


Short Stories

Short stories are a subgenre of fiction. They are shorter than a novel, and are usually specific to one plot and with a limited number of characters. Other names for a short story include microfiction, drabbles, and novellas.

5,684 Questions

What is the genre of the story the open window by Saki?

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Framton Nuttle, a nervous young man, has come to stay in the country for his health. His sister, who thinks he should socialise while he is there, has given him letters of introduction to families in the neighbourhood who she got to know when she was staying there a few years previously.

Framton goes to visit a Mrs Stapleton, and while he is waiting for her to come down, he is entertained by her fifteen-year-old niece. The niece tells him that the French window is kept open, even though it is October, because her aunt's husband and her brothers were killed in a shooting accident three years ago, and Mrs Stapleton believes they will come back one day.

When Mrs Stapleton comes down she talks about her husband and brothers, and how they are going to come back from the shooting soon, and Frampton, believing she is derranged, tries to get her to distract her by talking about his health. Then, to his horror, Mrs Stapleton points out that her husband and brothers are coming, and he sees them walking towards the window, with their dog. He thinks he is seeing ghosts, and runs away.

Mrs Stapleton can't understand why he has run away, and when her husband and brothers (who of course are not ghosts) come in, she tells them about the odd young man who has just left. The niece explains that Frampton Nuttal ran away because of the spaniel, he is afraid of dogs since being hunted by a pack of pariah dogs in India. (the niece enjoys making up stories about people).

What is the theme of the story 'A Year Down Yonder'?

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There are many conflicts to A Year Down Yonder. One is that a tornado came while Mary Alice was in school so she ran all the way home to make sure that Grandma Dowdel was okay. Another conflict was that both Carleen Lovjoy and Mary Alice both liked Royce McNabb.

Which elements of a short story would be most important to a story about a woman who has to fly to the moon to prevent the earth from being swallowed by a black hole?

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Key elements could include the protagonist's emotional journey and internal conflict about leaving Earth, the sense of urgency and tension as she races against time to reach the moon, and the development of her character as she grapples with the enormity of her mission and her impact on humanity. The setting, plot, and character development would be crucial in conveying the story's themes of sacrifice, courage, and the potential for redemption.

In All Summer in a Day how does the setting affect plot development?

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The setting in "All Summer in a Day" plays a crucial role in the plot development as the constant rain on Venus intensifies the isolation and cruelty experienced by the main character, Margot. The oppressive weather heightens the anticipation and longing for sunlight, which ultimately leads to the children's betrayal of Margot. The setting underscores themes of jealousy, isolation, and the impact of external circumstances on human behavior.

The life of cardo by amador t daguio?

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"The Life of Cardo" by Amador T. Daguio is a short story that follows the life of a man named Cardo as he faces various challenges and struggles in his journey. Through Cardo's experiences, the story explores themes of perseverance, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships. It ultimately highlights the importance of staying true to oneself despite the trials one may face.

What is the background of Amador T Daguio?

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Amador T. Daguio was a Filipino writer and poet known for his works depicting the culture and traditions of the Igorot people in the Philippines. He was born in 1912 in Mountain Province, Philippines, and his writing often focused on themes of love, family, and the struggles of indigenous communities. Daguio's works are celebrated for their lyrical style and emotional depth.

What are the esposition of makato cowrie shell?

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Cowrie shells are often used in traditional African rituals and ceremonies as a symbol of wealth, beauty, and spirituality. In some cultures, they are believed to have magical properties and are used for divination. Makato cowrie shells specifically may hold significance within a particular cultural context or tradition.

Could you give a deep insight into child psychology related with the character and behavior of Seriozha in the story at home by Anton Chekhov?

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Seriozha in "At Home" by Anton Chekhov exhibits characteristics typical of a child experiencing neglect and emotional turmoil. His withdrawn behavior, lack of communication, and tendency to engage in destructive acts are common responses of a child seeking attention and struggling with feelings of abandonment. His actions can be seen as a cry for help and a reflection of the impact of his environment on his emotional well-being.

What is the relationship between the three main characters in Hunters in the Snow What is Wolff suggesting about human nature and society?

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In "Hunters in the Snow," the three main characters – Tub, Kenny, and Frank – have a strained and dysfunctional relationship characterized by mistrust, manipulation, and hidden motives. Wolff uses these characters to suggest that human nature can be selfish, deceptive, and morally ambiguous when faced with challenges or conflicts, reflecting broader societal issues of alienation, loneliness, and the breakdown of interpersonal relationships. Ultimately, the story highlights the complexities and contradictions inherent in human behavior and the challenges of understanding and connecting with others in a fragmented and often hostile world.

Where is the setting of abakada ina?

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The setting of "Abakada Ina" is in the Philippines. The film takes place in various locations around the country, reflecting Filipino culture, traditions, and family dynamics.

