



A population refers to the collection of organisms that belong to similar species and live in a single geographical area at a specified time. An example of a population is all the people residing in the United States.

19,566 Questions

What style of architecture is the villa Rotonda?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Villa Rotonda, designed by Andrea Palladio, exemplifies the Palladian style, characterized by symmetry, classical forms, and the use of the classical orders. Its design features a central, circular plan with a portico on each side, reflecting the influence of ancient Roman architecture.

What is the population of Jiangyou?

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The population of Jiangyou is 870,000.

How large of a global population can the Earth support?

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Asked by Lilwolf53

There is no definitive answer as it depends on factors like resource availability, technology, lifestyle choices, and environmental sustainability. Some estimates suggest a range of 9 to 10 billion people, but achieving a sustainable balance between population size and Earth's carrying capacity is a complex challenge. Implementing efficient resource management, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices will be crucial.

Why are the plains supporting high density of population?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plains often have fertile soil and access to water sources, making them ideal for agriculture which can support a high population density. Additionally, the flat terrain of plains can make transportation easier, facilitating trade and movement of people, further contributing to high population density in these areas.

How does competition limit a population growth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Competition for resources like food, water, and shelter can lead to increased deaths due to lack of resources, limiting the population growth. Competition can also result in decreased reproductive success, as individuals may struggle to find suitable mates or territories for breeding. Overall, competition can place stress on a population, leading to a decline in growth rates.

Is America a sparsely or densely?

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Asked by Wiki User

America is a large and diverse country with varying population densities. Some areas, like cities, are densely populated, while other regions, like rural areas, are more sparsely populated. Overall, the United States has an average population density that is lower than many other developed countries.

How does the availability of resources affect whether a population's growth is exponential or logistic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The availability of resources affects population growth by determining if it follows an exponential or logistic growth pattern. In an environment with unlimited resources, populations can grow exponentially, doubling in size every generation. However, when resources become limited, populations reach carrying capacity and growth levels off, leading to logistic growth.

Who gave the idea that famine disease and war could prevent the endless growth of human population?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thomas Malthus, a British economist, suggested in his 1798 work "An Essay on the Principle of Population" that population growth is limited by resources and that famine, disease, and war are natural checks to prevent population from endlessly growing beyond available resources.

What is population growth called when resources are not limited?

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Population growth is referred to as exponential growth when resources are not limited, as the population can continue to increase at an accelerating rate.

How does population growth connect to plants?

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Population growth can affect plants through increased demand for resources like land, water, and nutrients. As the human population grows, the expansion of urban areas and agricultural activities can lead to habitat destruction, deforestation, and pollution, negatively impacting plant biodiversity and ecosystems. Additionally, increased population can result in more carbon emissions and climate change, which can further threaten plant species.

Why is there more population growth of cities in LDCs compared to MDCs?

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Population growth in cities of less developed countries (LDCs) is typically higher due to factors such as rural-urban migration driven by economic opportunities, better living conditions, and access to services in cities. Additionally, high birth rates and lower death rates in LDCs contribute to natural population increase, further contributing to urban population growth. In contrast, cities in more developed countries (MDCs) tend to have lower population growth rates due to lower birth rates, higher levels of urban planning and infrastructure development, and better access to family planning services.

How might cities with smog problems lessen the dangers to people who live and work in the cities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cities can reduce smog by promoting the use of public transportation, enforcing stricter emissions standards for vehicles and industries, and increasing green spaces and urban parks to absorb pollutants. Implementing air quality monitoring systems and raising public awareness about the health risks of smog can also help mitigate its effects on residents and workers.

What are the five largest cities in Kenya based on population?

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Asked by Xwizardgodx

The five largest cities in Kenya based on population are Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Eldoret. Nairobi is the capital and largest city in Kenya, with a population of over 4 million people.

Is the population of the UK 60 million?

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As of 2021, the estimated population of the UK is around 66 million people. Population figures may vary slightly depending on the data source used.

How many people would it take to make a chain around the world?

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Asked by DarkRaven87

Assuming each person occupies about 1.5 feet of space, you would need roughly 131,477,418 people to form a chain around the Earth's equator, which is approximately 24,901 miles long.

What happens to a growth in an S shaped graph?

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In an S-shaped growth curve, growth starts slowly, accelerates as resources are utilized more efficiently, and then plateaus as resources become limiting. This pattern reflects a logistic growth model, where population growth reaches a carrying capacity where the environment can no longer support further growth.

What are three different measurement that describe populations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three different measurements used to describe populations include population size (total number of individuals), population density (number of individuals per unit area), and population growth rate (the rate at which a population increases or decreases over time).

How does pollution affect the population growth of euglena?

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Pollution can have various negative impacts on euglena populations, including reducing available nutrients, altering water pH levels, and increasing toxic substances that can harm their growth and reproduction. Additionally, pollution can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and lead to competition with other organisms, further affecting euglena populations.

Why death rate is a factor that affecting the population growth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The death rate is a factor that affects population growth because it determines the rate at which individuals are leaving the population. A high death rate would result in a decrease in population growth, while a low death rate would lead to an increase in population growth. It is an important factor to consider in understanding population dynamics and demographic trends.

What parameter indicates that the size of the human population is increasing?

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Asked by Gtfan93

A parameter that indicates the size of the human population is increasing is the population growth rate, which is calculated as the difference between the number of births and deaths in a specific time period. Additionally, increasing fertility rates and declining mortality rates can also indicate population growth.

What might be a consequence of unlimited human population growth?

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Asked by Gtfan93

Potential consequences of unlimited human population growth include depletion of natural resources, strain on infrastructure and services, increased pollution and environmental degradation, and competition for limited space and food resources. These factors can lead to social, economic, and environmental challenges for society.

What is the current population of coral?

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It is estimated that around 33% of coral reefs worldwide are degraded or destroyed. The current population of living coral species is difficult to determine as it varies by region and species. However, conservation efforts are being made to protect and restore coral reefs to help increase their population.

Which would you expect to have the greatest biomass a population of rabbits or a population of foxes living in the same ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

A population of rabbits would be expected to have greater biomass due to their lower trophic level position and larger population size compared to the population of foxes, which occupy a higher trophic level and have a smaller population size.

How many total of human beings are the on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since people are both being born all the time and dying all the time, you can never get a precise figure for the global population at any given moment, however, the world's total population is currently (in the year 2012) approaching seven billion.

How many people were killed in the hurricane Katrina and boxing tsunami?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hurricane Katrina resulted in about 1,833 confirmed fatalities in the U.S., primarily in Louisiana. The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 caused an estimated 230,000 to 280,000 deaths across 14 countries in South and Southeast Asia.