


Oil and Petroleum

Extracted from the depths of the earth, oil and petroleum make our cars drive and airplanes fly. Derivatives of this nonrenewable resource are used in thousands of consumer products. Because of our worldwide dependence on oil, it is often called "black gold."

2,961 Questions

How is natural gas transported to users without any pipeline?

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Natural gas can be transported without pipelines via compressed natural gas (CNG) in specially designed tanks or as liquefied natural gas (LNG) at cryogenic temperatures in insulated tanks. These methods allow for transportation by truck, rail, or ship to reach users when pipelines are not feasible.

What heavy metals can be found in crude oil?

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Crude oil can contain heavy metals such as nickel, vanadium, lead, and mercury. These metals can be present in trace amounts and may vary depending on the source of the crude oil. Regulatory guidelines are in place to monitor and control the levels of these heavy metals in crude oil.

What do petroleum an natural gas form from?

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Petroleum and natural gas form from the remains of ancient marine organisms that were buried and subjected to high temperature and pressure over millions of years. These organic materials undergo a process called diagenesis, transforming into hydrocarbons that make up oil and natural gas.

Is methane found with crude oil?

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Yes, methane can be found alongside crude oil in natural gas deposits. Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons, with methane being the most abundant component. Methane can be extracted along with crude oil during the production process.

Why is liquefied natural gas carried aboard ships in giant spherical containers?

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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is carried in giant spherical containers because they can withstand the extreme low temperatures required to keep the gas in its liquid state. The spherical shape helps evenly distribute pressure, reducing stress on the container. Additionally, spherical containers have lower surface area-to-volume ratios, which minimizes heat transfer and helps maintain the LNG in its liquid form during transportation.

What is the largest oil deposit in the world?

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The Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia is widely considered to be the largest oil field in the world, with estimated reserves of over 75 billion barrels. It has been a major contributor to Saudi Arabia's position as a leading oil producer.

Which fraction of crude oil is viscous?

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Typically, the heavier fractions of crude oil, such as bitumen and heavy oils, are more viscous compared to lighter fractions such as gasoline and diesel. Viscosity increases as the molecular weight and complexity of the hydrocarbon chains in the oil increase.

What does mean by crude oil in nominal and real terms?

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Crude oil in nominal terms refers to its value in current prices without adjusting for inflation. Crude oil in real terms refers to its value in constant prices that have been adjusted for inflation, allowing for a more accurate comparison over time.

What is the molecular formula for waste oil?

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The molecular formula for waste oil can vary depending on the source of the oil, but typically it is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, including alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. As a mixture, waste oil does not have a single molecular formula.

What physical property allows the hydrocarbon in petroleum to be separated HELP NOW?

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The physical property that allows hydrocarbons in petroleum to be separated is difference in boiling points. This property forms the basis of distillation, where crude oil is heated to separate its components based on their boiling points into fractions like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. Further refining processes like cracking and reforming are then used to adjust the composition of these fractions.

How has this continued petroleum extraction from selected areas over time likely affected petroleum resources on Earth?

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Continued petroleum extraction can deplete petroleum resources in selected areas over time, leading to lower availability and potentially driving up prices. It can also contribute to environmental issues such as habitat destruction, air and water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions that can impact ecosystems and human health. Additionally, the extraction process can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, contributing to climate change.

Why will crude oil eventually run out?

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Crude oil is a non-renewable resource, meaning it takes millions of years to form and cannot be replaced within a human lifetime. As we continue to extract and use oil at an increasing rate, the known reserves are being depleted faster than new reserves are being discovered or created. This will eventually lead to the exhaustion of economically viable oil deposits.

What is one drawback of drilling geothermal wells?

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One drawback of drilling geothermal wells is the high upfront costs associated with drilling deep into the Earth's crust to access the geothermal resources. Additionally, there can be challenges in finding suitable locations with sufficient heat and permeability to support geothermal power generation.