Della's character in gift of magi?

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Della is a selfless and loving character in "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry. Despite facing financial difficulties, she sacrifices her most prized possession, her beautiful long hair, to buy a special gift for her husband, showing her deep love and devotion for him. Her actions reflect her genuine and pure-hearted nature.

In the short story The Most Dangerous Game What is does rainsford feel?

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Rainsford feels a combination of fear, excitement, and determination throughout the story "The Most Dangerous Game" as he tries to survive being hunted by General Zaroff on Ship-Trap Island. He experiences a range of emotions as he navigates the deadly game of cat and mouse.

Why did Phillis Wheatley write poems?

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Phillis Wheatley wrote poems to express her thoughts and feelings, to address social issues such as slavery and racial injustice, and to showcase her literary talent and intelligence, proving that African Americans were capable of producing great works of literature.

What is the characterization in gift of magi?

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The characterization in "The Gift of the Magi" focuses on the loving and selfless nature of the main characters, Della and Jim. Della is depicted as caring and sacrificial, willing to give up her most prized possession for Jim's happiness. Jim is portrayed as kind and thoughtful, willing to make a personal sacrifice to show his love for Della. Both characters are characterized by their generosity and devotion to each other.

Sample of a very short story-plot summary?

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A young girl discovers a mysterious portal in her backyard that leads to a magical kingdom. She embarks on a journey to rescue the kingdom from an evil sorcerer, learning about courage and friendship along the way. In the end, she unlocks her true potential and saves the kingdom from destruction.

What is the theme of Hector Munro's The Open Window?

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The essential theme of his story is deception. Not everything is what it seems. Vera shows how her sweet and innocent nature is all but a front of her mischievious and slightly cruel character. Vera is extremly self possesed and muture beyond her years, her imagination is flamboyant but so overpowering it is almost as though she gives into it. Her quick thinking attitude is aided by her imagination to create her disturbing story to Mr Nuttel. Not sure if this helps anyone, jsut my view of how i see the story.

What themes are explored in the Saki's the Open Window?

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Themes explored in Saki's "The Open Window" include deception and storytelling, the power of imagination, and the influence of the natural world on human emotions. The story also highlights the contrast between appearances and reality, as well as the consequences of miscommunication and misunderstandings.

In dialog do you have to indent on every time someone speaks?

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No, you do not have to indent each time someone speaks in a dialogue. You can simply start a new line with the speaker's name or dialogue tag to indicate a change in speaker. Indenting is one way to organize dialogue but not mandatory.

Short story by Lester Del Ray about the last Neanderthal man?

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"Lest Neanderthals Remember" by Lester Del Ray tells the story of the last Neanderthal man, who struggles to adapt to the changing world as Homo sapiens take over. Despite his attempts to survive alone, he ultimately dies without passing on his genes, symbolizing the extinction of his species.

What stories have the moral 'do good have good'?

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Stories like "The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs," "The Lion and the Mouse," and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" convey the moral that doing good deeds leads to positive outcomes. These tales emphasize the importance of kindness, humility, and honesty.

Who was Pete talking to at the beginning of the short story Penny In The Dust?

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The text of "Penny In The Dust" by Ernest Buckler doesn't explicitly state who Pete is talking to at the beginning of the story. The story starts with Pete's internal monologue, reflecting on a childhood memory.

There's no direct indication of him conversing with anyone. It's likely he's alone with his thoughts as he reminisces about the lost penny

What is the biggest lesson you have learned about freelancing?

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Asked by Ana Maria Sangalang

I learned that freelancing is what we called going out of your comfort zone. It is a continuous process of learning. When I started freelancing, I did enroll in a paid course to know more about what freelancing is and why many people say that it changed their lives. And right now, I am learning a lot. Please visit my website and read about my blog about the benefits of freelancing.

In the story the grave grass quivers how is Eli Goble's ''gift'' to the community ironic?

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Eli never wanted to spend a penny. When the story mentioned "all of the lights were on in his house, so we knew he wasn't too well. He would have charged them for every extra penny...", we can see how Eli was very stingy with his money.

When the newspaper announcing that he had bought over 15 acres of land for a new park that he would be funding the construction of, he would have spent more money than he had ever had in his lifetime.

Fortunately, this led to Doc figuring out that *spoiler* Eli was the killer of his father and older brother due to all of the "extra" money he found laying around and the moving of the memorials for Doc's father and brother.

What are the literary terms and devices that Ama Ata Aidoo uses in her story The Girl Who Can?

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Ama Ata Aidoo uses the narrative point of view, dialogue, and symbolism in "The Girl Who Can." The story is narrated from the perspective of a village elder, which adds depth and cultural insight to the narrative. Dialogue between characters reveals their personalities and relationships, while symbolism, such as the girl's ability to see spirits, conveys deeper meanings about tradition and belief systems.