


Copyright Law

The rights assigned to the creator of an original work, for a certain time period, in which its publication, distribution and adaptation are protected.

3,742 Questions

Is The Chordettes Mr Sandman in public domain?

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No. Due to ongoing revisions in copyright law, sound recordings will not enter the public domain until February 15, 2067.

Why should you use only the amounts and the materials given in the experiment?

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Using only the specified amounts and materials helps ensure consistency and accuracy in the experiment. Deviating from these could introduce variables that affect the outcome, making it difficult to interpret the results and draw reliable conclusions. Adhering to the provided instructions helps maintain the integrity and validity of the experiment.

Why do some elements have weird abbreviations?

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Some elements have weird abbreviations because they are derived from their Latin or Greek names. The abbreviations are often based on the first letter or first two letters of the element's name in a different language. This can lead to unconventional abbreviations that may not make immediate sense in English.

Which glassware is not usually fitted with a stopper or cover?

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Which of these items is not usually fitted with a stopper or cover

How bioleaching works?

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it means they suck your blood

New ideas from the Crusades?

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Some new ideas from the Crusades included the introduction of Arabic numerals to Europe, leading to advancements in mathematics and business. The Crusades also brought about a greater exchange of knowledge and cultures between the East and the West, leading to increased interest in trade and exploration. Additionally, the Crusades sparked debates about religious tolerance and the nature of warfare that influenced future societal developments.

What three elements may be included in a copyright notice?

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A copyright notice typically includes the symbol © (or word "Copyright"), the year of first publication, and the copyright owner's name. Additional elements may include the phrase "All rights reserved" or a statement indicating the reproduction or distribution restrictions.

Who is Jupiter Hammon?

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Jupiter Hammon was an enslaved African American poet who lived in the 18th century. He is known for being one of the first African American writers in the United States. His poems often addressed the themes of slavery, Christianity, and freedom.

Can you use materials without destroying your community?

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Yes, sustainable sourcing and responsible consumption practices can help minimize negative impacts on the community. By using materials efficiently, promoting recycling, and supporting fair trade practices, it is possible to benefit from resources without causing harm to the community. Engaging in circular economy initiatives and collaborating with local stakeholders can also help ensure a more sustainable approach to material use.

Who owns the copyright of Nazi propaganda movies?

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The copyright for Nazi propaganda movies is typically held by the relevant state or media organizations associated with the Nazi regime during World War II. In some cases, copyright may have expired or been transferred to other entities over time. It is important to consult legal experts or historians for specific cases.

Where can I find Readers Digest 188 Ingenious Uses for Vinegar Copyrighted by The Readers Digest Association Inc in 2005 Want to purchase?

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This book is likely out of print as it was published in 2005. You may be able to find a used copy on websites like eBay or Amazon, or in online second-hand bookstores like AbeBooks. Libraries may also have a copy available for borrowing.

Is copywritten a word?

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No, "copywritten" is not a proper word. The correct term is "copyrighted," which refers to the legal protection of an author's work.

How does hologram works?

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A hologram captures the interference pattern between two or more beams of coherent light (i.e. laser light). One beam is shone directly on the recording medium and acts as a reference to the light scattered from the illuminated scene.

What is the difference between culture and environment?

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Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a particular group of people, while environment refers to the surroundings and conditions in which individuals live. Culture is shaped by social factors, traditions, and values, while the environment includes physical elements such as geography, climate, and resources.

What can one do if they purchase a property then find out later that the land survey provided at closing was measured incorrectly and the surveyor refuses to come remeasure and correct the survey?

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If the surveyor refuses to remeasure and correct the survey, you may need to consult with a real estate attorney to explore your legal options. This could include negotiating with the surveyor, taking legal action for negligence, or seeking compensation for any resulting issues. It's important to act promptly to address the situation and protect your property rights.

What are the roles of copyright to library studies?

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Copyright in library studies helps to guide how library materials can be used, shared, and preserved legally. It ensures that libraries can provide access to information while respecting creators' rights. Libraries must navigate copyright laws to balance public access with protecting intellectual property.

Example of lesson plan?

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Title: "Introduction to Fractions"

Objective: Students will be able to understand the concept of fractions and how to represent them visually.

Materials: Fraction manipulatives, whiteboard, markers, worksheets

Introduction: Discuss what a fraction is and show visual representations using fraction manipulatives.

Activity: Have students practice identifying fractions on the whiteboard and with worksheets, using the manipulatives to help visualize.

Assessment: Check for understanding by having students explain fractions and demonstrate their knowledge using the manipulatives.

How do you copyright your idea without money until you get the money to pay for it?

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In the United States, ideas alone cannot be copyrighted. Copyright protects the expression of an idea once it is fixed in a tangible form. To protect your idea without money, you can document and timestamp its development, consider a non-disclosure agreement when sharing it, and focus on building a strong reputation and network within your industry.

Would you need to ask for rights to publish an Alice in Wonderland spoof?

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Yes, to create a spoof of Alice in Wonderland that you plan to publish, you would likely need to secure the appropriate rights from the original copyright holder, which is typically the author’s estate or the publishing company that holds the rights. This is important to avoid any legal issues related to copyright infringement.

Are the stories by O Henry copyrighted?

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No, O. Henry's works are in the public domain since he passed away in 1910, over 100 years ago. This means that anyone can use, publish, or adapt his stories without needing permission or worrying about copyright infringement.

Is The Three Little Pigs copyrighted?

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No, The Three Little Pigs is a public domain story, which means it is not protected by copyright and can be freely used and adapted by anyone.

What is the full copyright date for The Magic Finger?

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The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl was first published in 1966, so the full copyright date would be 1966.

What is the copyright date for The Princess and the Pea?

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"The Princess and the Pea" is a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen and was first published in 1835. Since it was published before 1923, it is in the public domain and does not have a copyright date.

What is the copyright of when the sidewalk ends?

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The copyright for "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein belongs to the estate of the author, as he passed away in 1999. The book was published in 1974, so it is protected by copyright until 70 years after the author's death, which means it will likely be protected until at least 2069.