


Email and IM

Electronic mail (email) and instant messengers (IM) are two of the most widely used forms of electronic communication. Questions about these methods and how they work belong here.

7,412 Questions

What does a green arrow next to a yahoo mail message mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

What does a grey arrow pointing right next to a send email means

How can you get an email to Miranda Cosgrove?

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Asked by Wiki User

Become Bush gardens to kiss ostrich not angry with me then freaky Friday switch with albatross from the rescuers Disney film in meanwhile 1941 film have tubes in ears for Dr. Suess hop on pop tweedle beedle battle with paddle take a sip of Abita Amber beer remember bunny not angry with me press the sustain pedal on the piano to make echo karaoke not problem in meanwhile became Busch gardens say baby you should come home to I carly cast the blondie sounded angry but in bean counter analysis if others mention prior in commentary not angry faces of death monkey hit on the head and shock the monkey song by Gabriel radio broadcast & bless the rains down in Africa song Toto a Russian Chernobyl China Syndrome not a problem after all now reasonably priced drink orange juice at orange Julius restaurant for kissy face bring empty cherry chapstick to me Qiana not angry with me now I remember Qiana is cotton clothes fabric not a girl's name please call the Life of Life person and tell him I am sorry too naray a thing this is Disney I want somebody to want me does you?If so see me

Definition of email security?

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Asked by Wiki User

Email security involves measures and protocols designed to protect email communication and accounts from unauthorized access, threats, and attacks. It includes practices like using strong passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and employing encryption to secure email contents. Additionally, email security encompasses filtering mechanisms to detect and block spam, phishing attempts, and malware. Organizations often use security protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security) for encrypting email in transit and implement DMARC, SPF, and DKIM to prevent email spoofing. Regular user training on recognizing suspicious emails is also a crucial component of maintaining robust email security.

My Outlook email account is neither receiving emails nor is the email coming to the inbox. I am not getting the direct number of Outlook email support. Please tell me what is the number of Outlook email support?

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Asked by 99webhelp

757 304 0805 Support For Email Issues. If you have issues with outlook Email Account you need to contact with outlook Email Support. many uses ask how to contact with live person at outlook email support so this is the number where can you solve yours outlook related issues.

How can you give multiple email address in Cc field?

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Asked by Dibyajyoti2012

To include multiple email addresses in the CC field, separate each address with a comma. For example:,, This way, all listed email addresses will receive a copy of the email.

Is sending somebody a threatening email the same as making a threat in person?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sending a threatening email and making a threat in person can have similar legal implications, but there are some important differences to consider.

When someone sends a threatening email, it can be seen as a form of communication that conveys intent to harm or intimidate.

Just like verbal threats made in person, threatening emails can potentially result in legal consequences such as charges of harassment, intimidation, or even cybercrime depending on the severity and context of the threat.

Key factors that determine the seriousness and legal repercussions of a threatening email include:

Intent: Whether the sender intended to threaten harm or intimidate the recipient.

Content: The specific wording and context of the threat, including any explicit language or details of harm.

Perception: How the recipient perceives the threat and whether it causes fear or reasonable apprehension.

Jurisdiction: Laws and regulations governing electronic communications and cyber threats in the sender's and recipient's locations.

However, there are also notable differences between a threatening email and a threat made in person:

Traceability: Emails can often be traced back to their sender through digital records, whereas threats made in person may be more challenging to trace without witnesses or surveillance footage.

Evidence: Threatening emails leave a digital trail that can be used as evidence in legal proceedings, potentially making it easier to establish the sender's intent and the context of the threat.

Final Words

while both sending a threatening email and making a threat in person can have serious legal consequences, the nature of electronic communication and the digital footprint it leaves can influence how these cases are investigated and prosecuted.

What email security services can you offer?

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Asked by Wiki User

I understand that ensuring robust email security is a top priority for many organizations today.

It's crucial to protect sensitive information and maintain the trust of clients and stakeholders.

In that regard, we offer a comprehensive range of email security services designed to address various threats and vulnerabilities that organizations may face.