What will happen when the earth runs out of petroleum?

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When Earth runs out of petroleum, we will no longer be able to rely on it as a source of energy and fuel for transportation and industry. This will necessitate a transition to alternative energy sources, such as renewable energy, to meet our energy needs sustainably. Additionally, there may be economic and social impacts as industries dependent on petroleum will need to adapt and innovate.

Is Crude Oil a solid liquid or Gas?

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Crude oil is a liquid. It is a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons that is extracted from the ground in liquid form.

Why crude oil only found in certain parts of the world?

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The simple answer is oil, like coal, was formed from ancient forrests that laid down millions of years of vegetation that for some reason (flooding, climate change, continental drift) stopped growing and were trapped into pockets that were covered by layers of rock and eventually pressed into coal fields and oil fields. Its not found everywhere because all the conditions needed for the process to work didn't exist everywhere. Oil is an interesting case. No one knows for sure how exactly it was created. You don't find vegetation fossils in oil like you do in coal beds and oil contains Helium, which is not used by plants. Physicist Tommy Gold (recently died) theorized that oil started as Methane (natural gas) ,which is the most common compound found in the universe, trapped in the earth when it was formed. The gas perculated up into a sub layer, like the water table, and was processed (eaten and crapped out) by microbes into oil. This sublayer of oil (estimated to be about 60 miles down) finds cracks above it, leading to pockets closer to the Earth's surface and slowly percolates up into these pockets, which we discover as oil fields. One way he suggested to test his theory was to revisit old pumped out oil fields and see if they had partially filled back up.

Why are crude oil reserves unevenly distributed in the worlds countries?

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Crude oil reserves are unevenly distributed due to geological reasons, with factors like ancient tectonic activity and sedimentation patterns leading to the concentration of oil in certain areas. Additionally, economic and political factors play a role, as some countries have invested more in exploration and extraction of oil reserves. Geopolitical considerations also influence where companies and countries choose to explore for oil.

Is oil man made or natural?

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Oil is a naturally occurring liquid found underground, formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms under high pressure and heat over millions of years. While humans can extract and refine oil for various uses, the substance itself is not man-made.

What is an Oil field?

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An oil field is an area of land or sea where there are significant deposits of oil that can be extracted using drilling and extraction techniques. Oil fields are typically measured in terms of their reserves, or the amount of oil that can be economically recovered. Oil fields are crucial for the production of crude oil, which is then refined into various petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

What are the five top crude-oil producing countries?

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The top five crude oil producing countries are the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, and China. These countries account for a significant portion of global crude oil production.

If an alternative energy resource could successfully replace crude oil how might the use of that resource affect the environment?

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It could potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, as well as decrease the impact of oil spills on ecosystems. However, the production and disposal of the new energy resource could still have environmental consequences that need to be carefully managed.

How does the sunlight indirectly generate petroleum in the ground?

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Sunlight enables the growth of plants through photosynthesis. When these plants die and decompose, they turn into organic matter that can become petroleum under high pressure and temperature conditions deep underground over millions of years. So, sunlight is indirectly involved in the formation of petroleum by kickstarting the process of plant growth.

What is the main purpose of petroleum refining?

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The main purpose of petroleum refining is to separate and process crude oil into various refined products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and lubricants, which can be used for transportation, heating, and industrial purposes. Refining also involves removing impurities and adjusting the chemical composition to meet specifications and regulatory standards.

Is ethylene petroleum?

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No, ethylene is not petroleum. Ethylene is a colorless gas that is the simplest alkene compound, while petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons found in the Earth's crust. Ethylene is used in various industrial processes and products, while petroleum is primarily used as a source of fuel and raw material for the petrochemical industry.

What is the name of the column used to separate crude oil into its various components?

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The column used to separate crude oil into its various components is called a fractional distillation column. This process takes advantage of the different boiling points of the components in the crude oil to separate them into distinct fractions such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.