



A radio refers to an electronic device that works by receiving radio wave (an electromagnetic wave) that has the capacity to broadcast news, speech, music and other audio through the air.

8,283 Questions

What are radio waves primarily used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radio waves are primarily used for telecommunications, including broadcasting radio and television signals, as well as communication between devices such as mobile phones, walkie-talkies, and wireless internet. They are also used in radar systems for tracking objects and in medical imaging technologies like MRI.

Who is a supplier of Radio Astronomy equipments?

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Asked by PoamElectronics

One well-known supplier of radio astronomy equipment is National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in the United States. They provide a range of instrumentation and technology for radio astronomers worldwide.

What represents the complete range of frequencies of light energy from radio waves to cosmic rays?

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The electromagnetic spectrum represents the complete range of frequencies of light energy, spanning from radio waves with the lowest frequencies to cosmic rays with the highest frequencies. This spectrum includes various types of electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What can radio waves do that visible light cannot?

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Radio waves can penetrate obstacles like walls and buildings more effectively than visible light. They are also able to travel longer distances and can be easily transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, radio waves are used in communication technologies such as radar and broadcasting, which are not feasible with visible light.

Is radiation that travels at a speed of 3.00e8 m.s TV FM visible light radio or ultraviolet?

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Asked by Gggg1234

Radiation that travels at a speed of 3.00e8 m/s could be visible light as visible light typically ranges from around 4.3e8 m/s (red light) to 7.5e8 m/s (violet light). TV, FM radio, and ultraviolet light generally have different speeds, frequencies, and wavelengths.

How long does it take radio waves to travel from earth to Jupiter?

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It takes radio waves about 38 minutes to travel from Earth to Jupiter when the two planets are at their closest distance to each other. This delay in communication is due to the vast distance between the two planets and the speed of light at which radio waves travel.

Can a low frequency wave have big or small amplitude?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a low frequency wave can have both big and small amplitudes. The amplitude of a wave refers to the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position, and this can vary regardless of the frequency of the wave.

Do sound waves and electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed?

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No, sound waves and electromagnetic radiation do not travel at the same speed. Sound waves travel through a medium (such as air, water, or solid materials) at a speed that depends on the properties of the medium, while electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light, radio waves, and X-rays) travels at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

What is Radiation pattern of have wave dipole is?

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The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole antenna is bi-directional, with maximum radiation in the plane perpendicular to the antenna. The radiation pattern resembles a figure-eight shape, with nulls at the ends of the antenna and maxima off the sides.

Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce ultraviolet rays infrared waves x rays or cosmic rays?

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Exposure to radiation in the ultraviolet region is the most common way of causing fluorescence, but not the only way. Exposure to enough radiation for one electron to absorb two photons can cause fluorescence.

Ann Cobb lives 20 miles due north of her favorite radio station While driving due east from her house she was able to keep the radio signal for 75 miles What is the broadcasting range of her favori?

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The broadcasting range of her favorite radio station is 85 miles. This is because Cobb's ability to keep the signal while driving 75 miles east indicates that she would be at the edge of the station's range when driving north from her house, which is 20 miles away from the station. This makes a total of 75 + 20 = 85 miles.

If you wanted a radio telescope to achieve the same angular resolution as a visible-light telescope it would need to be?

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much larger in size because radio waves have longer wavelengths compared to visible light. A radio telescope would need a larger dish or antenna to achieve the same angular resolution as a visible-light telescope due to the longer wavelengths involved in radio astronomy.

Do black holes give off radio waves?

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Yes, black holes can emit radio waves. These radio waves can come from material accelerating near the black hole before being consumed, or from the interaction of the black hole with its surrounding environment. Studying these radio emissions can provide valuable information about the properties and behavior of black holes.

Radio waves have longer wavelengths than xrays?

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Yes, radio waves have longer wavelengths (measured in meters) and lower frequencies compared to x-rays, which have shorter wavelengths (measured in nanometers) and higher frequencies. Radio waves are used for communication and broadcasting, while x-rays are used in medical imaging and security screening due to their ability to penetrate solid objects.

A device used to detect radio waves from objects in the space?

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A radio telescope is used to detect radio waves emitted from objects in space. These telescopes collect and amplify these signals to create images and study various celestial phenomena such as supernovae, pulsars, and other cosmic events. The information gathered helps astronomers to better understand the universe.

Which would be the first to reach Earth if a light signal and a radio signal were emitted from a star?

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The light signal would reach Earth first because light travels faster than radio waves in a vacuum. In space, light travels at the speed of approximately 186,000 miles per second, while radio signals travel at the speed of light.

Who was the unit for measuring radio waves named for?

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The unit for measuring radio waves, the hertz (Hz), is named after German physicist Heinrich Hertz, who made significant contributions to the study of electromagnetism and radio waves in the late 19th century.

How long does it take for a radio transmission to go from earth to alpha centauri and back?

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It takes about 4.37 years for a radio transmission to travel from Earth to Alpha Centauri (the nearest star system) and another 4.37 years for the signal to travel back. This means a total round-trip communication time of around 8.74 years.

Which human sense is extended by a radio telescope?

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Asked by Aa9h4mrx6

Radio telescopes extend the sense of sight by detecting and measuring radio waves emitted by celestial objects in space. This allows astronomers to observe objects and phenomena that are not visible with optical telescopes.

Is Fm radio hiss big bang radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The hissing sound you hear on FM radio is usually caused by electromagnetic interference and atmospheric conditions, not from big bang radiation. Big bang radiation is the residual radiation from the early universe, and it is not responsible for the hiss on FM radio.

What types of light bulb converts ultraviolet waves in to visible light waves?

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A fluorescent light bulb contains a phosphor coating on the inner surface of the bulb, which converts ultraviolet light produced by the mercury vapor inside the bulb into visible light. LED light bulbs do not contain phosphors but instead use semiconductors to directly convert electrical energy into visible light.

How long does it take a radio wave to travel to Saturn from earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using the formula speed = distance/time and that Saturn from earth is 821,190,000 miles and the speed of light 186,000miles per second. Then rearrange the formula for time we find the answer is 4415 seconds or 73.58 minutes or 1.226 hours

Are radio telescopes dangerous?

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Radio telescopes are not dangerous to humans. The radio waves they detect are very weak and do not pose any risk to personal health. However, some radio telescopes can interfere with electronic devices sensitive to radio frequencies.

What do radio telescopes use to gather and forces radio waves?

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Radio telescopes use large antennas to gather radio waves by focusing them onto a receiver. The receiver amplifies and converts these radio waves into electrical signals that can be analyzed by scientists to study celestial objects and phenomena in space.

When multiple radio telescopes are used for interferometry resolving power is most improved by increasing?

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the baseline between telescopes. This allows for better spatial resolution and more detailed observations of astronomical objects.