


Ingredient Substitutions

If you don't have something you need to complete your recipe, there just might be something here you can substitute. Kitchen tricks and short cuts abound in this category.

2,104 Questions

What can be used in baking instead of butter or margarine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cooking oil or ghee are both good substitutes.

Is bicarbonate of soda used to make soap?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bicarbonate of soda, also known as baking soda, is not typically used to make soap. It is used in baking as a leavening agent, cleaning agent, and for other household purposes. Soap is typically made from fats or oils mixed with an alkali, such as sodium hydroxide (lye) or potassium hydroxide, to undergo a chemical reaction known as saponification.

What colour would be expected for blackberry extract in lemon juice?

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Asked by Wiki User

The color of blackberry extract in lemon juice would likely be a dark purple or violet color due to the combination of the purple hues from blackberries and the yellow color of lemon juice. This mixture may result in a darker, more intense purple shade.

Why is vinegar used when making mayonnaise?

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Vinegar adds acidity to mayonnaise, which helps balance the rich flavors of the oil and egg yolks. It also helps to stabilize the emulsion, preventing the mixture from separating. Additionally, vinegar adds a tangy flavor that complements the other ingredients in mayonnaise.

What have modern studies shown about the use of apricot seed as a medicinal treatment?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Modern studies have shown that apricot seeds contain amygdalin, which can release cyanide in the body when metabolized. This can be toxic and potentially fatal. Therefore, the use of apricot seeds as a medicinal treatment is not recommended due to the serious health risks associated with cyanide poisoning.

Why does lemon and orange juice sting your eyes?

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Asked by Lionsfan016

Lemon and orange juices contain citric acid, which can irritate the sensitive tissues of the eyes. When the juices come into contact with your eyes, they can cause a stinging sensation due to the acidity of the citric acid. It's best to avoid getting these juices near your eyes to prevent discomfort.

What reacts with bleach?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bleach reacts with acids to produce toxic chlorine gas. It can also react with ammonia to produce harmful chloramine vapors. Additionally, bleach should not be mixed with any other household cleaner, as it can produce dangerous chemical reactions.

Is there any material to substitute with Canada balsam?

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Asked by Wiki User

One possible substitute for Canada balsam in microscopy and histology applications is synthetic mounting media such as DPX or Permount. These synthetic mounting media offer similar optical properties and can be used as alternatives to Canada balsam. Additionally, some laboratories use commercial synthetic resins like Euparal or Entellan as substitutes for Canada balsam in slide preparations.

Can lemons make electricity?

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Yes, lemons can generate a small amount of electricity when used in a homemade battery. This is due to the acidic juice in lemons that can act as an electrolyte, allowing for a chemical reaction that produces a current. However, the amount of electricity produced is usually very low and not practical for most applications.

Why is lemon juice or orange juice used to treat acidosis?

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Lemon juice or orange juice contains citric acid, which can help neutralize excess acid in the body and promote a more alkaline environment, helping to restore the body's pH balance. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using these juices as a treatment for acidosis.

What is powdered carbon used for?

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Powdered carbon, also known as activated carbon, is used for various purposes such as water purification, air filtration, and removing toxins or impurities from liquids and gases. It is also used in the production of batteries, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

What color you get after mixing lemon juice to BTB solution?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you mix lemon juice with bromothymol blue (BTB) solution, the color will change from blue to yellow. This is because the acidity of the lemon juice causes the BTB indicator to shift to its yellow color.

Why can't alcohol be substituted for ether as an extraction solvent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alcohol is more polar and less volatile than ether, which can result in lower extraction efficiency and longer extraction times. Additionally, alcohol can form azeotropes with water that can complicate the extraction process. Ether is also considered safer due to its lower flammability compared to alcohol.

Does water evaporate at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, water can still evaporate at night. Evaporation occurs when the water molecules on the surface gain enough energy to break free and turn into vapor, regardless of the time of day. The rate of evaporation may be slower at night due to lower temperature and less sunlight, but it still happens.

Is microorganisms in yogurt's good for us?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, microorganisms in yogurt, such as probiotics, are beneficial for our digestive system and overall health. They help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and may even have other health benefits.

How do you make baking power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Baking powder is made by combining an acid (like cream of tartar) with a base (like baking soda) and a starch (like cornstarch). These ingredients react to create carbon dioxide gas, which helps baked goods rise.

What vegetables are part of the cabbage family?

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Some common vegetables that belong to the cabbage family (Brassicaceae) include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, and bok choy. These vegetables are known for their nutritional value and distinct flavors.

What is the difference between stem ginger and root ginger?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stem ginger is taken fresh and preserved in sugar syrup. It has a different taste than root ginger which is usually allowed to dry somewhat and is grated or ground and put in to dishes and also a very famous cola #1.

How does water evaporate?

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the sun makes the water evaporate from heat

Ans 2:

In any sample of water there are fast-moving molecules and slow-moving molecules. The fastest of those molecules can break free from the surface of the water. This is evaporation. Evaporation leaves behind the slow molecules. Since the temperature of the water is the average energy (speed) of the molecules, the water cools.

How long does it take for a nail to evaporate?

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Nails, being solid metal, do not evaporate. Evaporation is a process that typically involves liquid turning into gas due to heat.

How much juice does the average lemon hold?

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Asked by Wiki User

3 Tablespoons The average lemon contains approximately 3 tablespoons of juice. Allowing lemons to come to room temperature before squeezing (or heating briefly in a microwave) makes the juice easier to extract. Lemons left unrefrigerated for long periods of time are susceptible to mold.

What is half of 3 tablespoons?

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Asked by Wiki User

1.5 teaspoons are in a half of tablespoon. There are 3 teaspoons in a whole tablespoon.

What evaporates into the air?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water evaporates into the air, along with other volatile substances such as alcohol, gasoline, and perfumes. Evaporation is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas due to heat energy breaking the bonds between the liquid molecules.

Why will water evaporate if left out?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water will evaporate when left out because molecules at the surface gain enough energy from the surroundings to break free from the liquid phase and enter the gas phase. This process is driven by temperature and air movement, causing water molecules to escape into the air as water vapor.