


Thunderstorms and Lightning

Also referred to as a lightning storm, a thunderstorm is a weather form wherein thunder and lightning are present. Thunderstorms, most especially if accompanied by heavy rains and downburst winds, pose hazards to people and the environment.

5,083 Questions

Who is hail rell and t Moore?

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It appears that you may be referring to two separate individuals. However, without further context, it's unclear who Hail Rell is. T. Moore could possibly refer to Terri Moore, a producer and writer known for her work on television shows and films.

How hail is formed explanation?

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the hailstone starts as snow, an updraft of warm air and a downdraft of old air causes the hailstone to form. it falls to the ground

Can you get struck by lightning on GTA 4?

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Yes, I was playing the other day and this women crossing the street got stuck and I lost a little bit of damage. It was new to me and confusing. I had it recorded but I had a bunch of upload to delete and I accidentally deleted that one. The answer is yes, you can get struck.

Is there meaning to a severe thunderstorm after a death?

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Many people believe that certain natural events can reflect emotions or signals from the spiritual realm. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that a severe thunderstorm after a death has any direct correlation or meaning. It is more likely a coincidence or simply the weather pattern at that particular time.

What is it called when lightning that appears in remote distance and appears to produce no thunder?

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That phenomenon is called heat lightning. It occurs when lightning from a distant thunderstorm is reflected or refracted by moisture, dust, or other particles in the atmosphere, making it visible from a distance without the accompanying sound of thunder.

Why do you get a feeling like vertigo every time there is a thunder and lightning storm?

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Sudden changes in air pressure and electromagnetic fields during a thunderstorm can affect the inner ear balance system, leading to feelings of dizziness or vertigo. The brain may struggle to process these sensory inputs, resulting in a disorienting sensation. Stress and anxiety induced by the storm may also exacerbate these symptoms.

What province in Thunder Bay in?

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Thunder Bay is a city located in the province of Ontario, Canada.

How do you prove forgery against a deceased person?

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Proving a forgery against a deceased person can be challenging because the accused cannot defend themselves. Evidence like handwriting samples, expert analysis, and corroborating documents can help establish the forgery. Additionally, witness testimony or any prior complaints or suspicions of forgery may also be considered in the investigation.

How far away should you be when lightning strikes?

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You should be at least 6 miles away from a thunderstorm to be safe from lightning strikes. When you see lightning or hear thunder, you can use the "30-30 rule" - if it takes less than 30 seconds to hear thunder after seeing a lightning flash, go indoors immediately and wait 30 minutes after the storm has passed before going back outside.

Does lighting strike twice in the same spot?

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Yes, lightning can strike the same spot more than once. Tall structures like buildings and trees are often struck repeatedly because they provide a direct path to the ground for the electrical discharge.

What three things affect the frequency of a sound wave?

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The three things that affect the frequency of a sound wave are the source of the sound (vibration frequency), the medium through which the sound wave is traveling (speed of sound in the medium), and the relative motion between the source of the sound and the observer (Doppler effect).

Is it really true that the lightning strikes first before the thunder or the lightning and thunder strikes together but only the lightning seems to be first because of it's speed of light?

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Yes, it is true that lightning occurs before thunder. This is because light travels faster than sound. When lightning strikes, the light reaches us almost instantly, while the sound of the thunder takes longer to travel through the air, creating the delay between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder.

Can it rain when scattered T- storms?

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Yes, scattered thunderstorms can bring rainfall to certain areas while leaving others dry. The precipitation associated with these storms can be localized and may not cover a widespread area.

What car has a lightning strike as a symbol?

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The car with a lightning strike as a symbol is the Dodge Charger, specifically the SRT Hellcat version which features a distinctive dual red racing stripes with a stylized Hellcat logo that resembles a lightning bolt.

Why does the thunder sound hollow?

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Because it is lighting between clouds. Most of the sound originates

at the same distance from you. So the frequency of the sound is nearly the same. Therefor you can hear the harmonics created by the small difference in frequency.

Who is called as lightning bolt in sports?

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Usain Bolt, a retired Jamaican sprinter, is often referred to as the "Lightning Bolt" due to his incredible speed and dominance on the track. He is widely considered one of the greatest sprinters of all time, holding multiple world records in the 100 meters and 200 meters events.

What travels the fastest sound in air rocket in space light in vacuum microwaves in glass?

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Light travels the fastest, with a speed of 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum. Sound travels at around 343 meters per second in air. Microwaves travel slower in glass compared to a vacuum, but their speed is still faster than sound. A rocket in space can travel at speeds up to several kilometers per second, depending on its propulsion system.

Is biking safe in lightning storm?

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No, biking during a lightning storm is not safe as metal bike frames can attract lightning. It's best to seek shelter indoors during a storm to minimize the risk of being struck by lightning.

Can TV be repaired from lightning damage?

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Yes, TVs can be repaired from lightning damage if the damage is limited to certain components like the power supply or circuit board. A professional technician will need to assess the extent of the damage and determine if it is cost-effective to repair the TV. In some cases, the repair costs may be close to or higher than purchasing a new TV.

Can lightning strike two places at once?

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Yes, lightning can strike multiple places at once. It can spread out horizontally over the ground or jump from one object to another, causing multiple points of impact. However, it is rare for lightning to split and strike two distinct locations simultaneously.

Is it safe to be in a camper during a storm?

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It is generally safe to be in a camper during a storm, but it depends on the severity of the storm. If you are in an area with high winds or potential flooding, it may not be the safest place to be. It is essential to monitor weather updates and have a plan in place in case conditions worsen.

What stage of a thunderstorm does precipitation fall?

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Precipitation falls during the mature stage of a thunderstorm when the updraft and downdraft coexist, allowing rain, hail, or other forms of precipitation to reach the ground.

What does lightning and wind make?

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Lightning and wind can combine to create a thunderstorm. Lightning occurs due to electrical discharges in the atmosphere during a storm, while wind is the movement of air. Thunderstorms often feature both lightning and strong winds, leading to gusty conditions and the potential for hazardous weather.

What is the Indian word for thunder?

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The Indian word for thunder is "Garjana" in Hindi and "Yakshagana" in Kannada.

5 steps of Enemy Course of Action development?

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  1. Identify potential enemy's capabilities and intentions.
  2. Analyze the enemy's most likely and most dangerous courses of action.
  3. Develop potential enemy courses of action based on available intelligence.
  4. Assess the likelihood and potential impact of each course of action.
  5. Determine appropriate countermeasures and response plans.