


Yahoo! is a company specializing in various internet services, and is best known for their web search engine. Questions about this company and its products belong here.

1,881 Questions

What does a green arrow next to a yahoo mail message mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

What does a grey arrow pointing right next to a send email means

What is the major benefit of ureterosigmoidoscopy?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Ureterosigmoidoscopy allows for direct visualization and inspection of the lower urinary tract using a flexible endoscope, providing detailed information on the anatomy and potential abnormalities. This procedure can help diagnose conditions affecting the ureters, bladder, and urethra, such as stones, tumors, or inflammatory changes, leading to more targeted treatment.

How do you cancel yahoo email account?

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Asked by Wiki User

To cancel a Yahoo email account, log in to your account, go to the "Account Termination" page, follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the cancellation, and then wait for the account to be deactivated. Remember that once the account is canceled, all associated data will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

How old do you have to be to not have to pay for a yahoo email account?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yahoo email account is free to all users of all ages.

What do you do after a drought?

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Asked by Wiki User

After a drought, it is important to assess the damage to crops and natural resources, replenish water sources if necessary, and implement strategies to mitigate the impact of future droughts such as improving irrigation techniques, promoting water conservation, and diversifying crops. It's also crucial to support affected communities by providing relief measures and assistance in recovery efforts.

What is the mineral group of Iron?

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Asked by Wiki User

Iron belongs to the mineral group called "native elements."

How do you send an email to all of your contacts on yahoo email?

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Asked by Wiki User

you go to contacts and then you go to categories and put a list down for 'Everyone' or 'Everybody' then put all of your contacts into that category, and when you do that when you send a message press e on the who you want to send to bar and press everyone or whatever you named your category and whoever you put in that list will get the message

What is harmful for the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Harmful substances for the body include tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats, and exposure to environmental pollutants. These can lead to various health issues such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and respiratory problems.

Why does the Doppler Effect detect only radial velocity?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Doppler Effect detects only radial velocity because it measures the change in frequency of waves due to the relative motion of the source and observer along the line of sight. Any motion perpendicular to the line of sight does not affect the observed frequency and hence is not detected by the Doppler Effect.

Who are the famous biologist and what are their contributions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some famous biologists and their contributions include Charles Darwin, known for his theory of evolution by natural selection; Gregor Mendel, who founded the science of genetics; and Rosalind Franklin, whose x-ray diffraction images were crucial to the discovery of the DNA double helix structure by Watson and Crick.

What are the pros and cons of a Marblelite coating versus Epoxy coating over the gunite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marblelite coating is typically more flexible and can be easier to repair compared to epoxy coating, which is more rigid and durable. However, epoxy coating provides better protection against chemicals and stains. Ultimately, the choice between the two coatings depends on factors such as desired durability, maintenance ease, and budget.

Is it harmful to your body to compress sneezes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it can be harmful to suppress sneezes because the build-up of pressure can potentially lead to ear or sinus issues. It is generally recommended to let a sneeze out naturally to avoid any potential complications.

How many people visit yahoo per day?

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Yahoo receives approximately 190 million visits per day. This number can vary based on factors such as time of year and current events.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting other email address?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of having multiple email addresses are better organization, separation of personal and professional communications, and enhanced security in case of a compromised account. Disadvantages include the need to manage multiple accounts, potential confusion, and difficulty in remembering login details for each address.

Differences between selling concept and marketing concept?

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Asked by Wiki User

selling concept is a traditional concept of marketing. In traditional concept emphasis was on only selling the product. marketers would not bother about customers wants and would think that customers would buy whatever is offered to them. marketing research was not given any importance. emphasis was only on production and selling the product.

marketing concept is the modern concept of marketing. here the customer is considered as the soul of the entire marketing activity. The needs of customers are found out through marketing research and then products are developed to satisfy those needs. Building customer relationship and maintaining those relationship is given lot of importance. Customer is considered as the king of the market. This approach is used in today's globally competitive marketing world.

What is the difference between selling and marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Selling is the simple trade in goods and commodities, exchanging them for money. Marketing is the promotion or advertising of a product or products, which does not have to involve the actual act of selling at all, but is designed to encourage buyers or investors to choose the items or services being offered above other competitors.

How do you sign up for Yahoo?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can make a YouTube account with a Yahoo e-mail address just like how you'd make a YouTube channel with a Gmail address. It really doesn't matter what kind of e-mail address you have as long as it's a valid one and that you're over 13 years old.

In the good deed by pearl s buck what is probably the reason that old Mrs pan does not appreciate the fact of her safety?

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Asked by Wiki User

Old Mrs. Pan does not appreciate the fact of her safety because she is overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and shame over her situation and feels unworthy of help. She may also have a sense of pride that prevents her from acknowledging her vulnerability and accepting assistance.

What did it mean when the yahoos were searching for diamonds in gullivers travel?

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In "Gulliver's Travels," the yahoos searching for diamonds symbolize humans engaging in meaningless pursuits and materialistic desires. It reflects Swift's criticism of society's obsession with wealth and status, emphasizing the folly of chasing after superficial goals while ignoring more meaningful aspects of life.

Was there an underlying message in all Shakespeare's work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shakespeare's works often explore universal themes such as love, power, jealousy, and betrayal. While there may not be a single underlying message in all his works, common themes include the complexities of human nature, the consequences of ambition, and the passage of time. His plays pose questions about morality, fate, and the human experience.

How can one send paintings in the mail?

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Asked by Wiki User

To send a painting in the mail, you should first wrap it in protective materials such as bubble wrap and secure it in a sturdy box. Make sure to label the package as fragile and consider purchasing insurance to cover any damages during transit. Lastly, choose a reputable shipping carrier that offers tracking services for added peace of mind.

What is the best length(words) for long tail keywords?

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Asked by Wiki User

You want to target keywords that are at least four words long. The longer the keyword phrase the less competition it will have but make sure it gets traffic.

The easiest way to do this is do a google search and begin typing in your keyword phrase. After you have typed the fourth word of the keyword phrase notice the suggestions that google autosuggest pulls up. If google is autosuggesting it, it means there are real people typing it into google.

You can also apply this autosuggest strategy on Bing and Yahoo search as well as Yahoo answers.

Where is yahoo corporate offices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Easy enough...Their main HQ is at:

701 1st Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94089

...And their Search Marketing Group is at:

3333 Empire Avenue

Burbank, CA 91504

