


Intellectual Property

Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.

500 Questions

Can a generic term not be protected under trademark law unless it acquires a secondary meaning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, that is correct. A generic term, which refers to the common name or category of a product or service, cannot be protected under trademark law unless it acquires a secondary meaning. Secondary meaning is when consumers associate the term with a specific source or brand rather than its generic meaning.

How can intellectual property be used as a tool for development by African countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Intellectual property can be used as a tool for development by African countries in several ways. First, protecting and commercializing their own intellectual property can help African countries generate revenue and attract foreign investment. Second, utilizing intellectual property rights can foster innovation and creativity, leading to the development of new technologies, industries, and solutions that address local challenges. Lastly, leveraging intellectual property can enhance international trade relations and increase the competitiveness of African countries in the global market.

What is meant by transfer of development rights?

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Asked by Wiki User

Transfer of development rights (TDR) is a planning tool that allows landowners to transfer the development rights from one property to another. This means that the rights to build or develop on one property can be sold or transferred to another property, often with the goal of preserving or protecting the first property from further development. TDR can be used to encourage conservation, historic preservation, or to promote urban redevelopment in certain areas.

You sign on the contract by mistake?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have signed a contract by mistake, you should reach out to the other party as soon as possible to inform them of the error. Depending on the specific circumstances, you may be able to negotiate an amendment or cancellation of the contract. It is important to act quickly and seek legal advice if necessary to understand your options.

What are the seven areas of intellectual activity?

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Asked by Wiki User

The seven areas of intellectual activity are critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, inquiry, and information literacy. These areas encompass a range of cognitive skills that are important for effective learning, decision-making, and engagement in various domains of life.

What was the patent of charlie goodyear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charles Goodyear's patent was for the process of vulcanizing rubber. He discovered that mixing sulfur with rubber and subjecting it to heat would create a more durable and elastic material. This invention revolutionized the rubber industry and led to the development of countless rubber products.

What is the Trademark of McDonald's?

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Asked by Wiki User

Can you be more specific? Are you referring to the typestyle or the golden "M"?

Answer I appreciate your response.

Sure, specifically I'm referring to the golden "M" but if you could let us know both the typestyle and the "M" meaning I'll be very grateful.

What is needed to register a trademark?

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Asked by Wiki User

Registering a trademark involves several essential steps. Initially, it's crucial to conduct a thorough search to ensure your chosen trademark is unique and not already in use to avoid conflicts. When selecting a trademark, opt for something distinctive rather than generic, as this is more likely to receive protection. Clearly define the goods or services associated with your trademark, and complete the necessary application forms, providing accurate applicant details and paying the required filing fees. You should also submit a visual representation of your trademark in a specified format and include any additional documents, such as specimens of use or intent to use, depending on your situation.

After submission, the trademark office will review your application, conduct a search to check for conflicts, and, if it passes, publish your application for a public notice period. During this period, others have the opportunity to oppose your trademark if they believe it infringes on their rights. If your trademark application successfully navigates these steps, you'll receive a certificate of registration. Keep in mind that the process can be complex, so consulting a trademark attorney or seeking legal guidance is often advisable to ensure your intellectual property rights are protected effectively.

What are the characteristics of law?

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Asked by Wiki User

To bring justice and order to a society. To settle the petty differences between men. Anything else is not law. Positive law is not law it is theory and sometimes not even that. If it is law then it is applicable to all. Murder is illegal because it harms others. Murder abrogates and derogates the rights of those murdered and thus it is wrong. This is not a positive law, this is a natural law that would be just as valid on Pluto or Saturn as it is here on planet Earth. Jaywalking laws are less applicable on distant planets and would differ greatly from planet to planet. Ironically, traffic laws differ from state to state in the United States, which makes the traffic laws not even theoretical and only a bad hypothesis. It is fine for the people to come together and agree to some form of regulation of traffic, this hardly makes that regulation law but merely suggestions on how we should drive. Prohibition of murder is not a suggestion it is the law. To arrest, try and convict a murderer is to put justice and order in. For lesser crimes or damages of rights there is tort law, whereby arbitration is sought to settle the differences between the parties involved. This is just and that is law.

On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?

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Asked by Wiki User

The card maker's trademark is usually printed on the Ace of Spades.

What is the age of a Louisville Slugger marked 125 in the trademark oval Larry Berra model?

