


Intellectual Property

Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.

2,572 Questions

How many states does Jamaica have?

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Jamaica does not have States they have Parishes.There are 14 parishes in Jamaica.

Is The Chordettes Mr Sandman in public domain?

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No. Due to ongoing revisions in copyright law, sound recordings will not enter the public domain until February 15, 2067.

Do cystic fibrosis patent have trouble breathing around perfume?

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Yes, individuals with cystic fibrosis can have increased sensitivity to strong odors like perfume, which can trigger respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Perfume particles can irritate the airways and exacerbate existing breathing difficulties in people with cystic fibrosis. It is advisable for individuals with cystic fibrosis to avoid exposure to strong odors or use fragrance-free products to prevent respiratory distress.

Why did Marie curie not patent her discovery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marie Curie did not patent her discovery of radium because she believed that scientific discoveries should benefit humanity as a whole, rather than being used for profit. She wanted her research to be accessible to other scientists for further exploration and advancements in the field of science.

Should anyone be allowed to patent a human gene?

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There is ongoing debate about this issue. Some argue that granting patents on human genes may hinder medical research and limit access to essential healthcare. Others contend that patenting genes can incentivize innovation and investment in the biotechnology sector. Ultimately, the balance between promoting innovation and ensuring access to genetic information for medical research needs to be carefully considered.

What is the patent number of the reflecting telescope?

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The reflecting telescope was invented by Sir Isaac Newton in the early 1600s. This was before there was a patent office, and no patent exists on the reflecting telescope as such. The Dobsonian mount is a popular alt azimuth mount for reflecting telescopes, created by John Dobson in the 1960s. He apparently never applied for a patent for this.

What identifies chemical properties?

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Chemical properties are identified by characteristics such as reactivity, flammability, acidity/basicity, and toxicity. These properties determine how a substance will interact with other substances and how it will behave in various conditions.

Is ADT Security a good company to work for?

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ADT Security is a reputable company, known for its commitment to home security services. Job satisfaction can vary based on individual experiences, so it's a good idea to research employee reviews and company culture to determine if it's a good fit for you.

What are possible ip in chemistry?

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In chemistry, "ip" could refer to several things such as isopropyl alcohol, intraperitoneal administration of a substance, or ionization potential which is the energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or molecule.

What does the word aliovalent mean?

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Asked by Milobar

Aliovalent refers to ions that have the same electrical charge but different valencies, or combine in the same ratio with other ions. This term is often used in chemistry and crystallography to describe elements or ions that can substitute for each other in a crystal lattice without disrupting its overall charge balance.

What is the expense in a water budget if the income is precipitation?

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The expense in a water budget when the income is precipitation would be water loss through evaporation, transpiration by plants, runoff, and infiltration into the ground. These processes account for the utilization and distribution of the precipitation that falls within the system.

What is the average salary for a patent agent in a law firm in northern California?

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The average salary for a patent agent in a law firm in Northern California can range from $80,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on experience, qualifications, and the size of the firm. Salaries may vary between different law firms and locations within Northern California.

Why is language social?

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Language is social because it serves as a medium for communication and interaction between individuals within a community. It allows people to exchange ideas, express emotions, and build relationships. Language is shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and shared meanings among speakers.

What is a patent?

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The official right to use an invention (Apex)

Who invented longhouses?

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Long houses were built by North Eastern tribes in the US. They were also built by indigenous peoples in Asia and Europe.

Role of hypothesis in making a research design?

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A hypothesis plays a crucial role in making a research design as it guides the direction of the study by outlining the expected relationship between variables. It helps in formulating research questions and selecting appropriate methods to test the hypothesis. Ultimately, the hypothesis serves as a foundation for the entire research design and shapes the overall structure and execution of the study.

What leadership styles involves employees the most a democratic leadership b autocratic leadership c free rein leadership d empowerment?

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Asked by Wiki User

A democratic leadership style involves employees the most as it emphasizes participation, collaboration, and open communication in decision-making. This style encourages team members to share their ideas and opinions, leading to increased employee engagement and satisfaction. Autocratic leadership tends to restrict employee involvement, while free rein leadership gives employees a high level of autonomy but may not involve them as directly in decision-making. Empowerment is a strategy that can be used in conjunction with democratic leadership to further engage and involve employees in decision-making processes.

What is the major task of confronting political science?

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The major task of political science is to study and analyze political systems, processes, behavior, and institutions in order to understand how power is wielded, decisions are made, and conflicts are resolved in societies. It aims to provide insights into how governments function, how public policies are formulated and implemented, and how political actors interact with one another.

Is parody illegal?

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Parody is usually protected under the law as a form of free speech and expression. However, there are limitations, such as avoiding explicitly impersonating someone in a deceptive manner to cause harm or confusion. It's important to consider specific laws and regulations in your jurisdiction regarding parody.

Does an author have to register as a business?

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In most cases, authors don't have to register as a formal business to start writing and selling their work. Here's the breakdown:

Sole Proprietorship: This is the simplest scenario. By default, if you're selling your work as an individual, you're considered a sole proprietor. There's usually no formal registration needed, you just report your income on your personal tax return.

Business Registration: However, registering as a business (like a Limited Liability Company or LLC) can offer some advantages, especially as your income grows. These advantages include:

Limited Liability: This protects your personal assets from liability if someone sues your business (authoring pseudonym).

Tax Benefits: Incorporation might offer tax benefits depending on your location and income level. Consult a tax professional for specifics.

Professional Image: A business name can create a more professional image, especially if you plan to pursue things like public speaking engagements or workshops.

Factors to Consider: Here are some things to think about when deciding if registering a business is right for you:

Income Level: If your income from writing is modest, the hassle of registration might outweigh the benefits.

Expenses: Running a business comes with some additional expenses like filing fees and potentially accounting services.

Growth Plans: If you envision your writing career growing significantly, incorporating might be a wise move for future protection and benefits.

Here's the takeaway:

You can start writing and selling your work without registering a business.

Registering a business offers potential benefits like limited liability and tax advantages, but comes with some additional costs and complexity.

Consider your income level, expenses, and future plans when deciding if registering a business is the right step for you.

It's always best to consult with a tax professional or accountant to get specific advice based on your location and financial situation.

Why are Brooks' characters so tense?

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Brooks' characters are often tense due to the intense and challenging situations they face, such as overcoming personal conflicts, navigating complex relationships, or dealing with external pressure. This tension adds depth to the characters and creates a sense of realism and relatability for the audience. It also helps drive the plot forward and creates a sense of suspense and anticipation in the story.

How does intellectual property enrich traditional knowledge and folklore?

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Intellectual property protections can help preserve and promote traditional knowledge and folklore by providing legal recognition and ownership rights to communities or individuals. This can help prevent misappropriation, encourage innovation and commercialization, and provide economic incentives for the continued preservation and development of traditional knowledge and folklore.

Who owns the rights to Alice in Wonderland?

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The original text of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll is in the public domain, as it was published in 1865 and its copyright has expired. However, certain adaptations, illustrations, and other derivative works may be protected by copyright held by the respective creators or publishers.

What was Mr Gilmers trademark?

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Mr. Gilmer, a character from "To Kill a Mockingbird," was known for his habit of dismissing evidence and relying on prejudice in the courtroom. He was also known for his aggressive and condescending demeanor towards witnesses, particularly towards Tom Robinson during the trial.