



The Laundry category revolves around articles of clothing that have been or are to be washed. Questions in this category typically include tips for removing stains or how various items should be washed.

1,964 Questions

What do egg eye and laundry have in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Egg eye and laundry are both words that contain the letter "y."

How do you wash dark jeans to prevent fading?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wash dark jeans inside out in cold water with a gentle detergent to prevent fading. Avoid over-washing and drying in direct sunlight to help maintain the color of the denim. Consider air drying instead of using a dryer to further prevent fading.

How do you remove a poop stain from your underwear?

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To remove a poop stain from your underwear, first rinse the area with cold water to remove excess residue. Then, apply a pre-treatment stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water to the stain. Launder the underwear as usual following the care instructions on the garment.

Is an ironing board cover a conductor or insulator?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ironing board cover that is only fabric would be more of an insulator between the wood or metal surface of the ironing board.

An ironing board cover with a foam backing and an aluminum type fabric on top would be both an insulator as well as a conductor of heat, to have heat distribute more evenly through the item being ironed.

What will happen to a down comforter if you wash it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Washing a down comforter can cause the down filling to clump together and lose its fluffy texture. The comforter may also take a long time to dry thoroughly, which can lead to mildew or musty odors. It's best to check the care instructions and consider professional cleaning for down comforters.

Why did arctic explorers wash their clothes in tide?

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Arctic explorers washed their clothes in tide because the high tide allowed them to easily rinse away soap and dirt in the icy waters. The moving water helped to agitate the clothes and remove grime effectively. Additionally, the cold water helped to freeze-dry the clothes quickly after washing.

What is the meaning of 'to spot-clean'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spot-clean means to clean a specific area or spot on a surface rather than cleaning the entire surface. It is typically done to quickly address a stain, spill, or other localized dirt without the need for a full cleaning.

How do you remove a woman's clothes while she is sleeping?

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You shouldn't attempt to do this unless you are the woman's partner and she allows you to do this.

Why is biological washing powder should not be used to wash silk clothes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biological washing powders contain enzymes that can break down proteins, such as those found in silk, causing damage to the fabric fibers. It is best to use a gentle, non-biological detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics like silk to ensure the clothes are cleaned effectively without causing harm.

What does sr mean after a woman's name?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two possible explanations. Sr. could stand for "Sister," as in a Catholic Nun (i.e. Sr. Mary Catherine).

Or, more likely since you speak of it at the end of a womans' name, it could stand for "Senior"-- as in they have a child named after them (Elizabeth Anne, Jr.) and thus she now needs to differentiate her name slightly (which is where your question enters; Elizabeth Anne, Sr.). It is uncommon to be used on females, however. The tradition for men to use it is more frequent in our culture.

What does sr mean after a name?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Sr." is an abbreviation for "senior" and typically indicates that the person is a father and has the same name as his son, who is designated with "Jr." As such, "Sr." distinguishes the older individual from the younger one within the same family.

Who should be careful before using antinausea medicines?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Individuals with a history of certain medical conditions, such as glaucoma, asthma, or heart problems, should be cautious before using antinausea medicines. It is important to consult a healthcare provider before taking these medications, especially if you have any existing health issues or are taking other medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also seek medical advice before using antinausea medicines.

Why biological detergents use enzymes?

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Biological detergents use enzymes because they break down protein and lipid-based stains more effectively than traditional chemical detergents. Enzymes target specific types of stains, such as blood or grass, and work at lower temperatures, making them more environmentally friendly.

Is biological laundry dertergent more effective than non-biological laundry detergent?

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Biological laundry detergent contains enzymes that help break down stains and dirt more effectively, making it more efficient than non-biological detergents. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or certain allergies. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the detergent depends on the specific stains and fabrics being washed.

Why are some chemical liquid used for washing clothes or for cleaning?

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Chemical liquids used for washing clothes or cleaning contain surfactants that help to break down dirt and grease. They also often contain enzymes that target specific types of stains or soils. These chemicals are designed to emulsify dirt and help lift it from surfaces, allowing for effective cleaning.

How does raising the temperature in a biological washing powder affect a protease?

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Asked by Jackcole

Raising the temperature in a biological washing powder can increase the rate of enzymatic activity of protease. This can help break down protein-based stains more effectively, improving the overall cleaning performance of the detergent. However, excessively high temperatures can denature the protease enzyme, rendering it less effective.

Can rocks clean clothes?

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No, rocks cannot effectively clean clothes. Rocks do not have the ability to physically remove dirt or stains from clothing. Using traditional laundry detergent, water, and a washing machine is the most effective way to clean clothes.

Is all detergent safe for colors?

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Yes, most varieties of All detergent are safe for colors. They are designed to protect the color integrity of your clothing while effectively cleaning them. Make sure to follow the instructions on the detergent packaging for best results.

Why shouldn't you use francium as a laundry detergent subsutite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Francium is a highly reactive and unstable element that is extremely rare and difficult to handle. Its extreme reactivity could lead to dangerous and unpredictable reactions when used in household applications like laundry detergent. Additionally, its radioactivity poses health risks to both humans and the environment.

Is Purex laundry detergent effective in cold water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Purex laundry detergent is formulated to be effective in cold water. It can still clean and help remove stains from your clothes when washing in cold water, which can help save energy and reduce utility costs.

What kind of reviews does Purex laundry detergent have?

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Purex laundry detergent generally has positive reviews from customers, with many praising its effectiveness in cleaning clothes, affordability, and pleasant scents. Some customers may also mention its value for the price compared to other brands.

What brands of laundry detergent are fragrance free?

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Some brands of fragrance-free laundry detergent are Tide Free and Gentle, Seventh Generation Free and Clear, and All Free Clear. These detergents are designed for people with sensitivities to fragrances and are free from added scents.

Will adding a water softener to my wash help get whites whiter?

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Yes, a water softener can help improve the effectiveness of your laundry detergent on white clothes by reducing the minerals in the water that can dull whites. It can also prevent the buildup of limescale on your washing machine, which can affect its performance. However, using a good quality detergent and opting for a hot water wash may also help in getting whites whiter.

Is fabric softener supposed to be mixed with water before use?

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No, fabric softener is designed to be used directly without mixing it with water. Follow the instructions on the product label for the correct amount to use for each load of laundry. Mixing it with water may dilute its effectiveness.

Does bleach only work in the laundry if you are using it with hot water?

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No, bleach can be effective in laundry even with cold water. However, using hot water can help enhance the bleach's cleaning and disinfecting capabilities.