

Natural Gas

Natural gases are a non-renewable resource. They are found deep underground beneath rock formations. Natural gases tends to have high methane levels.

2,110 Questions

How is natural gas transported to users without any pipeline?

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Natural gas can be transported without pipelines via compressed natural gas (CNG) in specially designed tanks or as liquefied natural gas (LNG) at cryogenic temperatures in insulated tanks. These methods allow for transportation by truck, rail, or ship to reach users when pipelines are not feasible.

How many kj in a cubic meter of natural gas?

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On average, natural gas contains about 38-42 megajoules (MJ) of energy per cubic meter. This is equivalent to 38,000-42,000 kilojoules (kJ) per cubic meter.

What is obtained on heating natural gas?

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When natural gas is heated, it breaks down into simpler components such as methane, ethane, propane, and butane. This process can be used to produce a variety of products including hydrogen, carbon black, and syngas.

What is the distance that you can have someone smoking from a natural gas meter?

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It is recommended to keep a distance of at least 3 feet between someone smoking and a natural gas meter to reduce the risk of fire or explosion. This helps prevent accidental ignition of the flammable gas that may be present in the vicinity of the meter.

What happens if you run propane through a natural gas furnace?

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Running propane through a natural gas furnace can be dangerous as they burn at different temperatures and pressures. This could potentially damage the furnace and pose a fire hazard. It is important to use the correct fuel type designated for your furnace to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Is it natural gas a metallic minerals?

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No, natural gas is not a metallic mineral. Metallic minerals are compounds containing metals such as iron, copper, or gold, while natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas primarily composed of methane.

What is the percentage of hydrocarbon in natural gas?

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Natural gas consists primarily of methane, which is a hydrocarbon. On average, natural gas is composed of around 85-95% methane, with the remaining percentage made up of other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, and butane.

Where is natural gas mined in australia?

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Natural gas in Australia is typically extracted by drilling wells in gas fields located onshore or offshore. Some of the major natural gas fields in Australia include the Gorgon gas fields in Western Australia, the Bass Strait fields in Victoria, and the Queensland Curtis LNG fields in Queensland.

Does natural gas is invisible and odorless?

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Natural gas is odorless and colorless in its natural state. However, for safety reasons, an odorant called mercaptan is added to give it a distinct smell in case of leaks. This helps individuals detect gas leaks and take appropriate action.

What is an average monthly natural gas bill in Georgia?

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The average monthly natural gas bill in Georgia typically ranges from $70 to $150, depending on factors such as the size of the home, energy efficiency, and usage habits. Prices may also vary based on the provider and current market rates.

What is natural occurences?

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Naturally occurring means that the substance is natural and is not in any way made by mankind.

Is polystrene natural?

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Polystyrene is a synthetic material made from petroleum, so it is not considered natural. It is a type of plastic that is widely used in manufacturing due to its versatile properties, but it is not biodegradable and can have negative environmental impacts.

Why does natural gas need to be processed before it can be used as a fuel?

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Natural gas needs to be processed to remove impurities such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur compounds, and other contaminants that can be harmful to equipment and the environment. Processing also involves separating natural gas into its components such as methane, ethane, propane, and butane, which allows for different uses based on the specific composition of the gas.

What do petroleum an natural gas form from?

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Petroleum and natural gas form from the remains of ancient marine organisms that were buried and subjected to high temperature and pressure over millions of years. These organic materials undergo a process called diagenesis, transforming into hydrocarbons that make up oil and natural gas.

What is a disadvantages of natural energy?

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One disadvantage of natural energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is their intermittent nature. This means that electricity generation may be limited when there is no sunlight or wind. Additionally, the initial cost of infrastructure for natural energy can be high compared to traditional fossil fuel sources.

What is one main use for natural gas?

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One main use for natural gas is as a fuel for heating homes and buildings. Natural gas is burned in furnaces or boilers to generate heat and provide warmth during cold weather.

Is natural gas in the pediodric table?

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No, natural gas is not specifically listed in the periodic table. Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases primarily made up of methane and small amounts of other gases. Gas elements like methane, which is the primary component of natural gas, can be found in the periodic table as individual elements.

What removes the natural oil and shine from the nail plate?

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Nail polish remover, particularly those containing acetone, can strip away the natural oils and shine from the nail plate. Overuse of nail polish remover can lead to dryness and brittleness of the nails. It is important to use a moisturizing nail treatment after using nail polish remover to help restore moisture and shine to the nails.

What does natural taxol come from?

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Taxol, also known as paclitaxel, is a chemotherapy medication derived from the Pacific yew tree (Taxus brevifolia). It is extracted from the bark of the tree.

Which is a nonrenewable resource used to heat homes?

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Natural gas is a nonrenewable resource commonly used to heat homes. It is a fossil fuel that is burned to produce heat for residential heating systems.

What is the difference between coal and oil and natural gas?

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Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from decayed plants, while oil is a liquid fossil fuel made from decayed marine organisms, and natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel formed in a similar way to oil but with different components. Each fuel has different energy densities, environmental impacts, and uses.

How is natural gases used for energy?

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Natural gas is used for energy production by burning it in power plants to generate electricity. It can also be used directly for heating homes and buildings and as a fuel for vehicles. Additionally, natural gas is a cleaner-burning fossil fuel compared to coal and oil, making it a preferred choice for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Do oils and natural gases take hundreds of years to form?

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Yes, oils and natural gases are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried under layers of sediment over millions of years. It can take hundreds of thousands to millions of years for these materials to be compressed and transformed into oil and gas deposits.

What type of chemical reaction burns natural gas?

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The burning of natural gas involves a chemical reaction known as combustion. This exothermic reaction involves the natural gas (mostly methane) combining with oxygen from the air to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat energy.

Are greenhouse gases natural gases?

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Greenhouse gases are a mix of natural and man-made gases that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The most common greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. While some occur naturally through processes like volcanic eruptions and animal digestion, human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation have significantly increased their levels.