


Public Speaking

Public speaking is the process of speaking to an audience in a deliberate, structured manner intended to inform, entertain or influence the listeners. It can be a powerful tool to use for various purposes including motivation, persuasion, influence, translation or entertaining.

3,046 Questions

How do you write a dialogue between two friends planning for Diwali vacation?

When writing a dialogue between two friends planning for Diwali vacation, start by establishing the characters' personalities and their excitement for the upcoming holiday. Use natural language and incorporate cultural references related to Diwali celebrations. Include details such as travel plans, activities they want to do during the vacation, and any special traditions they may have. End the dialogue with anticipation and enthusiasm for the festive season ahead.

What does the slang expression you old scudder mean?

"To scud" means to move quickly before the wind -- it's a term used to describe the movement of clouds. On TV's "Gunsmoke," Festus always called Doc Adams a "scudder." It's never been said exactly what that means, but we suspect he meant "you old windbag."

How do you solve square root?

Simply,square roots are solved like this;


5 2 = 5x5

square roots are simply multiplying the number itself.

What are the common symbols and signs that will be useful in interpersonal communication?

Common symbols and signs in interpersonal communication can include facial expressions (smiling, frowning), body language (hand gestures, posture), eye contact (indicating attention or interest), and tone of voice (volume, intonation). These nonverbal cues can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions, enhancing the overall understanding and connection between individuals.

Sample of a closing remarks speech for acquintance party?

Alright, listen up buttercups. It's time to wrap up this shindig with a bang. Let's give a round of applause to everyone who made this acquaintance party a success - from the organizers to the attendees. Remember, life is short, so make sure to keep those connections alive and kicking. Now go out there and conquer the world, you fabulous bunch of party animals!

Merits and demerits of inductive and deductive methods?

Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations based on specific observations, allowing for the discovery of new patterns or theories. Its merit lies in its ability to generate new ideas and hypotheses. However, it can be prone to errors due to its reliance on limited observations and the potential for biased interpretations.

Deductive reasoning starts with a general statement or hypothesis and then examines the possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion. Its merit lies in its structured approach and ability to guarantee the validity of conclusions if the premises are true. However, deductive reasoning can be limited by the accuracy of the initial premises and may not always lead to new discoveries or insights.

What are some examples of opening remarks for an acquaintance party?

Some examples of opening remarks for an acquaintance party could include welcoming all attendees and expressing gratitude for their presence, introducing the purpose of the event and highlighting any special activities or performances planned for the evening, and encouraging guests to mingle and get to know one another. It is also common to acknowledge any special guests or sponsors and to set a positive and inclusive tone for the rest of the event.

Can you give me a sample of welcome remarks for acquaintance party?

Certainly! Here is a sample welcome remark for an acquaintance party: "Good evening, everyone. On behalf of [Name of Organization/Host], I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our guests, both familiar faces and new acquaintances. Tonight is a celebration of friendship, camaraderie, and new beginnings. Let us all enjoy this evening as we forge new connections and strengthen existing bonds. Thank you for joining us."

Who coined the phrase 'If it feels good do it'?

The phrase "If it feels good, do it" is often attributed to American psychologist and writer Timothy Leary. Leary was a prominent figure in the counterculture movement of the 1960s and advocated for the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD. The phrase encapsulates his belief in the importance of following one's own desires and instincts, regardless of societal norms or conventions.

What are the sample of closing remarks on teachers day?

Closing remarks on Teacher's Day typically express gratitude and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of teachers. They may also highlight the importance of education and the impact teachers have on shaping the future. It is common to acknowledge the role of teachers in society and to encourage continued support for education. Closing remarks often end with well wishes for teachers and a reminder of their value in the community.

How do you write a menifesto as compound prefect?

To write a manifesto as a compound prefect, you should start by outlining your vision and goals for the compound. Identify key issues or areas that you want to address, such as cleanliness, discipline, community engagement, or academic excellence. Then, articulate specific action plans and strategies to achieve these goals, including how you will involve other students and staff in the process. Finally, communicate your manifesto clearly and persuasively to the compound community, highlighting the benefits and positive impact of your proposed initiatives.

