

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury is an author best known for his work in the science fiction and fantasy genres. His book Fahrenheit 451 won the Hugo Award for best novel, as well as the Prometheus Award.

353 Questions

Is Ray Bradbury single?

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Asked by Betty Tromp

No, Ray Bradbury is not single.

Why does the government not approve of time travel in Ray Bradbury's A sound of thunder story?

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In Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder," the government does not approve of time travel because altering the past could have unpredictable and potentially catastrophic consequences on the future. Even minor changes in the past could drastically alter the course of history, leading to unintended and disastrous outcomes. The government seeks to prevent any disruptions to the timeline to maintain stability and order in society.

Why does Lena seem to disapprove of Leo's idea in the book dandelion wine?

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Lena disapproves of Leo's idea because she believes it will cause harm and disrupt the balance of nature. She values the natural world and fears that Leo's idea could have negative consequences. Lena's perspective highlights her deep connection to the environment and her desire to protect it.

What evaluation do the police make when they see Leonard mard in The Pedestrian in The Pedestrian?

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In "The Pedestrian", when the police see Leonard Mead walking alone at night, they think it is unusual and suspect that he may be up to no good because everyone else in society is watching television and conforming to a passive lifestyle. They are not used to seeing someone engaging in solitary activities like walking and reading.

What descriptive details does Bradbury use the reader hear smell and see the prehistoric swamp?

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Bradbury uses vivid sensory details to describe the prehistoric swamp, including the bubbling of the mud, the scent of decay and vegetation, and the sight of dense fog hanging over the water. Readers can almost feel the oppressive humidity and hear the chorus of unfamiliar sounds echoing through the murky landscape.

Why does Leonard Mead leave his lights on in The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury?

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Leonard Mead leaves his lights on to simulate occupancy and deter burglaries. In a society where everyone else is glued to their television screens, the lights serve as a facade to suggest that someone is home and actively using the space.

When was The Ray Bradbury Theater created?

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The Ray Bradbury Theater was created in 1985. It was a television anthology series that adapted various works of science fiction and fantasy author Ray Bradbury for television.

What is the revoke define in the story a sound of thunder by Ray Bradbury?

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In "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, the concept of "revoke" refers to the act of canceling or nullifying the time travel excursion that went awry. The protagonist, Eckels, is told that they must "revoke" their journey to the past because of the potential catastrophic consequences of altering the course of history. The term signifies the need to reverse the changes made in the past to prevent further disruptions in the future.

When did Saax Bradbury die?

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Saax Bradbury died on November 13, 1976, in Arizona, USA of plane crash.

What is the mood of the women in the story Embroidery by Ray Bradbury?

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The women in "Embroidery" by Ray Bradbury exhibit a range of moods, including curiosity, fear, and eventually resignation. Initially fascinated by the mysterious boxed object, their mood shifts to one of apprehension when they discover its origin and purpose, leading to a sense of powerlessness in the face of the unknown.

What is the tone of the story in dark they were and golden eyed?

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The tone of "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" by Ray Bradbury is ominous and unsettling. The story explores themes of isolation, paranoia, and the fear of the unknown, creating a sense of unease throughout the narrative.

What can you infer the family usually does at 230 from there will come soft rains?

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Based on the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury, it can be inferred that the family usually has dinner at 2:30. The poem describes the house preparing dinner and setting the table for its absent inhabitants, implying that this is a regular occurrence for the family.

Why did Ray Bradbury use Dante in Fahrenheit 451?

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Ray Bradbury used references to Dante's "Inferno" in Fahrenheit 451 to draw parallels between the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment in both works. By incorporating elements of Dante's epic poem, Bradbury adds depth and complexity to his own exploration of themes such as knowledge, society, and individuality. The use of Dante helps to emphasize the transformative journey that the protagonist, Montag, goes through in the novel.

Who is the main character in 'The Naming of Names' by Ray Bradbury?

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The main character in "The Naming of Names" by Ray Bradbury is a young boy named Nils. The story is about Nils and his experience exploring the power of words and the act of naming things.

What is the point of view in 'There Will Come Soft Rains' by Ray Bradbury?

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The point of view in "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury is third person omniscient. This means that the narrator is not a character in the story and can see into the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.

What country was Ray Bradbury born?

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Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, United States.

Why did Ray Bradbury write a sound of thunder?

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Ray Bradbury wrote "A Sound of Thunder" in 1952 to explore the concept of time travel and the potential consequences of altering the past. The story serves as a warning about the Butterfly Effect, illustrating how small actions can have significant and unforeseen effects on the future.

Did Ray Bradbury attend college?

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Ray Bradbury went to Los Angeles High School

What is the dialogue in the veldt by Ray Bradbury?

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"The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury is a short story that follows a family living in a technologically advanced house. The dialogue in the story primarily focuses on the parents' discussions about their children's obsession with the nursery, which is a virtual reality room that manifests their darkest thoughts. The children's manipulative behavior and the parents' growing concerns drive the plot of the story.

Who is causing devistation to the people in the story The Exiles by Ray Bradbury?

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In Ray Bradbury's story "The Exiles," it is the censoring and burning of literature by the authorities that causes devastation to the people and characters in the story. The suppression of ideas and creativity leads to a bleak and oppressive society where individuals are stripped of their freedoms.

What is Montag's dilemma as the readers see it and as Montag sees it in Fahrenheit 451?

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As readers see it in "Fahrenheit 451," Montag's dilemma revolves around his inner conflict with the oppressive society that burns books and suppresses free thought. However, Montag's own perspective evolves from initially accepting the status quo to ultimately rebelling against it as he starts questioning the purpose and value of his existence and relationships in the world of censorship.

When Montag enters his home he stares a blank wall but in memory sees Clarisse What extended simile describes how he sees her?

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Montag sees Clarisse as a "ripple in a stream" that moves away from him as he tries to grasp onto it. The image conveys how fleeting and elusive his memories of her are in the face of the oppressive society he is a part of.

Was Ray Bradbury a pedophile?

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There is no credible evidence to support the claim that Ray Bradbury was a pedophile. Bradbury was a highly respected science fiction author known for works such as "Fahrenheit 451" and "The Martian Chronicles." It is important to rely on verified sources when discussing serious allegations about individuals.

What test of love does Clarisse give Montag and how does he respond to it?

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Asked by MysteryMania

Clarisse asks Montag if he is happy. When Montag struggles to answer honestly, Clarisse concludes that he is not truly in love with life because his profession involves destroying books rather than cherishing knowledge and ideas. Montag is initially defensive but later begins to reflect on his true feelings.