Here are some of the key email security services we can provide:

Spam Filtering: Keeping your inbox free from unwanted and potentially harmful emails.

Virus and Malware Protection: Safeguarding against malicious attachments and links that could compromise your systems.

Encryption Services: Ensuring that your sensitive emails are protected from unauthorized access during transmission.

Advanced Threat Detection: Using cutting-edge technologies to detect and mitigate advanced threats like phishing and spear-phishing attacks.

User Awareness Training: Educating your team about best practices to recognize and respond to suspicious emails effectively.

Compliance and Policy Enforcement: Helping you adhere to industry regulations and internal policies governing email use and security.

These services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization, providing a layered approach to email security that minimizes risks and enhances your overall cybersecurity posture.

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How many Gmail accounts in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

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Can you make me a free email address?

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Asked by Wiki User

just go to yahoo or google and get a free account there.

Why do plants grow into rocks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can grow into rocks due to a process called mechanical weathering, where roots expand as they grow, causing rocks to crack and break apart over time. This process allows plants to find nutrients and water in the cracks of rocks to sustain their growth.

Can you recommend any reliable SMTP server providers or services that are well-suited for supporting email marketing initiatives?

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Asked by Brayden

Here are some reliable SMTP server providers well-suited for supporting email marketing initiatives in 2024:

SMTPget: Known for its high deliverability rates, robust security features, and comprehensive analytics, SMTPget is a great choice for businesses looking to optimize their email marketing campaigns.

SendinBlue: Offers a user-friendly platform with advanced automation, segmentation, and analytics tools. It's scalable and suitable for businesses of all sizes.

SMTP2GO: Provides excellent deliverability, real-time analytics, and 24/7 customer support, making it a reliable choice for email marketing.

Amazon SES : Known for its scalability and cost-effectiveness, Amazon SES is ideal for businesses that need to send a large volume of emails.

Mailgun: Offers powerful APIs for sending, receiving, and tracking emails. It's designed for developers but also provides robust features for email marketing.

SendGrid: A popular choice for both transactional and marketing emails, SendGrid offers excellent deliverability, scalability, and comprehensive analytics.

These providers offer various features and pricing plans to suit different business needs, ensuring effective and reliable email marketing.

What is epoch com?

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Asked by Wiki User is an online payment processing company that provides a billing solution for various online businesses, particularly in the adult entertainment industry. It offers secure and reliable payment processing services to help businesses accept payments from customers around the world.

What are 6 different ways of handling email messages?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Delete: Remove unnecessary emails to declutter inbox.
  2. Archive: Store important emails for future reference without cluttering the inbox.
  3. Reply: Respond promptly to emails that require action or acknowledgment.
  4. Forward: Share relevant emails with colleagues or contacts if necessary.
  5. Flag/Mark: Highlight emails that need follow-up or further attention.
  6. Organize: Create folders or labels to categorize emails for better management.

Where can you find the email of stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

Email addresses of stars are typically not publicly disclosed to ensure their privacy and security. If you need to contact a star for professional reasons, it's best to go through their agent, publicist, or official fan mail address provided on their official website or social media channels.

What happens if you don't deficate for a long time?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you don't defecate for a long time, you may experience constipation, which can cause discomfort, bloating, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, it can lead to complications such as fecal impaction or bowel obstruction, which may require medical intervention. It's important to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet high in fiber, and seek medical attention if you have persistent constipation.

Where can one get a temp email?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many websites offer email addresses which can be used temporarily; examples include Google's Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and Windows Live Hotmail. All of these are free to use.

What email marketing software that allows you to send one email at a time vs in bulk?

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Asked by LarryAnderson

Most email marketing software platforms are designed to send emails in bulk to lists of subscribers rather than one at a time. However, some platforms do offer features or integrations that allow for more personalized, one-on-one email communication. Here are a few options:

SendGrid: SendGrid is an email delivery platform that offers both bulk email sending capabilities and the option to send transactional emails individually. It's often used by developers to send personalized transactional emails like resets, order confirmations, and notifications.