What are the key success factors of pick n pay?

The key success factors of Pick n Pay, one of South Africa's largest and most successful retail chains, include:

Customer-Centric Approach: Pick n Pay places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction by offering a wide range of quality products at competitive prices. Their focus on customer service and loyalty programs, like the Smart Shopper program, helps build and maintain a strong customer base.

Wide Product Range: The company offers a diverse selection of products, including groceries, household items, clothing, and electronics, catering to various customer needs and preferences. This comprehensive product offering attracts a broad customer demographic.

Innovation and Technology: Pick n Pay has embraced technology to enhance the shopping experience, such as through online shopping platforms, mobile apps, and self-service checkouts. Their commitment to digital transformation keeps them competitive in the evolving retail landscape.

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What are merits and demerits of artificial satellite?

Merits of artificial satellites include enabling communication, weather forecasting, GPS navigation, and monitoring of environmental changes. Demerits include creating space debris, increasing risk of collisions, and potential for misuse in terms of surveillance or weaponization.

Compare and contrast organism and species?

An organism is an individual living being that can grow, reproduce, and respond to its environment. A species is a group of organisms that interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Organisms are the individual units within a species, while a species represents a group of organisms with shared characteristics and ability to breed.

Full form of DTS-you in pulsar?

The full form of DTS-I in a Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle is Digital Twin Spark Ignition. It is a technology used to improve fuel efficiency and enhance combustion efficiency in the engine by using two spark plugs per cylinder.

Is Ebony Meyer really as awesome as people say?

yes, she may be even more epic and awesome! :O if that is possible. :P She is really 5exy and hot and she is nice to everyone, she has about 5 guys trying to get in her pants and samantha smith loves her so very much :3 love you long time <3

ex oh ex oh gossip smith

Why can't animals speak English?

Animals do not have the physical ability to produce the sounds that make up human language. Their vocal cords and articulatory structures are not designed for human speech. Additionally, animals do not have the cognitive capacity for complex language and communication like humans do.

Can you give me a copy of oratorical speech on saving our mother earth?

I'm here to assist with information and guidance. How can I help you with creating or improving a speech on the topic of saving our mother earth?

Are there any other household uses of burdock root?

Yes, burdock root can be used in skincare products, hair treatments, and as a natural diuretic. It is also sometimes consumed as a tea or added to soups and stews for its potential health benefits.

What does surface morphology mean?

Surface morphology refers to the study of the physical structure and characteristics of a surface, including its roughness, topography, and features at a micro or nanoscale level. It focuses on understanding the shape, texture, and properties of surfaces for various applications in science and engineering.

Good topics for seminar related to genetics?

  1. Precision medicine: exploring the impact of genetic testing on personalized healthcare.
  2. Gene editing technologies: examining the ethical implications and future applications.
  3. Genetic diversity and disease susceptibility: understanding how genetic variation influences health outcomes.
  4. Epigenetics and environmental factors: investigating the interplay between genetics and the environment in gene expression.

Does Joel Olsten do his sermon by memory We don't see any promters?

Many of today's public speakers have ways to look at their speeches that are not immediately visible to the TV audience: for example, there can be a prompter on the lectern or podium, hidden from the view of the camera. Years ago, prompters were huge and you couldn't miss seeing them. These days, a prompting device can be placed in such a way that the audience cannot see it. This allows the speaker (in this case, Joel Osteen) to glance down at it as he needs to. He may also place some notes or file-cards with significant points on the lectern, and those aids too would be hard for the TV audience to see.

However, it is a fact that the best public speakers are able to give a speech without reading it. Mr. Osteen has considerable skill, which comes from years of practice and from knowing his subject matter. So, he may be reciting certain things from memory, but more likely, he is also glancing down at his prompter or his notes, and you cannot readily see him doing it.