


Electronics Engineering

Electronics Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with practical applications of electronic components, devices, systems, or equipment. Electronics are devices that operate on low voltage sources, as in electron tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, and printed circuit boards and use electricity as part of its driving force.

500 Questions

Why electrons are majority carrier in n type semiconductor?

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Asked by Wiki User

In n-type semiconductors, electrons are the majority carriers because dopant atoms, such as phosphorus or arsenic, introduce extra electrons into the crystal lattice. These extra electrons are free to move and contribute to the conductivity of the material, making electrons the dominant charge carriers in n-type semiconductors.

What is the base word of collector?

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Asked by Wiki User

The base word of "collector" is "collect."

Advantages of psk over fsk and ask?

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Asked by Wiki User

PSK (Phase Shift Keying) is advantageous over FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) and ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) because it provides higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. PSK is less susceptible to noise and interference since phase changes are more discernible than frequency or amplitude changes. PSK also allows for easier implementation in digital communication systems.

What is v parameter of optical fiber?

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The "v parameter" of an optical fiber stands for the V number, which represents the normalized frequency within the fiber core. It is calculated based on the core diameter, operating wavelength, and numerical aperture of the fiber. The V number helps in characterizing the modal behavior and guiding properties of the optical fiber.

How do you generate electricity using a semiconductor p-n junction?

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When light shines on a semiconductor p-n junction, the energy from photons can create electron-hole pairs, generating a potential difference across the junction. This potential difference can create an electric current when connected to an external circuit, allowing for the generation of electricity through the photovoltaic effect.

What is the difference between p-type and n-type semiconductor?

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A p-type semiconductor has an excess of positively charged "holes" in its crystal lattice due to doping with acceptor atoms, while an n-type semiconductor has an excess of negatively charged electrons due to doping with donor atoms. This fundamental difference in charge carriers leads to variations in conductivity and behavior of the two types of semiconductors.

What is a 8051 Micro-controller?

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An 8051 microcontroller is a popular 8-bit microcontroller that was first introduced by Intel in 1980. It is widely used in embedded systems due to its simple architecture, low cost, and ease of use. The 8051 microcontroller typically includes CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O ports, timers, and serial communication interfaces on a single chip.

Why did the Japanese construct Unit 741?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unit 731 was constructed as a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit during World War II. It was created to test the effectiveness and impact of biological weapons on humans and to gather data for military use.

Is waves electronics a Pakistan company?

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Yes, Waves Electronics is a Pakistan-based company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of electronic appliances such as televisions and home appliances. It was founded in Lahore, Pakistan.

What are the types of redundancy?

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There are three main types of redundancy: hardware redundancy, software redundancy, and information redundancy. Hardware redundancy involves duplicating components to ensure continued operation in case of failure. Software redundancy involves using multiple software modules to perform the same function for fault tolerance. Information redundancy involves storing multiple copies of the same information for backup purposes.

What is the difference between Fourier transform and Wavelet transform?

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Fourier transform analyzes signals in the frequency domain, representing the signal as a sum of sinusoidal functions. Wavelet transform decomposes signals into different frequency components using wavelet functions that are localized in time and frequency, allowing for analysis of both high and low frequencies simultaneously. Wavelet transform is more suitable than Fourier transform for analyzing non-stationary signals with localized features.

What are the advantages of pulse position modulation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pulse position modulation offers high noise immunity, efficient use of bandwidth, and easy implementation with digital circuits. This modulation technique is particularly useful in applications requiring high data transmission rates and reliable communication in noisy environments.

What is an n-type semiconductor?

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Asked by Wiki User

An n-type semiconductor is a type of material that has been doped with impurities to increase the number of free electrons, giving it a negative charge. This excess of electrons allows the material to conduct electricity more easily. N-type semiconductors are commonly used in electronic devices due to their ability to carry current.

Redundancy control in databases?

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Asked by Wiki User

Redundancy control in databases involves minimizing duplicate data storage to improve efficiency and reduce potential inconsistencies. Techniques such as normalization, using primary keys, and enforcing constraints like unique constraints help prevent redundancy by structuring and managing data effectively. Eliminating redundancy can enhance data integrity, improve query performance, and simplify data maintenance in database systems.

Is there any difference between micro-controller and PIC?

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Asked by Wiki User

A microcontroller is a general term for a small computer contained on a single integrated circuit, while PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) is a specific type of microcontroller developed by Microchip Technology. So, all PICs are microcontrollers, but not all microcontrollers are PICs.

Is it redundant with or redundant to?

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Asked by Wiki User

A and B are redundant. There is redundancy between A and B.

Both "with" and "to" are awkward, if not incorrect.

If a coil has 100 microhenries inductance at 400 hertz what is it's reactance?

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The reactance of an inductor is calculated as Xl = 2πfL, where Xl is the inductive reactance, f is the frequency, and L is the inductance. Substituting the given values of 100 microhenries for inductance and 400 Hz for frequency into the formula gives Xl = 2 * π * 400 * 100 * 10^-6 which equals approximately 251.3 ohms.

Advantages of optical fiber communication system compared to conventional communication system?

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Optical fiber communication systems offer higher data transmission speeds, lower attenuation, greater bandwidth capacity, and are more immune to electromagnetic interference compared to conventional communication systems using copper cables. Additionally, they are lighter, more durable, and have lower signal loss over long distances, making them ideal for long-haul communication applications.

What is Relationship between electrical and optical bandwidth for an optical fiber communication?

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Asked by Rashmichauhan

The electrical bandwidth refers to the frequency range that the electronic components in the communication system can handle, while optical bandwidth refers to the frequency range that the optical fiber can transmit. The relationship between the two bandwidths is important in ensuring that the data transmission is efficient and reliable. Matching the electrical and optical bandwidths helps to avoid signal degradation and distortion in the communication system.

What is meant by air to open valve?

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An air to open valve is a type of control valve that requires air pressure to be applied in order to open the valve. When the air pressure is removed, the valve will close automatically. This design is commonly used for safety-critical applications where a fail-safe operation is needed.

What is the differences between light emitting diode and a photodiode?

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A light-emitting diode (LED) emits light when an electric current passes through it. A photodiode, on the other hand, generates an electric current when exposed to light. In summary, an LED produces light, while a photodiode detects light.

What is bcd to gray code converter?

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A BCD to Gray code converter is a digital circuit that converts Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) input to Gray code output. Gray code is a binary numeral system where two consecutive values differ in only one bit. The converter is often used in digital systems where minimizing errors during digital-to-analog conversions is critical.

Dual power supply?

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A dual power supply refers to a system that provides two separate power sources to a device or circuit. This setup offers redundancy and can help improve reliability in case one power source fails. It is commonly used in critical systems where uninterrupted power supply is necessary.

Internal regulator circuit?

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An internal regulator circuit is a component within a device that regulates and maintains a stable voltage output. It ensures that the voltage supplied to other components remains within specified limits, preventing damage that could occur from voltage fluctuations. Internal regulator circuits are commonly used in electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and power supplies.

What is pulse code modulation?

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Pulse code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent analog signals by sampling the signal at regular intervals and quantizing the amplitude value to a specific number of bits. This allows for the accurate reproduction of the original analog signal for transmission and storage.