


Proofreading is the reviewing of a copy of text in order to detect errors and mark corrections, such as misspellings, mistakes in punctuation and errors in grammar. Proofreaders should be accurate because they occupy the final stage of editing.

236 Questions

Is this sentence Have an astonishing day the correct way of using the word astonish?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the sentence "Have an astonishing day" is using the word "astonishing" as an adjective to describe the day. To use the verb form of "astonish" correctly, you could say something like "I hope something astonishes you today."

Where does the proofreading of the DNA occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

Proofreading of DNA occurs during DNA replication in the nucleus of a cell. Enzymes, such as DNA polymerase, play a critical role in ensuring accurate replication by detecting and correcting errors in the newly synthesized DNA strand. This process helps maintain the integrity and stability of genetic information passed on during cell division.

What is meant by proofreading DNA?

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Asked by Wiki User

Proofreading DNA refers to the process by which cells correct errors in DNA replication to maintain the accuracy of the genetic information. This system involves enzymes that recognize and repair mistakes in the DNA sequence to prevent mutations that could lead to genetic disorders or diseases.

What four things do YOU talk about when we look at weather?

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Asked by Wiki User

I can provide information about current weather conditions, forecasts for the near future, severe weather alerts, and general climate patterns in a given region.

What is a proofreading enzyme?

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Asked by Wiki User

A proofreading enzyme is a type of enzyme that helps correct errors that occur during DNA replication. It checks the newly synthesized DNA strands for mistakes and removes and replaces any incorrect nucleotides to ensure accuracy in the genetic code. This process helps maintain the integrity of the DNA sequence.

What are enzymes that have a proofreading role in DNA replication?

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Asked by Wiki User

DNA polymerases, such as DNA polymerase III in prokaryotes and DNA polymerase delta in eukaryotes, have proofreading activities during DNA replication. These enzymes possess exonuclease activity, allowing them to detect and correct errors in newly synthesized DNA strands by removing misincorporated nucleotides. This proofreading function helps maintain the fidelity of DNA replication.

How is efficiency proofreading activity DNA- polymerase?

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Asked by Wiki User

Efficiency in proofreading activity of DNA polymerase is achieved through its ability to recognize and remove incorrectly paired nucleotides during DNA synthesis. This process involves the exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase, which allows it to backtrack, excise the mismatched base, and replace it with the correct one. This proofreading mechanism helps ensure high fidelity in DNA replication.

What is DNA polymerase proofreading?

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DNA polymerase proofreading is a process in which the enzyme checks for errors in the newly synthesized DNA strand during DNA replication. If an incorrect nucleotide is added, the enzyme has the ability to remove the incorrect nucleotide and replace it with the correct one. This helps ensure the fidelity of DNA replication.

What is the function of proofreader enzymes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Proofreader enzymes, such as DNA polymerases, function to detect and correct errors that may occur during DNA replication. They help maintain the accuracy of genetic information by identifying mismatched base pairs and replacing them with the correct ones. This process helps prevent mutations and ensures the fidelity of DNA replication.

What physical changes did brian go through?

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Asked by Wiki User

Brian underwent physical changes such as losing weight due to limited food resources, developing callouses on his hands from working and building tools, and improving his physical stamina and strength as a result of surviving on his own in the wilderness.

What is proof reading mechanism?

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Asked by NemShresthafb5972

Proofreading is the process of carefully reviewing written content to identify and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. It helps ensure that the text is accurate, consistent, and free of mistakes before it is published or shared. Proofreading can be done manually by individuals or through the use of software tools designed for this purpose.

What are all the errors in a profile projectors and how to check the errors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common errors in profile projectors include misalignment of the optics, lens distortion, and stage movement inaccuracies. To check for errors, ensure the projector is properly calibrated, check for any dirt or debris affecting the optics, and verify that the stage moves smoothly and accurately. Additionally, conduct regular maintenance and calibrations to prevent errors from occurring.

What is proof reading?

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Asked by Wiki User

proofreading helps to maintain consistency throughout the text. It ensures that words, phrases, and formatting are used consistently, creating a cohesive and professional piece of writing.

proofreading involves checking the formatting of the document. This includes verifying that headings, subheadings, and paragraphs are properly formatted and aligned. It also involves checking the consistency of font styles, sizes, and spacing.

Are soundproofing and proofreading are alike?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, soundproofing and proofreading are not alike. Soundproofing involves reducing or blocking sound transmission, while proofreading involves reviewing written text for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. They are two different concepts with different purposes.

Which proofreading mark would you use to identify an error in this sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

The proofreading mark for an error in a sentence would be a caret (^) to indicate where the correction should be inserted.

What does ts mean in proofreading?

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Asked by Wiki User

"TS" in proofreading stands for "typeset." It is used to reference the version of a document that has been formatted or set in type for publication. Proofreading TS involves checking for errors in the final layout before printing or online publishing.

