



The practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area, is called technology. Advances in technology affect every area of our lives. This category is for questions about technology and includes everything from how to remove a scratch from a CD to applications of electronics to what polyester is made from and more.

500 Questions

What was the Cherokee tribe technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Cherokee tribe utilized various technologies, including making tools and weapons from stone, bone, and wood. They also used agricultural techniques such as planting crops like corn, beans, and squash using hand tools. Additionally, they developed woodworking skills to create canoes, bows, and arrows.

What technology did the Pacific Northwest Indians use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pacific Northwest Indians used a variety of technologies, such as canoes carved from cedar trees for transportation, cedar bark and cedar roots for weaving baskets and hats, and stone tools for hunting and fishing. They also developed fishing tools like harpoons and traps, and used fire for cooking, warmth, and managing the environment.

What kinds of symbols did sumerians use to refer to specific objects and what tool did theyuse to make the symbols?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sumerians used cuneiform writing, which consisted of wedge-shaped symbols impressed on clay tablets. These symbols represented various objects, actions, or ideas, and the writing tool used for making them was a stylus made of reed.

Compare the Technology of Paleolithic age with Neolithic age?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the Paleolithic age, tools were primarily made from stones and bone, while in the Neolithic age, tools were made using polished stones, enabling more precise and efficient cutting. Additionally, agriculture was introduced during the Neolithic age, leading to the domestication of animals and plants, which allowed for settled communities to develop.

One of the most important technologies used by paleolithic people was?

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Asked by Wiki User

One of the most important technologies used by Paleolithic people was the stone tool. These tools were essential for tasks such as hunting, skinning animals, and processing plant material for food. They were crafted by chipping, flaking, and grinding stones to create sharp edges for cutting and scraping.

Who started agriculture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The origins of agriculture can be traced back to around 10,000 years ago in various regions of the world, as humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to settled communities that began cultivating crops and domesticating animals for food production. The exact individual or group that started agriculture cannot be pinpointed to a single entity, as it likely emerged independently in multiple places around the same time.

Why is a stone tool an example of technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

A stone tool is an example of technology because it is a creation made by humans to serve a specific purpose or function, in this case, for hunting, cutting, or scraping. The process of shaping and using the stone tool represents the application of knowledge and skills to manipulate materials for practical use.

How do you tie a rock to a stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

To tie a rock to a stick, you can use a strong rope or cord. Wrap the rope around the rock and stick multiple times, then tie it securely in place with a knot. Make sure the knot is tight to ensure the rock stays attached securely to the stick.

Effects of technology on hunting and gathering?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technology has enabled hunting and gathering societies to improve hunting efficiency through tools like bows and arrows, while also providing communication and transportation benefits. However, over-reliance on technology can lead to unsustainable practices, disrupt traditional ecological knowledge, and create a disconnect from the natural world. Ultimately, the impact of technology on hunting and gathering communities can vary depending on how it is integrated into their way of life.

What are the challenges faced by historians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Historians face challenges such as limited access to primary sources, bias or misinformation in historical records, and the need to interpret complex events with incomplete information. They also grapple with differing interpretations of the past, ethical considerations when dealing with sensitive subjects, and the pressure to present a comprehensive and accurate narrative.

When were fingerprints first discovered?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fingerprints were first discovered as a form of identification in 1880 by Sir Francis Galton, a British scientist. He demonstrated the uniqueness and permanence of fingerprints, paving the way for their use in forensic science.

What technology did Neolithic people use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neolithic people used stone tools, pottery, and woven textiles. They also engaged in early farming techniques such as domesticating animals and cultivating crops. Additionally, they built megalithic structures like Stonehenge.

Was there any technoloy when the Aztecs were aound?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the Aztecs had a variety of technologies, such as aqueducts for water transportation, agriculture techniques like chinampas (floating gardens), and sophisticated stone masonry for their buildings and temples. They also used a form of writing known as glyphs, as well as a highly accurate calendar system.

What materials did the haudenosaunee build with?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Haudenosaunee, also known as the Iroquois, traditionally built their homes using natural materials like bark, wood, and saplings. Longhouses were a common type of dwelling constructed by the Haudenosaunee, designed to house multiple families and built to be long and narrow with a wooden frame covered by bark or reed mats.

How were brick water wells constructed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brick water wells were typically constructed by first digging a hole in the ground. The bricks were then stacked on top of each other to form the walls of the well, leaving space between them for water to flow through. A cap or cover was often placed on top to prevent contaminants from entering the well.

Why is it important to give each artifact a number and list its locations and orientation in the soil before removing it and taking it to the lab for further chemical analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assigning a number and recording the location and orientation of artifacts ensures accurate documentation of the site's history and context. This information helps archaeologists reconstruct the site accurately and understand the relationships between artifacts, soil layers, and features. It also aids in interpreting the artifacts' purpose and significance through chemical analysis in the lab.

What were the Inca's technological innovations?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca civilization made significant technological advancements, such as building impressive stone structures without mortar, creating an extensive road network across their empire, developing complex irrigation systems for agriculture, and constructing bridges using ropes and fibers. Additionally, they implemented terrace farming on steep mountain slopes to maximize arable land.

Can you give me a 10-word sentence for the word archaic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The archaic language used in the text was difficult to understand.

Why is it so important to have a standard dialect?

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Asked by Wiki User

Having a standard dialect helps to promote clear communication and understanding among speakers of the same language. It serves as a common reference point for language learning, writing, and formal communication. Standard dialects can also help to preserve cultural and linguistic heritage.

How has technology changed cultures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technology has changed cultures by shaping how people communicate, work, and interact with each other. It has enabled rapid dissemination of information, globalization of ideas, and the creation of virtual communities. Additionally, technology has influenced cultural norms, values, and practices as societies adapt to new ways of living in a digital world.

What is. one current trend in information technology careers?

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Asked by ajá 🦋🤍

One current trend in information technology careers is the increasing demand for cybersecurity professionals. With the rise in cyber threats and data breaches, organizations are focusing on strengthening their security measures, creating opportunities for cybersecurity experts to protect and secure digital assets.

Is not one of the current changes taking place in information systems (IS) technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

One current change in information systems technology is the increasing adoption of cloud computing, which allows organizations to store and access data and applications over the internet. Another emerging trend is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve data analysis and decision-making processes. Additionally, the Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding, connecting more devices and enabling data collection and automation in various industries.

What is one disadvantage of an online information sharing?

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Asked by Wiki User

One disadvantage of online information sharing is the risk of privacy breaches and data theft. Information shared online can be vulnerable to hacking or unauthorized access, leading to potential misuse or exploitation of personal or sensitive data.

How does technology affect education in Brazil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technology in education in Brazil has the potential to increase access to education, enhance learning experiences, and improve educational outcomes. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, unequal access to devices and the internet, and the need for teacher training may hinder the full potential of technology in education in Brazil.

Is it true that Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps people to create documents.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not entirely. Information technology is a broad term that encompasses the use of computers, software, networks, and other technology-related resources to manage and process data. While it can involve creating documents, it also involves various other functions like data storage, communication, and information security.