


Civil Rights Movement

A national effort made by African-Americans and their supporters between 1955 and 1968 to eliminate segregation and racial discrimination and gain equal rights and suffrage. This period is marked by famous events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, the Freedom Rides and the Birmingham campaign in Alabama. Famous figures involved include Martin Luther King, Jr., James L. Farmer, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X.

2,661 Questions

Is mt vesuvius at a hot spot or plate boundary?

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Mount Vesuvius is located at a subduction zone where the African Plate is being subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate. It is not associated with a hot spot.

What happened to many serfs as a result of the enclosure movement?

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Many serfs were displaced from their land and lost their livelihoods as a result of the enclosure movement. They were forced to find work in cities or become wage laborers for large landowners. This led to a concentration of land ownership and wealth among the upper class.

How did land ownership affect the colonist's place in society?

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Land ownership in the colonies often determined one's social status and political power. Those with more land had more wealth and influence, and were typically seen as belonging to the elite class. Land ownership also gave colonists the opportunity to participate in local government and decision-making processes.

What is the difference between legal profiling and illegal racial profiling?

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Legal profiling involves using factors like behavior or location to guide investigative decisions, while illegal racial profiling involves targeting individuals based solely on their race or ethnicity. Legal profiling is based on objective criteria and reasonable suspicion, whereas illegal racial profiling is discriminatory and violates civil rights.

Where is Worldwide Education and Awareness for Movement Disorders?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Worldwide Education and Awareness for Movement Disorders is a non-profit organization based in New York, USA. They focus on raising awareness, providing education and support for individuals living with movement disorders like Parkinson's disease.

Bribes from distillers were paid in order to excuse them from paying a federal tax in the whiskey ring scandal?

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Yes, the whiskey ring scandal in the 1870s involved distillers bribing government officials to avoid paying federal excise taxes on their whiskey production. This led to a significant loss of revenue for the government and exposed corruption within the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant. Several officials were indicted and convicted as a result of this scandal.

Who was involved in the corrupt bargain?

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The corrupt bargain of 1824 involved Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson. Henry Clay used his influence as Speaker of the House to swing the election in favor of John Quincy Adams in exchange for a position in Adams' administration. This decision ultimately contributed to Andrew Jackson's defeat and fueled his subsequent campaign in the 1828 election.

How long did the Montgomery buses boycott last?

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On December 5 1955 was when the boycott started and it lasted 381 days

Why did Henry David Thoreau break the law?

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Henry David Thoreau broke the law by refusing to pay taxes because he believed it supported unjust institutions like slavery and the Mexican-American War. He wanted to protest these injustices and demonstrate his commitment to civil disobedience as a form of protest against an unjust government.

Who is Sonia Sanchez?

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Sonia Sanchez is an influential African American poet, playwright, and scholar known for her work in the Black Arts Movement. She has received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to literature, activism, and civil rights. Sanchez's poetry often addresses themes of social justice, racial equality, and empowerment.

Why did Truman support civil rights?

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President Truman did the following to further civil rights in the United States:

1946: issued Executive Order 9808 which established the President’s Committee on Civil Rights

1948: issued Executive Order 9980 which established a fair employment board to eliminate discriminatory hiring within the federal government

1948: issued Executive Order 9981, which desegregated the U.S. armed forces.

These were steps forward, but Truman's record was not perfect. During the Lunch Counter Protests, Truman supported the notion that these were "orchestrated by the Communists" and not protests demonstrating racist practices. Later, Truman also stated that “If anyone came into my store and tried to stop business I’d throw him out. The Negro should behave himself and show he’s a good citizen,” souring his relationship with leaders like Martin Luther King.

Civil Rights have been a long and complicated road of steps forward and backwards. Truman was complicated. Although he was openly racist when among his Senate peers, he lobbied for an end to legalized racial discrimination because it violated basic American ideals.

Which of the following groups rose up to fight against policies such as Jim Crow laws?

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Groups such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), the Civil Rights Movement led by figures like Martin Luther King Jr., and various grassroots organizations like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) rose up to fight against policies such as Jim Crow laws. These groups employed nonviolent direct action, protests, and legal challenges to bring about desegregation and equal rights for African Americans.

Why did black colleges emphasize learning trades and acquiring skills?

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Black colleges emphasized learning trades and acquiring skills because they recognized that vocational training provided practical and immediate opportunities for their students to enter the workforce and achieve economic independence. Many black colleges were founded during a time when racial discrimination limited access to higher education for African Americans, so teaching trades and skills allowed students to gain marketable qualifications and secure employment in trades and industries that were more accepting of African American workers. Additionally, focusing on trades and skills also aligned with the broader goal of self-sufficiency and economic empowerment within the black community.

Which of these was not a response to civil rights activists in 1950s?

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The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not a response to civil rights activists in the 1950s. The act was a legislative response to ongoing civil rights movements and aimed to address racial discrimination and segregation in various aspects of American society. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964.

What political group was formed to challenge the Democrats in 1948 as a result of the Democrats' embrace of civil rights for African Americans?

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The political group formed to challenge the Democrats in 1948 due to the Democrats' embrace of civil rights for African Americans was the States' Rights Democratic Party. The party, also known as the Dixiecrats, was composed mainly of Southern Democrats who were opposed to desegregation and racial equality. They nominated Strom Thurmond as their presidential candidate in the 1948 election.

When did the Children's March end?

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The Children's March, also known as the Birmingham Campaign, ended on May 10, 1963. It lasted for several days and involved thousands of young demonstrators who were advocating for civil rights in Birmingham, Alabama. The marches culminated in a negotiated agreement between the city and civil rights leaders.

Why was the regulators movement important?

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The regulators movement was important because it represented a grassroots uprising against perceived corruption and economic inequality in colonial America. It highlighted the grievances and frustrations of backcountry settlers and small farmers who felt marginalized and ignored by colonial officials. This movement ultimately contributed to the broader sentiment of discontent that fueled the American Revolution.

Why should you become part of the flagellants movement?

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Joining the flagellants movement is a personal decision and should be based on your beliefs and values. If you feel a deep religious or spiritual connection to the practices of self-flagellation and repentance, and believe that through these practices you can find spiritual purification and atonement, then you may choose to become part of the flagellants movement. It is important to carefully consider the physical and emotional toll it may have on you before making a decision.

What was the LULAC?

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The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States. It was founded in 1929 with the mission to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population in the United States. LULAC has been involved in various advocacy efforts and legal battles to fight discrimination and promote equality for Hispanics.

Was the movie Remember the Titans's time set before or after the Civil Rights movement?

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The movie "Remember the Titans" is set during the early 1970s, which is after the civil rights movement. It focuses on the integration of a high school football team in Virginia during a time when racial tensions were still prevalent, but the formal civil rights legislation had already been passed.

When did Democrats begin supporting civil rights over Republicans?

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Asked by Ufg6r253h89g7

The shift in support for civil rights policies between Democrats and Republicans took place during the mid-20th century. Democrats began to prioritize civil rights in the 1940s and 1950s, leading to the passage of landmark civil rights legislation in the 1960s. Republicans, on the other hand, began to embrace civil rights more prominently in the 1980s and 1990s.

Besides African Americans which groups campaigned for civil rights after the 1950?

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Several groups campaigned for civil rights after the 1950s, including Native Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and LGBTQ+ communities. These groups fought against racial segregation, discrimination, and for equal rights and representation. They organized protests, filed lawsuits, and advocated for policy changes to advance civil rights and social justice.