



The cultivation of plants and animals through farming, mainly for food. Agriculture is also known as the Geography of Food.

13,787 Questions

In what type of soil is jowar grown?

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Jowar can be grown on less fertile soils and requires moderate rainfall and moderate temperature. Specifically, alluvial soil or mixed black soil and red soil are perfect for Jowar.

Is agriculture considered a natural resource?

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Agriculture is not considered a natural resource itself, but it relies on natural resources such as soil, water, and sunlight to flourish. These natural resources are essential for the production of crops and livestock that form the basis of agricultural activities.

Does sun ever burn farmers crops?

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The sun itself does not burn farmers' crops directly; however, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can lead to heat stress and sunburn in plants, which can impact crop growth and yield. In combination with other factors such as lack of water or nutrient deficiency, excessive sunlight can contribute to crop damage.

Why do nomadic herders move their livestock from place to place?

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Nomadic herders move their livestock to find fresh grazing areas and water sources for their animals. This also helps prevent overgrazing in one area and allows the land to recover. Additionally, moving livestock can help reduce the risk of disease transmission among the animals.

Why do farmers selectively breed animals?

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Farmers selectively breed animals to improve desired traits such as higher milk production, better meat quality, disease resistance, or improved reproductive rates. This process helps to optimize livestock for specific farming purposes and to meet consumer demand for certain products.

What was a ziggerrat?

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A ziggurat was a massive, stepped structure used in ancient Mesopotamia for religious and administrative purposes. It usually had a temple or shrine on top and was seen as a way to connect the heavens and earth.

How long does it take for corn to grow in dark places?

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Corn cannot grow in complete darkness as it requires sunlight for photosynthesis, which is essential for its growth. Without sunlight, the corn plant will not be able to produce the energy it needs to grow.

What does the Fourth Report of the IPCC recommend for Agriculture?

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The Fourth Report of the IPCC recommends implementing sustainable agricultural practices, improving soil management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, promoting agroforestry, and enhancing biodiversity conservation in agriculture to mitigate climate change impacts. It also highlights the importance of adapting agriculture to changing climate conditions and enhancing farmers’ resilience to climate-related risks.

Did people go by the stars for growing crops and harvesting them?

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Yes, ancient civilizations often used the stars to track the changing seasons for planting and harvesting crops. They relied on celestial events like solstices and equinoxes to know when to plant and when to harvest. This practice helped them align their agricultural activities with the natural rhythm of the Earth.

How many bales of hay can fit in a haystack?

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The number of bales of hay that can fit in a haystack will vary depending on the size of the haystack, the size of the bales, and how they are stacked. It is not possible to provide an exact number without specific dimensions.

How much is an acre of land on mars?

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As of now, there is no official marketplace for buying or selling land on Mars. While some companies claim to sell Mars land, these claims are not recognized by any government or international organization. Therefore, the concept of buying an acre of land on Mars is more of a novelty or symbolic gesture rather than a legally binding transaction.

How does farmers in Africa use star patterns for farming?

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Farmers in Africa use star patterns for farming by observing the position of stars in the night sky to determine the best time to plant crops, indicating the start of the growing season. They also use stars to navigate and predict weather patterns, helping them to make informed decisions about planting and harvesting. Additionally, some African indigenous groups associate certain star patterns with specific planting rituals and agricultural practices.

Was Milo from the movie Milo and Otis a boy or a girl?

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In the movie "The Adventures of Milo and Otis," Milo is a male orange tabby cat. He goes on a journey with his friend Otis, a pug, and they have many adventures together.

What do bulls do at a farm?

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Bulls are primarily used for breeding purposes on a farm. They mate with cows to produce calves, which helps maintain and grow the farm's livestock population. Bulls are also used in some cases for meat production but their primary role is in breeding.

How did the sky help farmers in the past?

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Farmers in the past used the sky as a way to predict weather patterns, such as approaching storms or changes in temperature. They also used the position of the sun and stars to determine planting and harvesting times. Additionally, the sky helped farmers estimate the passage of time and understand the changing seasons, which were crucial for planning their agricultural activities.

What year did farmers start using chemicals to farm?

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The use of chemicals in farming became more prevalent in the mid-20th century, particularly in the 1940s and 1950s with the introduction of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This period marked the beginning of the Green Revolution, which saw a significant increase in agricultural productivity through the adoption of chemical inputs.

What are the effects of Cadmium on agricultural crops?

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Cadmium can accumulate in the soil and be taken up by crops, leading to reduced growth and yield. It can also contaminate the food chain, posing health risks to humans and animals who consume contaminated crops. Long-term exposure to cadmium in agricultural settings can have chronic toxic effects on both plants and organisms.

How many days does it take a bean seed to germinate?

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Bean seeds typically germinate within 7 to 10 days when planted in moist soil with proper temperature and light conditions. Variations in germination time can occur depending on the bean variety and environmental factors.

Who invented the cystoscope?

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The cystoscope was invented by a German urologist named Maximilian Nitze in the late 19th century. Nitze's design consisted of a small tube with a light source and lens for visual examination of the bladder and urinary tract.

What season does Kenya grow their crops?

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Kenya grows crops throughout the year due to its diverse climate. However, the main growing seasons are the long rains from March to May and the short rains from October to December. These seasons are ideal for staple crops like maize, beans, and vegetables.

How many pounds of meat on average cow?

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On average, a cow can yield about 400-600 pounds of meat. This includes cuts such as steaks, roasts, ground beef, and other beef products. However, the amount can vary depending on the size and breed of the cow.

How do chemical fertilizers resulted in the increase of production?

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Chemical fertilizers provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to crops, thus promoting their growth and increasing yields. These fertilizers make up for soil nutrient deficiencies, ensuring that plants have access to the nutrients they need to thrive. As a result, the application of chemical fertilizers has been associated with a significant increase in agricultural productivity.

Who invented fetoscope?

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The fetoscope was invented by a French obstetrician named Adolphe Pinard in the late 19th century. Pinard's invention was a specially designed stethoscope that allowed physicians to listen to the fetal heartbeat during pregnancy.

At what weight does a pig become a hog?

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There is no specific weight at which a pig becomes a hog. The term "hog" is often used to refer to a pig that is fully grown, usually around 6 months to 1 year of age. The term can vary regionally and is not strictly based on weight.

Is cane sugar producer or consumer?

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All plants: grasses, trees, brush or algae are producers because they producer their own food and they are green.

That is something we can't do, making all animals, slugs, worms, insects consumers since we need to eat food to live.

Sugar cane is a very large green grass.