


Questions about WikiAnswers and

This category is home to questions about this website, variously known as WikiAnswers and If you need help with the site, and you can't find it in the help center, check here!

5,836 Questions

How do I submit an answer on

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Asked by Wiki User

Once you are a registered member, allows you to track your contributions.

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How do you write positive feedback?

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Asked by Wiki User

When writing positive feedback, be specific about what behaviors or actions were commendable. Describe the impact of those behaviors, and express appreciation for the effort and results achieved. Make sure to deliver the feedback in a timely manner and provide encouragement for continued excellence.

What type of force does a spring scale measure?

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Asked by Wiki User

A spring scale measures force by determining the amount of stretch or compression in a spring when an object is hung from it. It primarily measures the force of gravity acting on an object, which is commonly referred to as weight.

What does the state of being content mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The state of being content refers to feeling satisfied and at ease with one's current situation or circumstances. It is a sense of peace and fulfillment without wanting for more.

What is the most frequent question here?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most frequent questions asked on this site are questions that really should be asked in a chat room. We get "How are you?" quite often. People also ask if other people are gay, or if they love each other. We get asked to give out website addresses a lot.

What is the latest information about our universe?

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Asked by Wiki User

The latest information about our universe includes discoveries of new exoplanets, advancements in understanding dark matter and dark energy, and ongoing research into the cosmic microwave background radiation to learn more about the early universe's origins. Scientific exploration continues to push the boundaries of our knowledge about the universe's vastness and mysteries.

What happens if all the tasks are blocked?

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Asked by Wiki User

If all tasks are blocked, it can lead to a deadlock where no progress can be made by any task. This can happen when each task is waiting for resources held by another task, creating a cycle of dependencies. In this scenario, the tasks will remain blocked indefinitely unless external intervention breaks the deadlock.

Can you answer other questions about dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, I can answer questions about dating. Feel free to ask!

Where do I find most recent questions?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find the most recent questions by visiting the question board on the platform you are using. The most recent questions are typically displayed at the top of the list. You can also use the search function to filter for recently asked questions.

What happens to someone's personality when the temporal lobe is removed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Removing the temporal lobe can result in memory loss, language difficulties, mood changes, and altered emotional responses. This can make a person more impulsive, aggressive, or socially inappropriate. The individual may also experience changes in their perception of reality and may struggle with understanding and interpreting social cues.

What is intrinsically safe flash light?

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Asked by Wiki User

An intrinsically safe flashlight is designed to minimize the risk of causing ignition in hazardous environments where flammable gases, dust, or vapors are present. These flashlights are engineered to prevent sparks or excessive heat that could potentially ignite the surrounding atmosphere, making them safe to use in such environments.

What is Global Innovation system?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Global Innovation System refers to the interconnected network of organizations, institutions, and individuals involved in the process of creating, sharing, and diffusing new ideas, products, and technologies across the world. It encompasses activities such as research and development, technology transfer, collaboration, and knowledge exchange on a global scale to drive innovation and economic growth.

What is a category prototype?

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Asked by Wiki User

A category prototype is a mental representation of the typical or idealized example within a specific category. It serves as a reference point for categorizing new items or experiences based on how closely they resemble the prototype. The prototype embodies key features or characteristics that are most commonly associated with that category.

Properties of superheated vapor R134a?

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Asked by Wiki User

Superheated vapor R134a is a phase of refrigerant R134a that exists at a temperature higher than its saturation temperature at a given pressure. It is a gas that is ready to absorb heat energy and work in a refrigeration system. Superheated vapor R134a has higher enthalpy and specific volume compared to its saturated state.

How do you get people you dont know to trust you in babysitting their kids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Building trust with parents you don't know in babysitting involves demonstrating your experience, reliability, and ability to care for their child. Provide references, certifications, and background checks to show your qualifications. Engage in open communication with parents to address their concerns and make them feel comfortable with your care. Offer to meet in person, discuss your approach to childcare, and address any questions they may have to establish a sense of trust.

Is there a maximum shell length for a single shot Iver Johnson 410 shotgun?

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Asked by Wiki User

The maximum shell length for a single shot Iver Johnson 410 shotgun is typically 3 inches. It is important to consult the manufacturer's specifications for the specific model to ensure you are using the correct ammunition. Overloading a shotgun with shells that are too long can be dangerous and may damage the firearm.

What is a split-step in tennis?

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Asked by JillianG

A split-step in tennis is what you need to do everytime your opponent makes contact with the ball. Start in ready position. Ready position is the athletic stance you should in order to be prepared to hit a ball. Ready position involves standing with your knees slightly bent and your feet hip width apart. Hold your racquet head out in front of you so that you can go for every shot. Split step involves jumping off the ground slightly and landing on the balls of your feet. This will allow your weight to be centered and enable you to run for a ball in any direction. You do this when your opponent makes a shot. Then you can run after the shot. A split-step helps you avoid being on your heels or flat footed. Both of those situations will make it harder for you to reach for the shot. Notice how the professional tennis players do this all the time.

Why do people answer questions they don't know the answer to?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may feel pressure to respond to questions they don't know the answer to due to a fear of appearing uninformed or incompetent. They may also try to impress others or feel a need to contribute to a conversation.

Why do people insist on putting their spiritual beliefs on this site?

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Asked by Leskis

Some individuals may feel strongly about sharing their spiritual beliefs on this platform as a way to connect with others who share similar beliefs or to express their values and perspectives. It can also be a way for them to seek support, understanding, or validation from the community.

Why do people find it funny to ask or answer with vulgarities?

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Asked by MountainFlower

Using vulgarities can add shock value or humor because they break social conventions and are unexpected. They can also be seen as a way to express strong emotions or emphasize a point. However, it is important to be mindful of the context and audience when using vulgar language in communication.

Why do dumb people answer this website when it is the wrong answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible that individuals who provide incorrect answers may be misinformed or lacking knowledge on the topic. Everyone makes mistakes, and not all responses can be accurate. It's always important to double-check information from multiple sources.

Do people answer these questions for fun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some answer for fun - just passing a little time between other activities. Some have a genuine interest in informing people, and vast amounts of knowledge to pass on to others. A tiny minority try to vandalise the site - which is where hundreds of supervisors such as myself try our best to stop these people quickly.

Why do you people have to answer with yesno and maybe?

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Asked by Wiki User

I strive to provide clear and concise answers to your questions that are informative and helpful. If you have any feedback or specific preferences for how you'd like me to respond, please let me know!

Are there live people who answer these questions?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the responses are generated by an artificial intelligence program and not by live people.

Where is the category for questions and answers on psychology?

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Asked by Wiki User

The category for questions and answers on psychology can typically be found under the "Science" or "Social Sciences" section on most question-and-answer platforms or websites. Alternatively, it may also be listed under a specific subcategory, such as "Psychology" or "Behavioral Sciences."