


Writing and Composition

Includes questions related to the study and use of various written works.

2,718 Questions

What is a SIMPLE sentence for photosynthesis?

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The process of photosynthesis is the basis for practically all of the food chains on Earth.

Chlorophyll, a green pigment in plants, is the primary chemical in photosynthesis.
"Plants carry out photosynthesis in order to survive."

What do the acronyms SMOG and APE stand for?

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Asked by Wiki User

SMOG stands for "Simple Measure of Gobbledygook" and APE stands for "Automated Readability Index." Both are methods used to assess the readability level of written text based on the complexity of the words and sentence structure.

Why is geocentrism not true?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geocentrism is not true because astronomical observations have shown that the Earth orbits the Sun, rather than the other way around. This model, called heliocentrism, is supported by evidence such as the changing positions of stars throughout the year and the observation of other planets orbiting the Sun. The geocentric model was eventually discredited by scientific discoveries and advancements in astronomy.

What is a circular building called?

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A circular building is called a round building or a cylindrical building.

How many pages is 400 words?

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The number of pages a 400-word document will fill depends on various factors, such as font size, line spacing, and margins. On average, a 400-word document will take up approximately one page when using standard formatting.

How do you make a memoir for geography class?

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To create a memoir for geography class, focus on personal experiences or connections related to geographic locations or topics. Include vivid descriptions and reflections on how these experiences have shaped your understanding of geography. Consider incorporating maps, photographs, or other visual aids to enhance your memoir. Be sure to convey your unique perspective and insights on the intersection of your personal narrative with geographic themes.

What is an example of alliterative statement on volcano vents?

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Asked by Wiki User

the volcano is a big thing that erups molten gas and lava and all kids of other stuff that i dont even know so anyone can post something on the internet and beleve it so dont trust answers it's from wiki and they dont put anything thats on there that is true

Do you italicize the name of a song?

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Not necessarily. You can do other things to highlight it, like enclosing it in quotation marks or bolding it or underling it. You would also put the first letter in all of the words as capitals, though sometimes the prepositions would be left in lowercase.

Which is reason the psychic distance might shift in a piece of writing?

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The writer wants to show a scene from different vantage points.

Should you be ashamed of not being good at essay writing?

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No, you should not be ashamed of not being good at essay writing. It's a skill that can be improved with practice and guidance. Seek help from teachers, tutors, or online resources to enhance your writing abilities.

Why were left handed children forced to write with their right hands?

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Left-handedness was historically seen as a sign of evil or weakness, so left-handed children were forced to write with their right hands in an attempt to correct this perceived flaw. It was also believed that using the right hand for writing would lead to better handwriting.

What part is the root word in invert?

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The root word in invert is "vert," which means to turn or change direction.

What are some words that have to do with love?

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Words that have to do with love:




























Does the hand that you write with affect how you write?

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Yes, the hand you write with can affect how you write. Left-handed individuals may have a different writing posture and hand movement compared to right-handed individuals, which can influence handwriting style and legibility. Additionally, left-handed writers may smudge ink or pencil marks as they write due to the natural hand movement from left to right.

How do you write love in greek?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is the word 'love' in Greek:


More examples of metonymy?

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  1. "The White House made an announcement" (referring to the President or administration)
  2. "The pen is mightier than the sword" (referring to the power of communication over warfare)
  3. "All hands on deck" (referring to needing everyone's help or participation)
  4. "The Crown" (referring to the monarchy)

What teenagers like?

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Asked by Wiki User

In my personal opinion, I think that teenagers aren't too picky and will eat whatever is available. But I think what goes well are "party"/snacking foods. If you don't know what the teenagers will like, try having several small items for them to choose or stick with the "classic" foods that everyone likes. In case there are vegetarians, be sure to have an option for them:

Chips, cookies, and crackers

Pizza: Cheese, pepperoni, sausage seem to be the three favorites.

Mac and Cheese

Burgers and Fries

Nachos:Leave out ingredients and have them build their own creations

Ice Cream Sundaes: Leave out ingredients and have them build their own creations

Sandwiches: Leave out ingredients and have them build their own

Spaghetti and Meatballs:Serve meatballs on the side in case of vegetarians

Breakfast items: French toast, pancakes, eggs, fruit, etc.