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Asked by Sandman8355

Louisville Slugger bat dating guide

Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. See Related Links below, and visit the Louisville Slugger bat dating guide. You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your Yogi Berra bat.

Is it illegal if you record the songs off of Youtube into Windows Movie Maker?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is. Recording the songs means that you are using them without buying the song. IT is also illegal to post songs to YouTube. However, that does not stop anyone. If you buy a song, then you have the rights to use the song personally.

definitely yes, just bring streaming music recorder along with you. I wanna have tried a whole bunch of things. It's difficult to record it and find way out. now you can use it to record the song off of youtube.

Who is affected by computer piracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Computer Piracy is usually the distribution of computer software without the permission of the company. The money that would be used for a sale of the commercial copy usually goes to the programmer or programmers of the software. Other who may have benefited from the sales include a range of people depending on the type and scale of the software. For example a video game may include investors, programmers, developers, artists, producers, publishers, distribution, and retail clerks; upwards of hundreds of people who are benefited by the sale of the software.

Why did piracy first occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Violation of intellectual property rights dates back to the early 17th century, before copyright law even existed: when anyone outside the stationers' guild published materials (publishing being exclusive to stationers by royal charter), they were labeled as pirates.

In regard to software piracy, only the final, compiled program was protected by copyright until 1980, when a clear definition for "computer software" was added to US copyright law. Prior to that, source code could be shared without violating copyright.

That being said, illegal sharing of software began almost immediately as the Bulletin Board System grew, starting in the late 1970s; users would download software directly from a BBS, or even just use the BBS to connect with others willing to mail floppy disks. Little action was taken in part because money wasn't changing hands, but also because the software companies knew the BBSs were too poor to bother suing.

What is the keyboard stroke for trademark?

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Asked by Wiki User

For Windows press & hold the <alt> key then on the numerical keypad press 0-1-5-9

Is selling burned CDs legal?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends. There are many variables that could dictate the answer. There is no "one correct" answer. * If the material in question provides a royalty-free, public use and public redistribution license, then it may be repackaged, given away or sold as long as it does not violate any explicit restrictions provided. In most cases, if you unsure, contact the content author/owner for clarification. This is often most helpful should legal issues arise later. * Most sound recordings are not available under a royalty-free, public use and distribution license, and their copyrights won't expire until 2067, so any copying of those recordings would technically infringe the copyrights. Selling them would be a federal crime (or perhaps state crime, depending upon how old the recordings are), with fines. Marking them with the names of albums or artists could also be a trademark or publicity rights infringement. Any profits you earn would be taken away, plus penalties, costs and attorneys' fees.

What can you do to stop media Piracy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Create realistic laws covering copyright and fair use. With realistic laws for fair use, copyright violations would be reduced and could actually be prosecuted as needed.

Additionally, reducing the cost of items that are pirated would reduce the incentive to pirate.

In the PC world, the only portion of a computer that consistently increases in cost is software. With the changes that the software companies have made, removing printed documentation and forcing software buyers to buy the instruction manuals at a great significant cost, it would seem reasonable that the savings would be passed to the consumer.

Why is it illegal to download music from the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

People can download music from the internet legally, if they go through a legitimate site or program such as I Tunes. People illegally downloading music from illegal websites or using illegal programs if not ethically right, and rips off copyrighted material. However this question can only be answered by personal opinion.

Is everything on the Internet in the public domain?

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Asked by Wiki User

It definitely is NOT. Many companies post images, logos, and stories that are copyrighted. MOST government websites have content that is not copyrighted, some will have content that IS copyrighted, and used with permission of the owner. When reading an article, or viewing images, scroll down- you may see a notice that says something like "All rights reserved" and the c in a circle symbol that means copyrighted- and a date. That is NOT public domain.

How can you gain administrative privileges on a school computer?

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Asked by Bookworm13

Well, you need to be lucky enough to accidently access someone elses account then you go up and make a shortcut, worked for me!

try this nifty program

only unpack the first .rar

What are some examples of publications in the public domain?

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Asked by Wiki User

== == LOOK DOWN FOR RELATED LINKS! == == The King James Bible. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1911 edition.

All U.S. government works: USGS maps, GPO publications produced by government employees, etc.

Is it against the law to take photos without permission?

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Asked by Wiki User

only if you put them on a website or something like that

There can be privacy considerations, even if you do not distribute the photos, if you're taking photos of people in a situation where they could expect privacy.