What qualities are necessary to be a psychoanalyst?

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Asked by Wiki User

To be a psychoanalyst, one needs to have strong listening and communication skills, empathy, patience, and the ability to maintain objectivity and confidentiality. Additionally, having a thorough understanding of psychoanalytic theory and techniques, as well as being culturally sensitive and open-minded, are essential qualities.

How can one understand proofreading marks?

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Asked by Wiki User

To understand proofreading marks, start by familiarizing yourself with common symbols such as a caret (^) for inserting text, a line for deleting text, and squiggly lines for indicating a change. Then, practice using these marks while proofreading text to develop a better understanding of how they are applied in editing. Finally, refer to a guide or resource that outlines the different proofreading marks to deepen your understanding and improve your proficiency.

Why does questionnaire take two Ns?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "questionnaire" takes two N's because it is derived from the word "question" and the suffix "-naire," which is used to form nouns denoting a person or thing that is connected with or involved in the action of the base word. The double N is required to maintain the correct spelling and pronunciation of the word.

Would you capitalize dad and mom in this sentence did dad help mom?

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Asked by Wiki User

In this sentence, "dad" and "mom" would be lowercase as they are used informally. However, if referring to them in a formal or respectful context, you could capitalize them as "Dad" and "Mom."

What is the correct grammar for you 'just have' been or you 'have just' been?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct grammar is "you have just been." This structure follows the typical order of subject (you) + auxiliary verb (have) + adverb (just) + main verb (been).

What is the symbol to not capitalize in the proofreading marks?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "^" symbol is used in proofreading marks to indicate that a letter should be lowercase.

What proofreading marking shuold you use to insert a missing letter?

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Asked by Freddy602

In proofreading it is customary to use the " ^ " symbol to specify that a letter or wrod is missing from the scentence. You want to write the word or letter above the "^" sign to specify what the missing word or letter is.

What is the proofreading mark for lowercase?

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Asked by Wiki User

The proofreading mark for lowercase is a caret symbol (^) placed below the letter that needs to be lowercase.

Can someone proof read this German essay please?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. An Introduction of yourself and your character

Ich Heisse Alice und ich bin in der 11.Klasse im London. Ich bin kreativ und klug aber gar nicht unnachgiebig. Einerseits stimmt meine Familie mit mir aber anderseits sind meine Freunde nicht sicher, weil sie denken, dass ich stur bin obschon ich nicht bin, aber meiner Ansicht nach, was meine Familie denkt is wichtiger fur mich, jedoch muss ich gestehen, dass sie mich nicht mögen.

2. The things you like doing and what you look in a job

Zuerst bin ich unheimlich gut inChemie in der Schule. Naturlich mag ich es, mit Chemikalien in der labor Arbeit. Deshalb ist es wichtig für mich, einen Job in der feild von Chemie zu bekommen, hoffentlich in einem Labor, obleich heutzutage es schwerig ist . Ein guter Chemiker braucht __kreativ zu sein und meiner Meinung nach, bin ich absolut kreativ.

3. Job of a family member

Meine Mutter ist ___Direktorin bei Sony. Sie findet die Arbeit sehr anstrengend und oft muss sie nach Europa flogen. Im Vergleich zu ihre altere Job, sie verdient viel mehr aber ich mag es nicht, weil zuerst sie weg für eine sehr lange Zeit geht, und zweitens ich mich einsam fühle, immerhin sie ist meine Mutter. Ich glaube, sie solle zu Hause aus arbeiten, aber es hat keinen Zweck, wegen ihrer Arbeit.

4. An account of your work experience

Ich arbeitete bei GSK für meine Arbeitspraktikum für einen Monat und ich muss gestehen, dass es meine beste Erfahrung in meinem Leben war, Ich fühlte mich wie im Himmel. Ich habe in einem Labor gearbeitet und ich habe eigentlich viel_ Medizin gemacht. Es gefallt mir, dass ich die Chemiker des Monats war. In der Zukunft wurde ich auf jedenfall bei GSK arbeiten, weil es sich lohnt.

5. Your future plans when you leave school

Naturlich meine ideale Karriere würde GSK sein. Ich waere ein bekannter Chemiker sein und gleichzeitig möchte ich eine Menge Geld zu verdienen. Es ist sicher, dass um dies zu erreichen, muss ich gute Noten in der Schule bekommen und ich soll jedenfall genug Erfahrung sammeln, denn je mehr Erfahrung ich habe, desto bessere Chemiker werde ich sein.

I tried to edit as best I could in the time I have. I put the changes in bold face. If you see ___, then that means I erased a word or part of a word. The essay is very well written but I would caution you against using so many long sentences. It would help the flow of the paper if you would end the sentence and start a new one. For example, the last sentence in number five could be turned into two or even three sentences. I see no real problems with your vocabulary or grammar. I apologise if I missed any large errors.