

Green Living

Consuming products that are environmentally-friendly. These include products that do not produce CFC's and do not harm the ozone layer.

1,779 Questions

Do plants need moonlight?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moonlight is essentially reflected sunlight, much weaker in intensity. Most plants have evolved to respond primarily to the sun's stronger rays. That said, some night-blooming plants, like evening primrose and moonflowers, have adapted to open their petals in response to moonlight.

How does Al Gore profit from global warming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Al Gore is an advocate for climate change awareness and action, not someone who profits from global warming. He has been involved in environmental causes and founded The Climate Reality Project to educate about climate change. He has invested in sustainable businesses but not as a means to profit from global warming.

Are trees natural?

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What are the greatest challenges going to be in stopping global warming?

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Asked by Wiki User

The greatest challenges in stopping global warming include overcoming political barriers and resistance to change, transitioning to renewable energy sources on a global scale, and implementing effective policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, addressing broader systemic issues such as consumer behavior and industrial practices will be key in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

If you paint one square meter of roof white how much greenhouse gas do you save?

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Asked by Wiki User

Painting one square meter of roof white can save around 55 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year by reflecting sunlight and reducing the need for air conditioning, which in turn reduces the electricity consumption associated with cooling the building.

Why is Global Warming considered true when it has occured in the past before and will occur in the future again also?

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Asked by AJS09876

Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities that release greenhouse gases. While fluctuations in Earth's temperature have occurred naturally in the past, the current global warming is primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, leading to an accelerated warming trend. The scientific consensus is clear that human-induced global warming is a critical issue that requires urgent action to mitigate its impacts.

What is the carbon footprint of meat and other foods?

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Asked by EldestSon18

Meat has a higher carbon footprint compared to plant-based foods, due to factors like raising livestock, transportation, and processing. Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains generally have a lower carbon footprint because they require less resources and energy to produce. Eating a diet with a higher proportion of plant-based foods can help reduce carbon emissions associated with food production.

What is deforestruction?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Deforestration" is the act of clearing or destroying forests, often for agricultural or commercial purposes. This can have negative impacts on the environment, including loss of wildlife habitat, disruption of ecosystems, and contribution to climate change.

Which companies are trying to reduce carbon footprint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some companies that are known for actively trying to reduce their carbon footprint include Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and IKEA. These companies have implemented various strategies such as investing in renewable energy, sustainability initiatives, and carbon offset programs to reduce their environmental impact.

Could becoming a vegetarian save the earth and help fight climate changes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reducing meat consumption can have a positive impact on the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, land and water usage, and deforestation associated with animal agriculture. However, other factors such as transportation and energy production also contribute to climate change, so a holistic approach that includes reducing overall consumption and supporting sustainable practices in all sectors is important for fighting climate change.

What would happen if you take a plant out of the biome Arctic Tundra?

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Asked by Jellolova

If you were to take a plant out of the Arctic Tundra biome and try to grow it in a different environment, it would likely struggle to survive. The plant is adapted to the specific conditions of the Arctic Tundra, such as extreme cold, permafrost, and short growing seasons. Trying to grow it in a different climate could disrupt its growth cycle and lead to its eventual demise.

What would happen to a plant left in total darkness for several week?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plant left in total darkness for several weeks would likely experience stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and eventual death due to the inability to photosynthesize and produce energy. Photosynthesis is crucial for a plant's survival as it helps convert light energy into chemical energy necessary for growth and development.

What trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trees, including oak, maple, pine, and spruce, absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and provides oxygen essential for human and animal life.

What does it mean to say that algae fuel is carbon neutral?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon neutrality for algae fuel means that the carbon dioxide emitted when the fuel is burned is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed by the algae during photosynthesis. This results in little to no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels when the fuel is produced and consumed.

Does the manufacture of concrete contribute to the greenhouse effect?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the manufacture of concrete contributes to the greenhouse effect. The production of cement, a key component of concrete, releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through a process called calcination. Additionally, the transportation of raw materials and the energy-intensive production process further add to its environmental impact.

What would happen if you would plant a plant in sandy soil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sandy soil typically drains water quickly and may not retain enough nutrients for plant growth. As a result, plants planted in sandy soil may struggle to access sufficient water and nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential wilting. Amending sandy soil with organic matter can improve its water retention and nutrient content, supporting healthier plant growth.

Who Proposed the carbon tax?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept of a carbon tax has been proposed by various stakeholders, including economists, environmentalists, and policymakers. One of the notable early proponents was Yale economist William Nordhaus, who argued for the implementation of a carbon tax as a way to internalize the social costs of carbon emissions and incentivize reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Which resource is not a type of natural resource a reusable resource b renewable resource c remarkable resource d nonrenewable resource?

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Asked by Cool098

c remarkable resource. Remarkable resources are not a recognized category of resources. The other options are known types of resources: reusable resources can be utilized multiple times, renewable resources can be replenished over time, and nonrenewable resources are finite and cannot be easily replaced.

Can you use recycled rubber flooring with underfloor heating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, recycled rubber flooring can be used with underfloor heating systems. It is important to ensure that the rubber flooring is compatible with the specific type of underfloor heating system being used and that it does not hinder the heat transfer from the system. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for installation to prevent any damage to the flooring or heating system.

What are 2 disadvantages of one of the renewable energy resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

One disadvantage of solar energy is that it is intermittent, as it relies on sunlight which is not available at night or on cloudy days. Another disadvantage is the high upfront cost of installing solar panels, despite decreasing costs over time, which can be a barrier for some individuals or businesses.

What is meant by hazards of global warming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hazards of global warming refer to the negative impacts and consequences of rising temperatures on the environment and human society. These can include more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes and heatwaves, rising sea levels leading to coastal flooding, and threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. Additionally, global warming can exacerbate health issues and food insecurity, leading to social and economic challenges.

What are harmful effect of science on environment?

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Asked by NitinKhasbage

Some harmful effects of science on the environment include pollution from industrial activities, the destruction of habitats through urbanization and deforestation, and the release of harmful chemicals into ecosystems. Additionally, scientific advancements can lead to overexploitation of natural resources, contributing to issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

What will happen to the earth if you continue burning fossil fuels and cut down trees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Continuing to burn fossil fuels and cut down trees at current rates will contribute to climate change, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, sea level rise, and loss of biodiversity. The Earth's ecosystems will be further disrupted, potentially resulting in irreparable damage and harm to human society.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of green sand molds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages: Low cost, good collapsibility, can be reused, and can produce castings with good surface finish.

Disadvantages: Limited to casting low-melting point metals, slower cooling rates compared to other mold materials, may emit toxic fumes during casting.

Which of the following is something almost everyone can do to reduce his or her carbon footprint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Turn off the lights when leaving the room. This is to save energy. It's especially true if your lighting company uses fossil fuels. A person can also reduce carbon releases by buying an electric car, these may be expensive, so shop around.