NOR is the not of OR. Whole XOR is 1 for different outputs and 0 for same outputs.

Is there a cable modem with phone jack for comcast?

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An ethernet cable may look like a phone cable but it is not and would not serve any purpose to connect one to your phone line. The Cable modem has an ethernet cable as an output to a PC, router, or other device and not an input to provide internet access