


Microsoft Windows

Windows is a consumer and enterprise grade family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. First released in 1985, it has become the best-selling operating system in computer history, and has 90% of the total operating system market.

18,467 Questions

How do you permanently delete files in the Recycle Bin from a drive?

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Permanently deleting files in the Recycle Bin from a drive is a simple process. First, ensure that any files you wish to keep have been restored to their original locations. Then, right-click on the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop and select "Empty Recycle Bin" from the context menu. A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you are sure you want to permanently delete all items in the Recycle Bin. Click "Yes" to proceed. This action will permanently remove the files from the Recycle Bin and free up space on the drive.

What is the primary tool you use to interact with a graphical user interface?

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A mouse because you use it to control a cursor on your screen, the cursor is part of the graphical user interface

How do I upgrade from Windows 10 to MS-DOS?

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Upgrading from Windows 10 to MS-DOS is not a straightforward process due to the vast differences in these operating systems. Windows 10 is a modern graphical operating system designed for multitasking and compatibility with a wide range of applications, while MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a text-based, single-tasking operating system primarily used in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Here are the essential steps and considerations if you are interested in transitioning from Windows 10 to MS-DOS:

Understanding MS-DOS:

MS-DOS is a command-line interface (CLI) operating system that lacks modern graphical user interface (GUI) features. It primarily relies on commands typed into a terminal-like interface to perform tasks. It doesn't support multitasking or modern hardware features like plug-and-play devices, modern file systems, or advanced networking.

Hardware Compatibility:

MS-DOS has very limited hardware support compared to Windows 10. It runs on much older hardware architectures and may not be compatible with modern CPUs, motherboards, or peripherals. You would need to ensure you have a compatible computer or use emulation software that supports MS-DOS.

Software Compatibility:

Most modern software, including web browsers, media players, and productivity tools, are not compatible with MS-DOS. MS-DOS primarily supports older applications and games that were developed specifically for this platform. If your goal is to run specific legacy software or games that require MS-DOS, compatibility will heavily depend on the application's age and complexity.

Steps to Transition:

Backup Your Data: Before attempting any major changes, ensure you have a complete backup of all your important files and data from Windows 10. This ensures you can revert to Windows 10 or transfer essential files if needed.

Research and Preparation: Familiarize yourself with MS-DOS and its limitations. Identify the specific reasons for wanting to switch to MS-DOS, such as nostalgia, specific software requirements, or learning purposes.

Hardware Considerations: Verify if your current hardware can run MS-DOS natively or if you need to use virtualization or emulation software. Some modern PCs might not support MS-DOS due to BIOS or hardware architecture differences.

Installation: MS-DOS installation typically involves booting from a floppy disk or a bootable CD image. You'll need to acquire an installation disk image (.img or .iso) and create a bootable medium using appropriate software.

Software Installation: After installing MS-DOS, you'll need to install any necessary drivers for your hardware and then install compatible applications or games. MS-DOS applications often require manual configuration and setup.

Usage and Learning: Get accustomed to using the command-line interface of MS-DOS. Many commands are different from modern operating systems, and you may need to refer to manuals or online resources for guidance.

Considerations and Challenges:

Limited Functionality: MS-DOS lacks many features taken for granted in modern operating systems, such as multitasking, protected memory, and advanced security features.

Support and Resources: Finding support for MS-DOS can be challenging due to its age and obsolescence. Online communities and forums dedicated to retro computing can be valuable resources.

Legal and Licensing: Ensure you have legal copies of MS-DOS and any software you intend to use. Distributing or using pirated copies of old software is still subject to copyright laws.


Transitioning from Windows 10 to MS-DOS is a significant shift that requires careful planning, research, and consideration of the limitations and compatibility issues involved. It's primarily suited for specific purposes such as running legacy applications or for historical interest rather than everyday computing tasks.

If you're looking to purchase legal software keys or products for your transition, websites like Softwarekey4u .com offer affordable options. Always ensure to use valid coupon codes like SAVE30GIFT for potential discounts on such purchases.

Ultimately, while upgrading to MS-DOS may not be practical for most users today, it can be a rewarding experience for those interested in computing history, vintage software, or exploring the origins of modern computing systems.

Can a lightning strike hit a router and damage a wireless device?

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Yes, a lightning strike can hit a router and cause damage to connected devices, including wireless devices. It is recommended to use surge protectors and unplug electronic devices during thunderstorms to prevent damage from lightning strikes.

How do you run a old 16-bit program in Windows 2000 you try but get 'the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications'?

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1. add a W9x virtual PC session and run it from there.2. add an XP virtual machine session to test and hopefully run it in "compatibility mode".

