



The cultivation of plants and animals through farming, mainly for food. Agriculture is also known as the Geography of Food.

500 Questions

When was agriculture introduced?

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Agriculture was introduced around 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution, leading to the development of sedentary human civilizations. This marked a shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities that could produce their own food through farming and domestication of crops and animals.

Food surpluses in the neolithic farming village of catal huyuk allowed?

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Food surpluses in the Neolithic farming village of Catalhoyuk allowed for a more stable and settled community as people did not have to constantly move in search of food. This surplus also enabled the development of specialized roles within the community, leading to advancements in technology, trade, and social organization. It contributed to the growth and prosperity of Catalhoyuk as a thriving center of early civilization.

What is the olddest brick terrace?

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The oldest brick terrace is likely the Great Platform of Persepolis in Iran, dating back to the 6th century BCE. This massive terrace was built to support the palaces and temples of the ancient Achaemenid Empire and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

First important farming tool to break soil?

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One of the first important farming tools used to break soil is the plow. It helps to turn over the soil, aerate it, and create furrows for planting seeds. Plows have been used for centuries to prepare the land for cultivation.

What is a modification of shifting cultivation where crops are rotated around a village fallow periods are shorter and soil may be enriched through household wastes?

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Intercropping is a modification of shifting cultivation where different crops are grown together in the same field to maximize land use efficiency.

What type of religion is the agricultural calendar most important to?

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The agricultural calendar is most important to agrarian or earth-based religions, where the changing seasons, planting, and harvest cycles are central to their spiritual practices and beliefs. Examples include Paganism, Wicca, and some indigenous religions.

What crops did mycenaean grow?

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The Mycenaeans mainly grew wheat, barley, grapes, olives, and figs. They also cultivated legumes such as lentils and chickpeas. These crops formed the basis of their diet and economy.

Three theories of how farming got started?

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  1. The Oasis Theory suggests that agriculture developed in areas where water and fertile land were scarce, leading early humans to cultivate plants near oases.

  2. The Social Complexity Theory argues that agriculture arose as a means to support growing populations and complex societies, as it allowed for a more reliable and efficient food supply.

  3. The Climate Change Theory suggests that shifts in climate and environmental conditions forced hunter-gatherer societies to settle in one place and adopt farming practices to ensure food security.

Was there agricultural diversity in the old south?

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In the Old South, there was some agricultural diversity, with crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugarcane being grown in different regions. However, the economy was largely dominated by cotton production, which shaped the landscape and society of the region.

What was agricultural village know as catal huyuk was best known for its?

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Çatalhöyük was best known for its early agricultural practices, densely populated settlement, and intricate architecture. It is considered one of the earliest known urban centers and showcases the transition from a hunter-gatherer society to a settled agricultural society. Artifacts found at the site provide insights into prehistoric life and societal organization.

What were the first farmers to settle Oklahoma called and why?

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The first farmers to settle Oklahoma were often called "Sooners" because they entered the territory before it was officially open for settlement in the 1889 Land Run. They sneaked in early to stake their claim to the land, hence the nickname "Sooners."

How does man make use of drumlins?

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Drumlins are often used for agriculture and development. They can provide fertile soil for farming and are sometimes utilized as sites for building infrastructure such as roads or homes. Additionally, they can serve as natural barriers for protecting against erosion and flooding.

What effect did improve efficiency have on the mobility of farmers in 8000bc?

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Improved efficiency allowed farmers to produce more food in less time, leading to a surplus of resources. This surplus enabled farmers to experiment with other activities, like trade and crafts, which increased their mobility by creating opportunities for exchange and travel.

Why is slash and burn important?

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Slash and burn agriculture is a traditional farming method used to clear land for cultivation by burning vegetation. It can increase soil fertility by releasing nutrients locked in the vegetation and creating space for new growth. However, it can also lead to deforestation, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity if not managed sustainably.

How was agriculture discovered?

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The discovery of agriculture is believed to have occurred independently in various regions around the world as early humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to settled communities. It likely began with the intentional cultivation and harvesting of wild plants for food, eventually leading to the domestication of crops and animals. This shift allowed for a more reliable food supply and led to the development of agriculture as a sustainable way of life.

How did the first people learn how to farm?

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One theory about how people learned to farm explains that they may have seen that some seeds tey had stored in dirt pits had sprouted

Why did farming in catal huyuk lead to specialization?

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Farming in Catal Huyuk led to specialization because it created a surplus of food, allowing some individuals to focus on other tasks besides farming. This led to the development of specialized skills in areas such as pottery-making, tool production, and trade. Specialization helped to support a more complex society and economy in Catal Huyuk.

The first development of agricultural practices is called the revolution?

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The first development of agricultural practices is commonly known as the Neolithic Revolution. This period marked the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities, leading to significant advancements in human civilization. It happened around 12,000 years ago.

When was agriculture discovered?

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Agriculture is estimated to have been discovered around 10,000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent region, which encompassed present-day parts of the Middle East. This discovery marked a significant shift from hunting and gathering to settled farming practices.

What did the mingo tribe use to hunt and farm?

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The Mingo tribe typically used weapons like bows and arrows for hunting. For farming, they would have used tools like digging sticks, hoes, and planting sticks to cultivate crops such as corn, beans, and squash.

How did people discover agriculture?

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Agriculture was discovered through a process of trial and error where early humans observed that certain plants could be cultivated for food by saving and planting seeds. This led to the intentional cultivation of crops, marking the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural societies. The discovery of agriculture allowed people to produce their own food, leading to increased food security and the development of complex civilizations.

What are the Egyptian crook and flail?

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The Egyptian crook and flail were symbolic objects associated with the pharaoh's power and authority. The crook represented kingship and the pharaoh's role as a shepherd of the people, while the flail symbolized his ability to maintain order and discipline. These symbols were often depicted in royal regalia and funerary art in ancient Egypt.

How did the development of farming contribute to the rise of civilization?

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The development of farming enabled people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the accumulation of surplus food. This surplus allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, establishment of social structures, and the development of complex societies that eventually led to the rise of civilization.

What were the key features of the agricultural revolution?

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The key features of the agricultural revolution include the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled farming communities, the domestication of plants and animals for food production, the development of irrigation systems for more efficient farming, and the increase in population and social complexity.

How did agriculture affect early people?

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The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. It provided a stable food source, enabling population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements. Agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies, specialized labor, and advancements in technology.