


Social Sciences

The study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society.

500 Questions

When was serpentine discovered?

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Serpentine has been used since ancient times, so there isn't a specific date for its discovery. It is a metamorphic rock that often contains the mineral chrysotile, a type of asbestos, which has been mined and used for various purposes for centuries.

What is the scientific name for upright man?

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The scientific name for upright man is Homo erectus.

How were the pyramids in ancient egypt built?

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The pyramids in ancient Egypt were built by thousands of skilled laborers who quarried and transported massive stones to the construction site. They used simple tools like copper chisels and wooden sledges to cut and move the stones. The construction process was likely organized and overseen by skilled architects and engineers.

Science of unearthing and interpreting objects from past societies?

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This field is known as archaeology, where scientists study past human societies through the analysis of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains. Archaeologists use a combination of excavation, analysis, and interpretation to learn about the cultures and behaviors of ancient peoples. By studying these objects, they can piece together the history and lifestyle of past societies.

What colour is malachite?

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Malachite is a vibrant green colour, often with light and dark green banding or patterns due to its unique crystal growth structure.

How many years was Anubis worshiped?

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Anubis was worshiped for thousands of years in ancient Egypt, with his cult possibly dating back to around 3100 BCE and enduring until the decline of Egyptian civilization in the Roman period around 395 CE.

Where was the earliest center of Russian civilization?

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The earliest center of Russian civilization was in Kiev, located in modern-day Ukraine. It was the capital of the Kievan Rus, a federation of East Slavic tribes, and played a significant role in the early development of Russian culture, politics, and religion.

Where can you find periosteum?

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Periosteum is a connective tissue membrane that covers the outer surface of bones. It can be found on the outer surface of most bones in the body, providing protection and serving as an attachment site for tendons and ligaments.

Which elements tend to share electrons in chemical bonds?

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Nonmetals typically share electrons in chemical bonds in order to achieve a stable octet configuration in their outermost energy level. This sharing of electrons allows both atoms involved in the bond to reach a more stable, lower energy state. Examples of elements that commonly share electrons in bonds include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.

What does an adobe house look like?

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An adobe house is typically made of sun-dried bricks, made from a mixture of mud, straw, and water. The walls are thick and often painted with an earthy color. The roof is usually flat or made of traditional materials like wood beams and thatch.

Who is the founder of Arizona?

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Arizona was founded by Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado during his expeditions in the early 16th century. The region later became a United States territory in 1863.

Where was the first post-explorer settlement in Michigan?

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The first post-explorer settlement in Michigan was Sault Ste. Marie, founded by French missionaries in 1668. This settlement played a significant role in the fur trade and served as a key location for connecting the Great Lakes region.

When did imhotep live?

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Imhotep lived during the 27th century BCE in ancient Egypt. He was a polymath, serving as a high priest, architect, physician, and advisor to the pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep is best known for designing the Step Pyramid of Djoser, which is considered one of the earliest colossal stone buildings in history.

What does gender mean in language?

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In language, gender refers to the classification of nouns as masculine, feminine, or neuter. Different languages have different systems of gender classification, which may affect the way nouns are declined, conjugated, or associated with certain adjectives or pronouns based on their gender. This linguistic feature is often a grammatical rather than a biological distinction.

What are the reasons of conserving information materials?

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Conserving information materials is important to preserve knowledge for future generations, protect cultural heritage, and maintain historical records. By conserving these materials, we can ensure that valuable information is not lost due to deterioration or obsolescence. Additionally, conservation helps support research, education, and the dissemination of knowledge.

What is A two year degree that focuses on the arts humanities and social sciences is called an?

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An associate's degree in arts, humanities, and social sciences is commonly referred to as an Associate of Arts (AA) degree. It generally provides a foundation in these areas and can serve as a starting point for further studies or entry-level positions in related fields.

What is the difference between training guideline and training manual?

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A training guideline provides an overall framework for training, outlining goals, objectives, and general procedures. A training manual, on the other hand, is a detailed document that includes step-by-step instructions, processes, and information to guide participants through specific training activities.

What are grouping objects or information based on similarities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grouping objects or information based on similarities is called classification. This process involves organizing items or data into categories or classes based on shared characteristics or features. It helps in making sense of complex information and simplifies decision-making and analysis.

What is Information obtained from the results of a process that is used in guiding the way that process is done called?

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Feedback is information obtained from the results of a process that is used to guide the way that process is done. It helps to improve the performance or outcome of the process by providing insights, suggestions, or corrections based on the results achieved.

Is indigo a primary color?

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Indigo is not considered a primary color in the traditional color theory. In the RGB color model used for electronic displays, red, green, and blue are the primary colors. In the CMYK color model used for printing, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black are the primary colors.

Why was paper an important invention?

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Paper was important because it enabled mass communication, document preservation, and record keeping. It facilitated the spread of knowledge, ideas, and information, contributing to the advancement of society and culture.

What is convergent movement?

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Convergent movement refers to the coming together or merging of two or more things towards a common point or direction. In biology, it specifically describes the evolution of similar traits in unrelated species in response to similar environmental pressures. This phenomenon can lead to analogous structures that serve the same function but have different evolutionary origins.

Asiatic Theory was propagated by Dr Leopoldo Faustino?

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There is no widely recognized theory called the "Asiatic Theory" propagated by Dr. Leopoldo Faustino. It is possible that there may be a lesser-known or niche theory by this name, but without more specific information it is difficult to comment further.

What make history a science?

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History is considered a social science because it uses research, analysis, and interpretation to understand past events, patterns, and human behavior. Historians apply the scientific method to study evidence, formulate hypotheses, and draw conclusions based on empirical data. Through this process, history seeks to provide explanations and insights into the development of societies and cultures over time.

What process of using the senses to gather information?

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The process of using the senses to gather information is called perception. It involves receiving and interpreting sensory information from the environment through sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. This information is then processed by the brain to make sense of the world around us.