Is there really a Julian of macedon?

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There is no historical evidence of a Julian of Macedon. It is possible that you may be confusing this individual with other Macedonian figures from history, such as Alexander the Great or Philip II of Macedon.

How is byronia root prepared for medicinal purposes?

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Bryonia root is typically washed, sliced, dried, and then ground into a fine powder or used to make extracts or tinctures for medicinal purposes. It can be prepared as a tea, capsule, or used topically in creams or ointments. It is important to follow specific instructions and dosages provided by a qualified healthcare provider when using bryonia root for medicinal purposes.

What can insufficient information about the reason behind a change in the workplace lead to?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Insufficient information about the reason behind a change in the workplace can lead to confusion, rumors, and decreased morale among employees. It may cause resistance to the change and hinder effective communication and collaboration within the organization.

Can you install an unactivated version of Windows 7 and then install your Purchased Windows 8 upgrade over it?

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i think so you can, you need an older version to start the upgrade process to Windows 8

What are the uses of gritstone?

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Gritstone is commonly used as a building material for construction, especially in regions where it is abundant. It is also used for paving, flooring, and as a material for sculptures and monuments due to its durability and resistance to weathering. Additionally, gritstone is used in some regions for climbing and bouldering due to its rough texture and good friction properties.

What has three parts but is one object?

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The shamrock, or clover which represents the trinity or the father, son, holy spirit. Three in one.

How do you install ubuntu 9.10 using wubi with already installed Windows Vista?

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It depends on what you are trying to do. If you install anything over Windows 7 that is not a windows based system you may lose some application functionality if the other system does not have an equivalent. The same could be said if installing Ubuntu, since it may have functionality that is not present in Windows 7.

Views in space are of the distant past?

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When we look at objects in space, we are actually seeing them as they were in the past due to the time it takes for light to travel from those objects to Earth. For example, when looking at a star that is 100 light years away, we are seeing it as it appeared 100 years ago. This concept is known as "light travel time."

What is the visible part of the computer system?

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The visible part of a computer system is typically the monitor or screen, which displays information and allows users to interact with the computer through graphical user interfaces. Other visible components may include the keyboard, mouse, and external peripherals connected to the computer.

Difference between adhesion and cohesion?

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Adhesion is the intermolecular attraction between 'unlike-molecules' (usually referred to the attraction or joining of two different objects of fluids to each other).

Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction between 'like-molecules' (usually referred to the strength with which the particles of an object of fluid attract to each other)

How to restore the Nextar gps as it gives message Application intellinavexe has performed illegal operation?

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You can try resetting the GPS device by pressing the reset button or performing a hard reset as per the manufacturer's instructions. If the issue persists, you may need to update the device's software or firmware. Contact Nextar customer support for further assistance if needed.

The reason that the white-hot sparks that strike your skin from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler don't harm you is because?

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the duration of contact is very short, limiting the transfer of heat to your skin. Additionally, the sparks from sparklers don't have enough energy to cause significant harm. The sparks are also made of material that burns quickly, reducing the chance of causing a burn.

What is the difference between Microsoft Word and Microsoft dos?

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Microsoft Word is a word processing software for creating and editing documents with a graphical interface, while Microsoft DOS is a command-line-based operating system used for file management and running programs. They serve different purposes and have different user interfaces.

What are non-Windows applications?

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Microsoft Windows applications are ...In the case of "Microsoft Windows", windows programs are software applications that are run on a computer that is also running Microsoft Windows as an operating system. A software application, or program, is a set of logical conditions grouped together to perform some function. Typically a Microsoft Windows application will be run within a "window" although that is not a requirement. A "window" in the context of software is an area of the screen set aside to run a single program and may or may not have options for controlling the position and size of the program area.

Some examples of Microsoft Windows applications are:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Notepad
  • Mozilla Firefox

Does dotnet only use in Microsoft operating system?

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The Microsoft .NET Framework is a programming framework that can only be installed on computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. It will only create applications that run within the Windows system.

'the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications' Windows Vista error?

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to run MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications on Windows Vista due to the differences in the system architecture. One option you might try is to download and use a Virtual Machine, which allows you to create an environment in which run older Windows or MS-DOS software.

If you are looking for an affordable way to get the most up-to-date Windows software, check out Affordablekey, the best website for buying and downloading legal Windows software. They have some great deals such as summer sale offs with up to 30% off if you use coupon code: HAPPYMD.

Windows Vista and Mac OS X are examples?

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Asked by Wiki User

Windows Vista and Mac OS X are examples of computer operating systems.