


Literary Terminology

Literary terms are words used in the classification, discussion, criticism and analysis of literary works such as novels, books and poetry. Some literary terms are allusion, body, character, climax, denotation, monologue and plot.

9,845 Questions

What is the theme of the story 'A Year Down Yonder'?

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There are many conflicts to A Year Down Yonder. One is that a tornado came while Mary Alice was in school so she ran all the way home to make sure that Grandma Dowdel was okay. Another conflict was that both Carleen Lovjoy and Mary Alice both liked Royce McNabb.

What is a good name for a planet?

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Dont Know gtg ttyl

What is it called when you compare a person to an inanimate object?

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It is called a metaphor when you compare a person to an inanimate object. Metaphors are figures of speech that make a comparison between two unlike things.

What is the meaning of natural narrative?

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A natural narrative refers to a story or account that is presented in a straightforward, unembellished, and realistic manner. It focuses on the flow of events without unnecessary elaboration or manipulation, aiming to convey a sense of authenticity and truthfulness.

What are the main events of meiosis 1 and meiosis 2?

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In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic material in a process called crossing over. The pairs then separate, leading to two daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. In meiosis II, the sister chromatids within each daughter cell separate, resulting in the formation of four haploid daughter cells with unique genetic combinations.

Which element belongs in the modernist novel?

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Stream of consciousness narration and fragmented storytelling are elements commonly found in modernist novels. These novels often challenge traditional narrative structures and explore themes related to alienation, disillusionment, and the impact of modernity on society and individuals.

What is biological nature of man?

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The biological nature of man refers to the physiological and genetic characteristics that define the human species. This includes traits such as bipedalism, opposable thumbs, large brain size, and complex social behavior. These biological features have evolved over millions of years and distinguish humans from other animals.

Unifying ideas of biology?

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The unifying ideas of biology include the common ancestry of all living things, the cell as the basic unit of life, the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein, and the importance of homeostasis in maintaining balance within living organisms. These concepts provide a framework for understanding the diversity of life on Earth and how different organisms interact with their environment.

Example of an inference?

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If someone tells me they are feeling hot and sweaty, I can infer that they are likely in a warm environment or engaging in physical activity.

What are the unifying themes in biology?

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cell theory

molecular basis of inheritance

relationship between structure and function

diversity of life arises by evolutionary change

evolutionary conservation

cells are information processing systems

living systems exist in a non-equilibrium state

What is included in a polysomnography study?

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A polysomnography study typically includes monitoring of brain waves, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, respiratory effort, and oxygen levels during sleep. This comprehensive test helps diagnose sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy.

What is a character whose traits cannot be summed up in a sentence or two called?

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That type of character would be considered complex or multidimensional, with traits and characteristics that are diverse and multifaceted, requiring more in-depth exploration and description.

What are a primary source and a secondary source?

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Answer if this question concerns literature, not electricity.Primary Source: This is your main source, a source that was recorded when the event happened.

Secondary Source: A source based on other sources e.g. a book about the event or a biography written by person A about person B.

(An autobiography is an example of a primary source because someone wrote it about his or her own life. )

Answer if this question concerns electricity, not literature.Primary Source: A non-rechargeable chemical battery which can produce a useful output current when a load is applied to it. It does not store electric charge and it cannot be re-charged when its supply of electric current has been used up.

Secondary Source: A rechargeable chemical battery which can produce a useful output current when a load is applied to it. It stores electric charge and can be re-charged when its supply of electric current has been used up.

What scenario is an example of a person expressing a point of view about an issue?

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An example would be a person participating in a debate, where they present arguments and evidence to support their perspective on a particular issue. This allows them to express their point of view clearly and engage with others who may have differing opinions.

What sort of writer is allowed to make greater use of novelist devices?

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Fiction writers, like novelists, have more flexibility to use literary devices such as character development, plot twists, and vivid descriptions to create engaging narratives. Nonfiction writers, on the other hand, typically focus on presenting factual information and supporting arguments rather than employing novelistic techniques.

What is a word that means very small?

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What is dynamic charge?

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Dynamic charging refers to the process of charging an electric vehicle wirelessly while it is in motion, typically using pads embedded in the road surface. This technology allows EVs to charge their batteries while driving, extending their range and usability without the need for frequent stops to charge. It has the potential to increase the practicality and adoption of electric vehicles in the future.

What is the topic of the alchemist?

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"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a novel about a young shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a journey to fulfill his personal legend and find hidden treasure. The book explores themes of destiny, self-discovery, and following one's dreams.

Is the Declaration of Independence a primary source or a secondary source?

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The Declaration of Independence is a primary source because it was created at the time of the events it describes and provides firsthand information about the thoughts and beliefs of the authors.

How did some ancient cultures explain natural phenomena?

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Ancient cultures often explained natural phenomena through mythology and religious beliefs. They attributed events such as storms, earthquakes, and eclipses to the actions of gods and supernatural beings. These explanations were passed down through oral traditions and rituals, shaping the cultural understanding of the natural world.

What is an Iamic meter?

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Iambic meter is a poetic meter where each line consists of iambs, which are metrical feet with two syllables where the first is unstressed and the second is stressed. This meter is common in English poetry and often gives a rhythmic and flowing feel to the poem.

How you calculate the dynamic pressure of fan?

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Asked by Azharacpl

The dynamic pressure of a fan can be calculated using the formula: dynamic pressure (Pa) = 0.5 x density of air (kg/m^3) x velocity of air (m/s)^2. This formula takes into account the kinetic energy of the moving air as it passes through the fan.

Is writing on a chalkboard friction?

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Yes, writing on a chalkboard involves friction between the chalk and the surface. The friction allows the chalk to adhere to the surface and leave a mark as it is dragged across the board.

What is the contraction word for o'clock?

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O'clock is a contraction of "of the clock"

The tone of a work of literature is essentially?

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The tone of a work of literature refers to the author's attitude towards the subject matter or audience. It can be conveyed through the author's word choice, imagery, and style, influencing the overall feeling the reader gets from the piece.