



This section covers topics of genetics such as variation, pedigrees, Mendelian genetics and mutations.

78,342 Questions

Why cant certain cells like bacteria get to be the of an animal like a dog?

Certain cells like bacteria cannot become the cells of an animal like a dog because they have fundamental genetic and structural differences. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, lacking a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, while animal cells are eukaryotic with a defined nucleus and organelles. Additionally, bacteria have different metabolic pathways and cellular functions that are not compatible with the complex systems of animal cells. The genetic programming and cellular machinery of bacteria are not designed to perform the specialized functions required for animal cells to form tissues and organs.

Why do you stay in the nucleus to write down the mRNA?

The process of transcription, where mRNA is synthesized from DNA, occurs in the nucleus because that is where the DNA is located. The DNA serves as the template for mRNA synthesis, and enzymes and other necessary factors for transcription are also present in the nucleus. Additionally, keeping transcription and translation (where mRNA is used to make proteins) spatially separated allows for more control and regulation of gene expression.

What is a place thickly covered with plants and weeds is called?

Oh, dude, that's like a jungle or a forest. You know, a place where nature just goes wild and throws a massive party with all the plants and weeds invited. It's like the ultimate green carpet event, but with way more mosquitoes.

A footballer who is type B personality?

A footballer with a type B personality would typically exhibit characteristics such as being more relaxed, laid-back, and less competitive compared to a type A personality. They may approach the game with a more easy-going attitude, focusing on enjoying the sport rather than being solely driven by winning or achieving goals. This type of personality may lead to a different style of play on the field, potentially influencing their performance and interactions with teammates and opponents.

If a guy has blue eyes and dark hair and the girl has brown eyes but her father had green what would the baby get?

Well, isn't that just a happy little mystery we have here! When it comes to eye color, it can be a mix of what the parents and even grandparents have. Genetics can be like a beautiful painting, mixing colors in unique ways. Just remember, no matter what color those eyes end up being, that baby will be a wonderful addition to the world.

Why the humen cells dead and not regerated?

Oh, dude, human cells die because that's just what they do. It's like the circle of life, but on a microscopic level. And as for regenerating, well, our bodies can do some cool stuff, but unfortunately, we're not like Wolverine from X-Men. So, when cells kick the bucket, they're gone for good.

What do neural crest cells form?

As células da crista neural são um tipo de células-tronco que se formam durante o desenvolvimento embrionário e têm a capacidade de se diferenciar em uma variedade de tipos celulares. Elas dão origem a:

Neurônios sensoriais: que transmitem informações do corpo para o sistema nervoso central. Células da glia: que suportam e protegem os neurônios. Melanócitos: responsáveis pela pigmentação da pele e cabelo. Células do sistema nervoso autônomo: que controlam funções involuntárias do corpo. Estruturas do crânio e da face: como ossos e cartilagens. Essas células desempenham um papel crucial no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso e em várias estruturas do corpo.

All cells are derived from?

All cells are derived from pre-existing cells through the process of cell division. This fundamental principle is known as the cell theory, which states that all living organisms are composed of cells and that cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms. Cell division can occur through mitosis, where a cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells, or through meiosis, which produces gametes for sexual reproduction. This process ensures the continuity of life and the passing on of genetic information from one generation to the next.

Plant organelles that store starches or lipids or that contain lipids?

Ah, what a delightful question! Organelles that store starches are called amyloplasts, while those that store lipids are known as oleosomes or lipid droplets. These organelles play important roles in storing energy for the plant and helping maintain its structure and function. Just like how we all have different roles to play in this beautiful world, each organelle has its own special job to do within the plant cell.

What color braces look good with brown hair and hazel eyes?

When considering the color of braces for someone with brown hair and hazel eyes, it's important to take into account their skin tone as well. Generally, warmer tones like gold, copper, or even a deep red can complement brown hair and hazel eyes nicely. These colors can create a harmonious look that enhances the natural features of the individual. It's also a good idea to consult with an orthodontist for personalized recommendations based on the specific shade of brown hair and hazel eyes.

Why don't slow rabbits pass on many genes to the next generation?

Well, isn't that just a happy little question? Slow rabbits may not pass on many genes to the next generation because they might have a harder time surviving in the wild or attracting a mate. But that's okay, every creature plays a special role in the circle of life, and slow rabbits can still bring joy and beauty to the world around them. Just like in painting, every color on the palette has its own unique charm.

Are fairy shrimp multicellular or unicellular?

Well, honey, fairy shrimp are definitely multicellular. They may be tiny little critters, but they've got more than one cell to call their own. So, no unicellular shenanigans here, just good ol' multicellular fairy shrimp doing their thing in the water.

Why are some Mexicans so short?

Two reasons: bad prenatal care and a substandard diet. This is more apparent in the southern states, which are the poorest in Mexico. Also many Mexican immigrants into the US follow these patterns, as most of them come from such states (Oaxaca, Michoacan, Guerrero, Chiapas).

A cell compared to a mall?

A cell can be compared to a mall in terms of their structures and functions. Just like a mall is made up of different stores and areas that serve specific purposes, a cell is composed of various organelles that carry out specific functions. Both a cell and a mall require coordination and communication among their components to function efficiently. Additionally, both a cell and a mall have mechanisms in place to regulate their activities and maintain homeostasis.

3 types of active transports?

Well, darling, we've got primary active transport where molecules move against the concentration gradient using ATP, secondary active transport where molecules hitch a ride with another molecule moving down its gradient, and finally, good old vesicular transport where large molecules are engulfed by a vesicle and transported across the cell membrane. Hope that clears things up for you, sugar.

What is the tRNA sequence for GGTAGGAAACCC?

Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some biochemistry vibes here! So, like, the tRNA sequence for GGTAGGAAACCC would be CCUCCUUUGGCC. It's like a secret code for protein synthesis, but don't worry, I got you covered.

What does DNA's shape look like?

It is shaped to look mostl like a twisted ladder, full of genetic information.

What could be done to resolve two fragments that are nearly the same base-pair length and did not appear on the electrophoresis gel?

You could use other enzymes or use a higher percetage of agarosa to make your gel (so they will have a better chance of separating).

How do you explain surface area?

Think of making something like a can out of sheet metal. The surface area of a cylinder the same size as the can is the amount of material (in square units) needed to make the can. The volume would be the amount of substance that the can will hold.