Mailgun: Similar to SendGrid, Mailgun is primarily a transactional email service but also offers some email marketing features. It allows you to send personalized emails programmatically via API or SMTP, making it suitable for one-on-one communication.

Postmark: Postmark is another transactional email service that focuses on delivering transactional emails reliably and quickly. While it's not designed specifically for marketing emails, it can be used to send personalized, one-off emails.

HubSpot: HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that offers both bulk email sending capabilities and tools for personalized email outreach. With HubSpot, you can create email templates, track individual email interactions, and send emails one at a time or in bulk.

Yesware: Yesware is a sales engagement platform that integrates with Gmail and Outlook. It allows sales professionals to send personalized emails, track email opens and clicks, and schedule follow-up emails on a one-on-one basis.

While these options may not be traditional email marketing software platforms, they do provide the flexibility to send personalized emails one at a time when needed. Keep in mind that using these services for bulk email sending may require additional setup or integration with other tools.

What email providers ends in net?

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Asked by Macenz1

Domains ending with .net are usually intended for Internet service providers or networking services. Some email providers that end in .net are Comcast, ATT, and Verizon.

How do you get email both on outlook and Iphone?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you want to get an email on both Outlook and iPhone, then you can add both accounts using this simple procedure. Here is the procedure i used to sync both my accounts.

  1. For the first step, open the Settings page on your iPhone.
  2. After that, head to the Mail option and tap on it.
  3. Next, select the Accounts option and select Add Accounts.
  4. Then tap on Exchange.
  5. Now, you are required to type your Microsoft 365 email address and specify the account description.
  6. After that, choose Next.
  7. Henceforth, you need to time the correct pin that is associated with your account.
  8. And then, select the Sign-in button.
  9. Moreover, accept the permission requested by your Mail app.
  10. Now, you will start receiving emails on your iPhone and Outlook account.

Why are spelling and punctuation still important in email?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spelling and punctuation are important in emails to maintain professionalism, clarity, and ensure that your message is easily understood by the recipient. Proper spelling and punctuation can help prevent misunderstandings and convey your message accurately.

Is it considered acceptable for colleagues who know you not to return emails and phone calls?

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Asked by Mindseyemedia

No, it is generally considered unacceptable for colleagues to not return emails and phone calls. It is important for professional communication and collaboration to respond in a timely manner to ensure work efficiency and maintain positive relationships in the workplace.

Advantages and disadvantages of email?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of email include fast communication, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to send messages globally. Disadvantages include the potential for miscommunication due to lack of tone and body language, the risk of security breaches, and the possibility of emails being overlooked or ignored.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting other email address?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of having multiple email addresses are better organization, separation of personal and professional communications, and enhanced security in case of a compromised account. Disadvantages include the need to manage multiple accounts, potential confusion, and difficulty in remembering login details for each address.

What percentage of Americans use the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

72% of Americans use the internet...

A new Pew Internet & American Life Project reportsays 73 percent of Americans say they use the Internet, up from 66 percent in January 2005, with a lot of the increase coming from those over 50. And here's something even more interesting: . . . And the share of Americans who have broadband connections at home has now reached 42% (about 84 million), up from 29% (about 59 million) in January 2005. That's 42 percent of Americans, period -- not 42 percent of Internet users. That's incredibly significant, because broadband usage changes both behavior and attitudes. That's also reflected in the report: As one measure of the impact of the internet, we have repeatedly asked online Americans whether or not the internet has improved various aspects of their life. Over time, internet users have become more likely to note big improvements in their ability to shop and the way they pursue their hobbies and interests. A majority of internet users also consistently report that the internet helps them to do their job and improves the way the get information about health care. Some key findings are listed below: • The share of online Americans who say the internet has greatly improved their ability to shop has doubled--from 16% to 32%--since March 2001. • The share of online Americans who say the internet has greatly improved the way they pursue hobbies and interests has grown to 33%, up from 20% in March 2001. • The share of online Americans who say the internet has greatly improved their ability to do their job has grown to 35%, up from 24% in March 2001. • The share of online Americans who say the internet has greatly improved the way they get information about health care has grown to 20%, up from 17% in

March 2001.