Chicken Wings

What do teenagers like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music, Hate School, Sleeping, A Messy Room, Hangin' Wit Their Mates, Ditchin their parents, We Hate EMBARASSING PARENTS ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY THINK THEY ARE ''RAD'' AND ''COOL''!!


To all parents out there ont act like you understand what your kids going through my mom does and i hate it...dont be nosy either we'll talk when were good and ready

being a teenager myself, we like

sleeping in, we love music, ipod, phone, im, myspace/facebook/twitter/tagged/bebo ect..

junk food as in mac and cheese, sugary cereal..

we love our friends, hate our parents,

we love taking photos with our friends, being alone sometimes, but mainly being very social. partys loud music, drinking,

Edit of another Teen:

I agree with about 10% of the above, mostly the messy rooms (At least I know where all my stuff is, why do you?), some junk food and being social. All the rest is plain stupidity of an ignorant teenager. My parents are cool, we go to concerts and talk all the time, maybe all teens need to do is find common ground instead of locking themselves in a social network in their room. I hate sleeping, it is such a waste of time, two hours has worked for me for seven or so years, decent grades so I am no master mind. No drinking or smoking either, the above sounds like a majority of classmates of mine (I will never understand peer pressure).

Also, what most my friends and I like is porn. Can't go a day without looking up the newest porn and comparing amongst each other. That is probably the only twisted thing we do along with sparing and insult each other all day but that's what all teenagers do, we just do it to each other's face ^^ (17 and passing!)

PS: The only social network I reside in is and that is only for ablout 2 hours a day or idly while doing homework.

What is the definition of propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Propaganda, also known as propaganda effect, is the phenomenon according to which when we have heard or read certain statements repeatedly we more likely consider them as true, simply because we have been exposed to them before. This happens even if we have been told that the statement was false. It is a very strong effect because it involves our unconscious (implicit) memory, so it operates even when we are not aware of having heard certain statements before or even if we have heard or thought that the statement was not true. Implicit memory is quite often wrong for the very reason that is unconscious and our memories tend to blur after some time. Propaganda is often less factual or just one-sided information. It is used quite often by politicians when they repeatedly accuse their opponents. Even if the accusations are discounted just because one is exposed repeatedly to the specific information it registers as true.

Propaganda is the usage of specific information to influence public opinion or to gain public support for a cause. It emphasizes bits of information that support a position and de-emphasizes or excludes those that do not. Misleading statements or outright lies may be included. Advertising and missionary activity are within the broad definition of propaganda, but the term is usually used in politics.


Propaganda is particular way of presenting a message, whether true or false, which will always be blatantly biased in favor of the point the publisher of the propaganda wishes to make. It is primarily used in delivering political messages and similar techniques are used in the advertising of products.

How different fonts have changed the amount of spacing used with punctuation marks in today's text?

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Different fonts have evolved to include more consistent spacing around punctuation marks to improve readability and aesthetics. Modern fonts generally provide uniform spacing around punctuation marks to maintain visual balance and clarity in text. This helps prevent punctuation from looking crowded or cramped within a sentence.

Which is more correct- I consider him to be one of the family or I consider him as being one of the family?

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Asked by Wiki User

"I consider him to be one of the family" is more correct. Using "as being" is redundant since "consider" already implies a state of being or existence.

What are the differentiate between participant and non-participant?

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A participant is actively involved in a research study, often providing data or responses to the researcher's inquiries. A non-participant, on the other hand, does not actively engage in the research but may still be impacted by the outcomes or findings of the study.

What root word and prefix combine to form the word ancestor?

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The root word in "ancestor" is "ancestor" from the Latin word "ancestor." There is no prefix combined with the root in this term.

Do you captilalize greater before a city name ie Greater New York area?

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Yes, it is common to capitalize "Greater" before a city name, such as Greater New York area, to indicate a larger metropolitan area or region surrounding the city.