

Writing: Characters and Dialogue

Characters are one of the most important elements in a story, and dialogue is an effective way of conveying character. This category is for questions relating to characterization and the creation of dialogue.

1,049 Questions

Why are stock characters important to Commedia dell'arte?

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Asked by Wiki User

The characters were always the same,only the situation changes

Did Galileo write dialog on the Two Chief World Systems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Galileo wrote "Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" in 1632. The book compared the Copernican system with the traditional Ptolemaic system and argued for the heliocentric model of the universe. This work ultimately got Galileo into trouble with the Catholic Church.

What does it mean to give a trait to a character?

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Giving a trait to a character means assigning a specific attribute or characteristic to that character to help define their personality or behavior. Traits can include qualities like kindness, intelligence, courage, or any other feature that contributes to making the character unique and believable within a story.

Why do gestures make you infer character traits?

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Gestures can provide nonverbal cues that reveal feelings, intentions, and personality traits of an individual. They can convey information about one's confidence, friendliness, and emotional state, allowing others to make inferences about their character based on these nonverbal signals. This can enhance communication by adding another layer of understanding beyond verbal language.

When writing dialog use all capital letters for?

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It is not recommended to use all capital letters for dialog as it can be difficult to read and may come across as shouting. It is better to use quotation marks to indicate when someone is speaking in written dialog.

When telling a story does looking to the right represent recalling memories?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. While some people may associate looking to the right with recalling memories, it's important to consider each individual's unique cues for memory recall. Some people may look up, down, or left when remembering, so it's not a strict rule that looking to the right always represents recalling memories.

Do you have to begin a new paragraph for dialog?

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Yes, it is recommended to start a new paragraph each time a different character speaks in order to make the conversation clear and easier to follow for readers. This helps to improve readability and clarity in writing.

What is a good last name for Amy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Any last name that you like is a good one! Your characters are yours - you don't have to ask some anonymous person on the internet about them.

Here's a good LINK to a list of last names you might like.

Need a cool name for a group of people who can manipulate objects through use of some form of mystic energy for a story?

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Asked by Ben93

If you're going to be a writer, you need to come up with your own names -- here are some links to help you learn how to name things in your books.

Are Karen Rose and Karen Rose Smith the same author?

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No, Karen Rose and Karen Rose Smith are different authors. Karen Rose writes suspense and thriller novels, while Karen Rose Smith writes contemporary romance and cozy mystery novels.

What event or circumstances causes the characters to gather in the story of the Canterbury Tales?

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In the Canterbury Tales, the characters gather at the Tabard Inn in Southwark before embarking on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury. They come together under the suggestion of the Host to take turns telling stories to pass the time during the journey.

Who are the main characters in Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis?

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The main characters in "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis are Dr. Elwin Ransom, an English philologist, and the inhabitants of Malacandra (Mars) known as the Hrossa, Sorns, and Pfifltriggi. The story follows Ransom's journey to Malacandra and his interactions with its unique inhabitants.

Is loyalty the theme in Lob's Girl?

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Yes, loyalty is a major theme in "Lob's Girl." The story explores the loyalty and bond between Lob's dog, Sandy, and Lob's niece, Sandy's descendants, as well as the family's loyalty to Lob's memory and their cherished belongings.

What are some dark girl names for my story?

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Asked by MidnightRain

Some dark girl names you could consider for your story include Raven, Lilith, Selene, and Morrigan. These names have dark or mysterious connotations that could suit a darker character in your narrative.

Who are the characters in the story of oli impan?

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The main characters in the story of Oli Impan include Oli, who is a young girl searching for her lost brother, and Impan, a magical creature who helps her in her quest. Together, they embark on a journey filled with challenges and adventures.

Can authors disagree with their character?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, authors can disagree with their characters when writing. Characters may have their own thoughts, beliefs, and actions that do not align with the author's, leading to conflicts or disagreements between the two. This can add depth and complexity to the characters and their interactions within the story.

Characters of cat in the rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Ernest Hemingway's short story "Cat in the Rain," the character of the American wife is longing for emotional connection and fulfillment in her marriage. She becomes fixated on a cat outside in the rain, seeing it as a symbol of her own sense of yearning and isolation. The character of the American husband is portrayed as distant and preoccupied, perhaps reflecting the lack of intimacy and communication in their relationship.

What is a good last name for the first name Rachel?

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A good last name for the first name Rachel could be something common like Smith, Johnson, or Williams. Alternatively, a more unique last name like Bennett, Lawson, or Mercer could also work well. Ultimately, choosing a last name that flows and sounds good with the first name Rachel is key.

Who is the antagonist in story of an hour?

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In "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, the antagonist is the societal expectations and constraints placed on women during the time period in which the story is set. Mrs. Mallard's struggle for autonomy and freedom is hindered by these societal norms, which restrict her true feelings and desires.

What is striking about the way the characters are named in the story the time machine?

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In "The Time Machine," the characters are primarily referred to by generic titles like the Time Traveller, the Eloi, and the Morlocks instead of individual names. This choice emphasizes their roles as archetypes rather than individuals, highlighting themes of societal structure and evolution. Additionally, the lack of personal names adds to the story's sense of detachment and the Time Traveller's observational perspective.

How does an author create a character in a short story?

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An author can create a character in a short story by giving them a distinct personality, motivation, and background. By providing specific details such as physical appearance, mannerisms, and dialogue, the character comes to life for the reader. Developing relationships with other characters and placing them in different situations helps to reveal their complexities and make them relatable to the audience.

How do you create passion and strong emotions between characters in books?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create passion and strong emotions between characters in books, focus on building deep connections through shared experiences, conflicting interests, and intense interactions. Develop multifaceted characters with complex motivations, desires, and vulnerabilities that allow readers to empathize with their emotions and relationships. Use vivid and evocative language to evoke powerful emotional responses and create genuine chemistry between characters.

What stock characters are present in the lottery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some stock characters present in "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson include the town's leader, Mr. Summers; Mr. Graves, who assists with the lottery process; Old Man Warner, the traditionalist who insists on continuing the lottery; and Tessie Hutchinson, who ultimately becomes the "winner" of the town's brutal tradition.

Can someone name some good fantasy fictionpress stories?

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Some popular fantasy stories on FictionPress include "The Lost Heir" by Allison Whisnant, "The Last Firebird" by M.J. Rhodes, and "The Lighthouse Chronicles" by J.G. Vayle. These stories are well-loved by readers for their engaging plots, intriguing characters, and imaginative world-building.

What character in Canterbury Tales is dainty?

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The character in Canterbury Tales known for being dainty is the Prioress. She is described as having delicate features and refined manners, often showing sophistication and elegance in her behavior.